International Conference Papers

  • Fathianpour N., "Analytical solutions for the Sub-Audio magnetics Technique", Proceedings of American Geophysical union , PP. 1, 1994.
  • Heinson G., White A., Fathianpour N., Robinson D., "Towed self-potential gradient measurements across the South Australia continental margin", Proceedings of Marine electromagnetics conference and exhibition , PP. 1-10, 1999.
  • Fathianpour N., "Application of spectral time domain induced polarization method to resolve orebody characterisation", Proceedings of ASEG 1sth international geophysical conference and exhibition, PP. 5-8, 2001.
  • Fathianpour N., "Development of a new rapid inversion scheme for Total Field Magnetometric Resistivity (TFMMR) data", Proceedings of ASEG 1sth international geophysical conference and exhibition , PP. 1-4, 2001.
  • Fathianpour N., Hashemalhosseini H., Tabatabai Nasab S.H., "Application of Geostatistical Weights In Solving Problems Governed By 2-D Poisson's Equation Using Finite Point Method", Proceedings of International Conference on Computational Methods (ICCM2004), PP. 178-184, 2004.
  • Fathianpour N., Kargar-Dianati M., Sharifian A., Motevakeli S., "Optimising ore sampling procedure at Sarchemeh porphyry copper deposit and its effects on ore recovery", Proceedings of 20th world mining congress 2005, PP. 729-733, 2005.
  • Kargar-Dianati M., Fathianpour N., Sharifian H., Sarcheshmehpour F., "Estimating grade variations of dispatched Ore to mineral processing plant at Sarcheshmeh copper mine", Proceedings of 20th world mining congress 2005, PP. 741-745, 2005.
  • Ghaed Rahmati R., Fathianpour N., "Optimal inversion of RS and IP data at Irankuh Pb-Zn deposit in Isfahan", Proceedings of 20th world mining congress 2005, PP. 413-416, 2005.
  • Asadi-Harooni H., Fathianpour N., Tabaei M., "Integrated analysis of geological, geochemical and IP/RS results to define drill targets at Zefreh porphyry Cu-Mo prospect, Iran", Proceedings of 6th International Symposium on Eastern Mediterranean goeology & 9th International Conference of Jordanian Geologists Association, PP. 84, 2007.
  • Fathianpour N., Hashemalhosseini H., Farzin M., Dibajian S.H., "MODIFICATION OF WEIGHT FUNCTION IN MOVING LEAST SQUARE APPROXIMATION AND ITS APPLICATIONS IN MESHLESS LOCAL PETROV-GALERKIN METHOD", Proceedings of International Conference on Computational Methods (ICCM2007), PP. 86, 2007.
  • Dibajian S.H., Farzin M., Hashemalhosseini H., Fathianpour N., "Modification of moving least square approximation by imposing essential boundary conditions using Kriging method", Proceedings of International Conference on Computational Methods (ICCM2007), PP. 85, 2007.
  • Arabamiri A.R., Moradzadeh A., Fathianpour N., Rajabi D., Kamkar Roohani, A., "Inverse modeling of helicopter electromagnetic data using Siemon's method: A case study in Rabat town, Kurdestan province, Iran", Proceedings of International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference (SGEM 2009) , PP. 1-5, 2009.