
type: Journal
Title DOI Year Month type
Optimal antiblocking systems of information sets for the binary codes related to triangular graphs 10.3934/amc.2020107 1399 07 Journal
Examples of Groups with Collinearity 10.1007/s40995-020-00889-1 1399 02 Journal
Properties of Reflection Geometries and the Corresponding Group Spaces 10.1007/s00025-019-1024-9 1398 06 Journal
A new solution of Apollonius' problem based on stereographic projections of M?bius and Laguerre planes 10.1007/s13366-019-00434-1 1397 10 Journal
Degenerate Forms of Miquel Axiom and Dilatations in Benz Planes 10.1007/s00025-018-0884-8 1397 06 Journal
Groups with a ternary equivalence relation 10.1007/s00010-018-0543-x 1397 03 Journal
Discontinuity modelling and rock block geometry identification to optimize production in dimension stone quarries NULL 1396 10 Journal
A new quality factor for the building stone industry a case study of stone blocks slabs and tiles NULL 1395 12 Journal
Elliptic reflection spaces NULL 1394 10 Journal
How to Determine the Appropriate Methods for Identifying the Geometry of In Situ Rock Blocks in Dimension Stones NULL 1394 04 Journal
Classification of general absolute planes by quasi-ends NULL 1394 03 Journal
بازتاب، فضاي بازتابي و فضاي حركت NULL 1393 07 Journal
مساحت و كاستي در مدل بلترامي-كلاين NULL 1392 01 Journal
On Characterization of Absolute Geometries NULL 1391 11 Journal
Reflection Spaces and Corresponding Kinematic Structures NULL 1391 11 Journal
Defect and Area in Beltrami-Klein Model of Hyperbolic Geometry NULL 1391 11 Journal
type: Conference
Title Year Month type Conference Title
ارايه روشي براي افزايش بهره وري معادن سنگ ساختماني جهت تبديل به جايگزين هاي مناسب براي نفت 1396 09 Conference يازدهمين كنگره ملي پيشگامان پيشرفت
On Benz-Planes admitting automorphisms with exactly two fix points 1394 06 Conference The 46th Annual Iranian Mathematics Conference
Quasiparallism in General Absolute Planes 1392 06 Conference 11th International Conference on Geometry and Applications