Reserve Selection
(An attempt to capture and sustain biodiversity in parcels of land)
Marxan provides decision support to a range of conservation planning problems, including:
- the design of new reserve systems
- reporting on the performance of existing reserve systems
- developing multiple-use zoning plans for natural resource management
Zonation identifies areas important for retaining habitat quality and connectivity for multiple species.
- produces a hierarchical prioritization of the landscape based on the occurrence levels of biodiversity features in sites (cells) by iteratively removing the least valuable remaining cell while accounting for connectivity and generalized complementarity
- produces a complementarity-based priority ranking
C-Plan is a conservation decision support software that links with GIS to map options for achieving explicit conservation targets.
- determining planning units, the sites to be assessed and compared as potential conservation areas
- maps of biodiversity features
- a target for each feature (e.g. number of hectares of each vegetation type and number of locality records for each species)
- data matrix listing the extent or occurrence of each feature in each planning unit
Sites provides a suite of conservation planning options but mostly operates inside an early ecoregional planning framework.
- Test and apply the ecoregional planning approach and performance measures in a structured decision process
- Develop a new reserves for regional conservation analysis that explicitly incorporates spatial design criteria into the site selection process