Applying Circuitscape Theory to Identify Migration Corridors Between Mooteh and Ghamishloo Wildlife Refuges in Isfahan Province-Iran
Modeling of ecological connectivity across landscape is important for understanding a wide range of ecological processes. Modeling ecological connectivity between habitats and incorporating these models into conservation planning require quantifying the effect of spatial patterns of landscape on the degree of habitats connectivity. Recently, concepts from electrical circuit theory have been adapted to model habitats connectivity, predict patterns of movement and identifying corridors. Circuits are defined as network of nodes connected by resistors (electrical components that conduct current).the application of circuit theory to ecological problems is because of connections between ecological and electrical connectivity: as multiple or wider conductors connecting two electrical nodes (in parallel) allow greater current flow than would a single, narrow conductor, multiple or wider habitat swaths connecting populations or habitats also allow greater movement between them.. This theory treats landscape as a conductive surface and creates a network by converting pixels to nodes and connecting them to their immediate neighbors. Results of this theory are current and voltage maps, which can be related to ecological processes like individual movements. In this study circuit theory was applied to evaluate habitats connectivity for Persian gazella (Gazella subgutturosa) and Isfahan wild sheep (Ovis omon isfahanica) between Mooteh and Ghamishloo wildlife refuges in Isfahan province-Iran. Based on current maps, movement patterns and, functional connectivity for target species was evaluated .furthermore, area important for connectivity across the study area was identified. | |
Keywords: Landscape connectivity, Resistance layer, Electrical circuit, Corridor., |