Candidates for four Vice-Presidential positions for the IALE Executive Committee 2017 - 2021

Four valid candidates have shown interest in the position and will be presented below:

By May 15, 2017, the Nomination Committee will distribute to all members currently in good standing a ballot containing the list of candidates for the vice-president positions. The ballot shall be a secret electronic ballot. To be valid, ballots must be returned by the end of the day of July 15, 2017. Candidates for each position will be elected by a simple majority of valid ballots cast. Currently nominated candidates are (in alphabetical order):

Liding Chen: Full research professor in the Research Centre for Eco-Environmental Sciences of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (RCEES-CAS).

Cristian Echeverria:  Forest Engineer, Faculty of Forest Sciences, Universidad de Concepcion, Chile.

Sima Fakheran:  President of IALE-Iran, Assistant Professor of Environmental Sciences at Isfahan University of Technology, Iran.

Robert Scheller:  Professor, North Carolina State University and the Director of the Dynamic Ecosystems and Landscapes Lab.