
Journal Papers
Title DOI Date type
Resource Allocation in a MIMO Full-Duplex Relay Network With Imperfect CSI and Energy Harvesting 10.1109/JSYST.2021.3119765 Journal
A novel hybrid backscatter and conventional algorithm for multihop Internet of Things networks 10.1002/ett.4633 Journal
An energy-efficient joint antenna selection and power allocation for MIMO systems under limited feedback 10.1016/j.sigpro.2019.05.010 Journal
Antenna Selection and Power Allocation for Energy Efficient MIMO Systems # Journal
Optimizing floor reservation and contention resolution in wireless random access 10.1016/j.adhoc.2018.08.001 Journal
Partially Blind Joint Channel Estimation and Symbol Detection in Amplify-and-Forward Two-Way Relay Systems 10.1109/TCOMM.2018.2864281 Journal
Optimal and simple near optimal noncoherent detection in amplify and forward two-way relaying over fast fading channels # Journal
Non-Coherent Detection and Denoise-and-Forward Two-Way Relay Networks # Journal
Data-assisted channel estimation and performance analysis for two-way amplify-and-forward relay networks with M-ary frequency shift keying modulation # Journal
Local feature fitting active contour for segmenting vessels in angiograms # Journal
Vesselness-guided Active Contour A Coronary Vessel Extraction Method # Journal
A low complexity DFT-matrix based pilot allocation algorithm for sparse channel estimation in OFDM systems # Journal
Time-Domain Block and Per-Tone Equalization for MIMO OFDM in Shallow Underwater Acoustic Communication # Journal
Joint Compensation of Transmitter and Receiver IQ Imbalance for MIMO-OFDM Over Doubly Selective Channels # Journal
Cooperative Communication with Imperfect Channel Information Performance Analysis and Optimum Power Allocation # Journal
A Review of Coronary Vessel Segmentation Algorithms # Journal
Optimal Progressive Image Transmission Over Rayleigh Fading Channels # Journal
Equalization of SIMO-OFDM Systems with Insufficient Cyclic Prefix in Doubly Selective Channels # Journal
Blin dseparation of jointly stationary correlated sources # Journal