Developing a puncture-free in ovo chicken transfection strategy based on bypassing albumen nucleases
10.1016/j.theriogenology.2016.12.031 |
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Estimation of Economic Values for Fertility Stillbirth and Milk Production Traits in Iranian Holstein Dairy Cows
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Differential Expression of the Alpha S1 Casein and Beta-Lactoglobulin Genes in Different Physiological Stages of the Adani Goats Mammary Glands
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Large-scale Gene Co-expression Network as a Source of Functional Annotation for Cattle Genes
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Genetic parameters of body weight and ascites in broilers Effect of different incidence rates of ascites syndrome
10.1080/00071668.2016.1257111 |
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Changes in the Expression of the Prolactin Receptor (PRLR) Gene in Different Physiological Stages in the Mammary Gland of the Iranian Adani Goat
10.1111/rda.12723 |
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Genetic Perspective of Ascites Syndrome in Meat Type Chickens Iranian Journal of Applied Animal Science
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The suitability of some blood gas and biochemical parameters as diagnostic tools or early indicators of ascites syndrome in broiler sire line
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Association between early growth-related traits and ascites induced in broiler sire lines by saline drinking water or cool temperatures
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Detection of major genes affecting growth-related traits in a broiler chicken line
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A Comparison of the Sensitivity of the BayesC and Genomic Best Linear Unbiased Prediction (GBLUP) Methods of Estimating Genomic Breeding Values under Different Quantitative Trait Locus (QTL) Model Assumptions
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Growth Hormone Gene Polymorphism in Two Iranian Native Fowls
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Fertility subindex for improving fertility performance in Iranian Holstein cows
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Accuracy of real-time ultrasonography in Assessing Carcas Traits in Torki-ghashghaii Sheep
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Effect of allele frequencies effect sizes and number of markers on prediction of quantitative traits in chickens
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Assessment of body measurement chracterstics of Iranian Turkmen and Caspian horses
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A Study of Polymorphisms in Three Loci Known to Influence Defensive Behavior Using PCR-SSCP and Direct Sequencing in the Iranian Honey Bee Population
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Influence of ascites syndrome on growth pattern of chickens reared at normal or cold ambient temperature
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The relation between the genetic architecture of quantitative traits and long-term genetic response
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Dissection of additive genetic variability for quantitative traits in chickens using SNP markers
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