
type: Journal
Title DOI Year Month type
Hamiltonian Hopf bifurcations near a chaotic Hamiltonian resonance 10.1016/j.physd.2023.134017 1402 12 Journal
Lagrangian fibrations in coupled resonant oscillators in the paired case of four degrees of freedom containing swinging spring oscillator 10.1098/rspa.2021.0728 1400 12 Journal
All relative equilibria of Hamiltonian in detuned 1:2:3 resonance 10.1016/j.jde.2021.05.012 1400 05 Journal
Periodic Klein-Gordon Chains with Three Particles in 1:2:2 Resonance 10.1007/s10884-021-10005-5 1400 01 Journal
The 1:2:4 resonance in a particle chain NULL 1399 10 Journal
Nondegenerate Hamiltonian Hopf Bifurcations in $$\omega:3:6$$ Resonance $$(\omega=1$$ or $$2)$$ 10.1134/S1560354720060027 1399 08 Journal
On detuned 1:1:3 Hamiltonian resonance with cases of symmetric cubic and quartic potentials 10.1063/5.0008641 1399 06 Journal
Numerical Detection and Analysis of Strong Resonance Bifurcations with a Reflection Symmetry and Some Applications in Economics and Neural Networks NULL 1399 04 Journal
The Coupled $1$:$2$~Resonance in a Symmetric Case and Parametric Amplification Model NULL 1399 04 Journal
Neimark-Sacker Bifurcation with Zn-Symmetry and a Neural Application 10.1007/s12346-019-00320-0 1397 12 Journal
Numerical bifurcation analysis of double 1 multiplier in Z3-symmetric maps NULL 1397 04 Journal
تحليل عددي انشعاب فولد-چنگال با تقارن Z_2 و كاربرد آن در جريان سيال در لوله NULL 1396 08 Journal
On bifurcations of delay single species discrete time population models 10.1080/10236198.2017.1397645 1396 07 Journal
Planar Homogeneous Systems of Difference Equations NULL 1393 10 Journal
type: Conference
Title Year Month type Conference Title
Resonance in particle chains and dynamics 1402 06 Conference 12th Int'l Conference on Mathematical Modelling in Physical Sciences
Numerical Normal Form of Symmetric Bifurcation sof Maps 1397 04 Conference چهاردهمين سمينار معادلات ديفرانسيل، سيستم هاي ديناميكي و كاربردها
محاسبه فرم هاي نرمال انشعابات نگاشت هاي متقارن 1395 04 Conference سيزدهمين سمينار بين المللي معادلات ديفرانسيل، سيستم هاي ديناميكي و كاربردها
Critical Coefficients for Fold-Pitchfork bifurcation with Z2-Symmetry 1394 03 Conference دوازدهمين سمينار معادلات ديفرانسيل و سيستم هاي ديناميكي
On a Class of Maps Containing Complicated Dynamics 1394 03 Conference 8th Chaotic Modeling and Simulation International Conference
BIFURCATIONS OF CODIMENSION ONE OF DELAY EQUATIONS AND APPLICATIONS IN POPULATION MODELS 1393 04 Conference يازدهمين سمينار معادلات ديفرانسيل و سيستم هاي ديناميكي