Research Area and Experiences

Research Area and Experiences

Application of nano-technology (nano-measurement) in geomechanics

The development of geothermal reservoir engineering

Monitoring (dam, slope, tunnel, underground spaces, reservoir, mine, bridge)

Grouting (soil and rock)

Site investigation and in situ measurements

Rock mechanics Lab. and in situ tests and instrumentation in rock mechanics (choosing, installing and data processing)

Displacement discontinuity method (DDM)

X-ray CT for geomaterials

Tunneling and underground space design of support system

Gas migration due to crack propagation in coal mines

Physical modeling of deep underground excavation in stratified rocks

Rock slope stability and remote monitoring approach for prediction of landslide

Effect of temperature and pressure on rock strength characterization

Experimental study of rockburst and rockburst process evaluation

Application of infrared thermography (IRT) in geomechanics

Numerical and analytical methods in geomechanics

Rock stress and stress measurement

Geomechanics applications of hydraulic fracturing in oil and gas reservoirs

Reservoir geomechanics

Geomechanics model for wellbore stability (sand production, lost circulation, stuck pipe, breakthrough, wellbore collapse, uncontrolled fracturing and casing failure)

Fracture and damage mechanics (rock and concrete materials)

Locality effects in geomechanics

Work Experiences

March 1993 to October 1993: Field Investigation on Joint Study and determining of Shear Parameters of Rock Mass Discontinuities in Laboratory to Estimate the Stability of Rock Slopes and Characterized of Different Modes of Failure in Goushfil Open Pit Mine, Isfahan, Iran.

Sept. 1996 to Aug. 1999: Rock Mechanic Engineer (Laboratory and In Situ Tests) in KHAK and SANG Co., Tehran, Iran.

Aug. 1999 until October 2001: Rock Engineer in Civil Affairs of Iran Water & Power Resources Development Co., Tehran, Iran.

Stability Checkup for Limestone Slope by means of the Nano-Scale Tilt Monitoring, Preliminary Examination of the Monitoring Data in Shiriya Open Pit Mine”., 2002, (JAPAN).

Feb. 2006 up to now; Dep. of Mining Eng. (Rock Mechanics Division) Isfahan University of Technology, Isfahan-Iran.