Biography 39

Professor Mahmoud Farzin

Address: M. Farzin, Mechanical Engineering Department, Isfahan University of Technology, Isfahan, Iran

Phone: Phone: +98-311-391-2625,  Fax: +98-311- 391- 2628
E-Mail: and


Ph.D. in Mechanical Eng., Applied Mechanics, Univ. of Manchester, Inst. of Science and Tech. (UMIST), U.K., 1990.
M.S. in Advanced Manufacturing Tech., Univ. of Manchester, Inst. of Science and Tech. (UMIST), U.K., 1986.
B.Sc. in Mechanical Engineering, Sharif Univ. of Tech., Tehran, Iran, 1980.


Academic Experience:

Associate Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Isfahan University of Technology (I.U.T.), 1990 - 2001. From Jan. 2002 to Oct. 2005, The Ohio State University, IWSE department. From Oct. 2005 to present, Isfahan University of Technology (I.U.T.).



Awards Received:

  • Distinguished student during undergraduate studies, Sharif University of Technology.
  • Overseas Research Student (O.R.S.) grant awarded in 1986 for Ph.D. studies, Manchester, England.
  • Distinguished lecturer in 1997-98, Isfahan University of Technology.
  • Distinguished lecturer in 2009-10, Isfahan University of Technology.
  • Distinguished researcher in 2010-11, Isfahan University of Technology.


Field of Research:

Sheet Metal Forming Processes, Deep Drawing, Hydroforming, Cold Roll Forming, Finite Element Analysis of Sheet Metal Forming and Bulk Forming of General Shapes, Cold Extrusion of Steel, Die Design, Fine Blanking, Tube Hydroforming, Micro-forming.


Master Dissertation:

“Blank-holderless deep drawing using Modified Tractrix dies”, Analyzed 2D deep drawing process, designed and made required dies to improve drawability of sheet metals, (1985-1986).


Ph.D. Thesis:

“An investigation into hydro-mechanical deep drawing”, Designed and made a hydro-mechanical deep drawing test apparatus, carried out experiments to verify the theoretical predictions of minimum required pressure during the process. Analyzed square cup drawing by the finite element method using ABAQUS software, (1986-1990).