
Journal Papers
Title DOI Date type
Sorption of Pb(II) on palygorskite and sepiolite in the presence of amino acids Equilibria and kinetics # Journal
Equilibrium, kinetic, and thermodynamic studies on nickel removal from aqueous solutions using Ca-bentonite # Journal
Kinetics and thermodynamics of nickel sorption to calcium palygorskite and calcium sepiolite A batch study # Journal
Green manure and overlapped rhizosphere effects on Pb chemical forms in soil and plant uptake in maize/canola intercrop systems A rhizobox study # Journal
Mobility and efficacy of 2 4-D herbicide from slow-release delivery systems based on organo-zeolite and organo-bentonite complexes # Journal
Equilibrium kinetic and thermodynamic studies on nickel removal from aqueous solutions using Ca-bentonite # Journal
The effect of preceding crop on wheat grain zinc concentration and its relationship to total amino acids and dissolved organic carbon in rhizosphere soil solution # Journal
Characterization and 2 4-D adsorption of sepiolite nanofibers modified by N-cetylpyridinium cations # Journal
Silicon nutrition and phytophthora drechsleri infection effects on growth and mineral nutrients concentration uptake and relative translocation in hydroponic-grown cucumber # Journal
Adsorption desorption behavior of 2 4-D on NCP-modified bentonite and zeolite Implications for slow-release herbicide formulations # Journal
Competitive sorption of nickel cadmium zinc and copper on palygorskite and sepiolite silicate clay minerals # Journal
Effect of Silicon Nutrition on Oxidative Stress Induced by Phytophthora melonis Infection in Cucumber # Journal
Land-use conversion effects on phosphate sorption characteristics in soils of forest and rangeland sites from Zagros area Western Iran # Journal
Desferrioxamine-B Adsrption to and Iron Dissolution from Palygorskite and Sepiolite # Journal
Availability of Organic and Inorganic Phosphorus Fractions to Wheat in Toposequences of Calcareous Soils # Journal
Kinetics of cadmium desorption from fibrous silicate clay minerals Influence of organic ligands and aging # Journal
Sorption of cadmium on palygorskite sepiolite and calcite Equilibria and organic ligand affected kinetics # Journal
Sorption-desorption of cadmium in aqueous palygorskite sepiolite and calcite suspensions Isotherm hysteresis # Journal
Phosphorus buffering capacity indices as related to soil properties and plants uptake # Journal
Phosphorus release kinetics and availability in calcareous soils of selected arid and semiarid toposequences # Journal