Honors & Awards
IALE Foreign Scholars Travel Award (FSTA Award) by International Association of Landscape Ecology to attend the IALE World Congress, Nairobi, Kenya
For Participating as Symposium organizer, Panelist, and International Scientific Advisory Committee Member.
Fellowship/ Research Fund from The University of British Columbia (UBC), Canada
Visiting Professor at Sunderland Lab, Faculty of Forestry, Research Project on Collaborating to Operationalise Landscape Approaches for Nature, Development and Sustainability (COLANDS)
Selected by Academy of Sciences of Brazil to attend the World Forum for Women in Science, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil 2020.
For participating Workshop on "Skills for Communication and Leadership in a 5G World" and as invited speaker in the 4th International Conference for Women in Science without Borders (Full support)
Selected by ISTIC/ UNESCO to attend the Training Workshop on Developing Leadership Talents of Women in Science, Technology and Innovation, in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia (Full support)
Selected by Academy of Sciences of Iran and IAP (The Interacademy partnership) to attend the
World Science Forum 2017, in Jordan, Science for Peace (Travel award/Full support)
Selected by International Association for Landscape Ecology (IALE) to attend and organize a symposium in IALE European Congress in Ghent, Belgium (Travel award)
Selected by National Academy of Science of America/Fondation des Treilles to attend the workshop in Nice, France related to Climate Change with focus on Iran (Travel award /Full Support)
Selected by National Academy of Science of America/ World Learning to attend a Science Tour and Symposium in USA related to Climate Change (Travel award /Full Support)
Selected by Caucasus Environmental NGO Network (CENN) to attend the Regional Workshop on Issues and Challenges Related to Air Pollution (Travel Award/Full support).
Selected by Caucasus Environmental NGO Network (CENN) to attend the Regional Workshop on Knowledge Attitudes and Behavior to Address Climate Change (Full suport).
Selected by DAAD (German Academic Exchange Service) to participate in the Science Tour 2012: Understanding Biodiversity and Climate Change in Germany
Scholarship, Ministry of Science, Research & Technology in Iran
1st Place, National competitive exam for selected candidates to be awarded PhD Scholarship to study abroad in Environmental Sciences
1st Place among the graduates in M.Sc
1st Place, National M.Sc. Entrance Examination for Environmental Sciences.