
Conference Papers
Title DOI Date type
Evaluation of the performance of bentonite and serpentine mixture as a shield in radioactive waste landfills Conference
Evaluation of the performance of bentonite and hematite mixture as a shield in radioactive waste landfills Conference
Evaluation of the performance of bentonite and red mud mixture as a shield in radioactive waste landfills Conference
Design Optimisation of the Size and Geometry of Frustum Confining Vessel Conference
The performance of clay at different moisture contents for environmental protection against gamma ray Conference
Soil Improvement with Microbial-Induced Carbonate Precipitation System Conference
ارزيابي بهبود رفتار مقاومتي ماسه بادي با افزودن رزين پليمري با پايه آميني Conference
The Effect of Structural Skirts on Bearing Capacity of Shallow Circular Foundations Conference
Stability Analysis of Piled Embankments over Soft Soils Conference
Numerical Analysis of Geogrid Reinforced Soil Retaining Walls with Oblique Reinforcement Conference
Numerical Investigation on Pile Group Lateral Deflection under Combined Loading Conference
The effect of reinforced block rotation on face horizontal deformation of Geogrid reinforced soil retaining walls Conference
Experimental Study of Reinforcement Effects on the Stiffness and Bearing Capacity of Geogrid Reinforced Sand Conference
Effect of Acrylic Resin Injection on Improvement of Compressive Strength and Elastic Modulous of Grouted Sand Conference
Laboratory Study of Fine Graded Sand Improvement Using Polyvinyl Acetate Injection Conference
The Effect of Compaction Method on the Behavior of Granular Base Materials under Repetitive Loading Conference
Anisotropic Resilient Characterization of Granular Base Materials Conference
اثر محيط منفرد و مختلط بيولوژيكي بر خواص مكانيكي-هيدروليكي ماسه بادي 10.22034/JCEE.2021.27050.1658 Journal
بهبود خواص مقاومتي و نفوذپذيري ماسهبادي به روش بيولوژيكي # Journal
ارزيابي عوامل موثر بر تثبيت خاكهاي ريزدانه در برابر باد به منظور جلوگيري از پيدايش ريزگردها # Journal