Drought stress tolerance in vetch plants (Vicia sp.): agronomic evidence and physiological signatures
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Elevated atmospheric CO2 concentration mitigates salt damages to safflower: Evidence from physiological and biochemical examinations
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Wheat cultivars responses to drought stress and atmospheric CO2 concentration variability
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Responses of Two-Row and Six-Row Barley Genotypes to Elevated Carbon Dioxide Concentration and Water Stress
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Biochemical responses of sorghum and maize to the impacts of different levels of water deficit and nitrogen supply
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Salinity tolerance screening in Iranian and Afghan melons (Cucumis melon) based on several associated morphological and physiological traits
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Interplay of an array of salt-responding mechanisms in Iranian borage: Evidence from physiological, biochemical, and histochemical examinations
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The effect of water and nitrogen on drip tape irrigated silage maize grown under arid conditions: experimental and simulations
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Comparing the Corn, Millet and Sorghum as Silage Crops Under Different Irrigation Regime and Nitrogen Fertilizer Levels
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The combined effect of nitrogen fertilizer and sowing season on response to water-limited stress in barley ( Hordeum vulgare L.)
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Comparison of Growth Responses in Sorghum Genotypes and Corn Grown in Arid Regions Under Different Levels of Water and Nitrogen Supplies
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Response of sorghum genotypes to water deficit stress under different CO2 and nitrogen levels
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Interaction Effects of Dust and Water Deficit Stresses on Growth and Physiology of Persian Oak (Quercus brantii Lindl.)
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Growth and biochemical changes of sorghum genotypes in response to carbon dioxide and salinity interactions
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Millet forage yield and silage quality as affected by water and nitrogen application at different sowing dates
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Effect of exogenous application of salicylic acid on salt-stressed sorghum growth and nutrient contents
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Interactive effects of sowing date and nitrogen fertilizer on water and nitrogen use efficiency in millet cultivars under drought stress
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Effects of changing the air carbon dioxide concentration, temperature and soil moisture on growth and some physiological parameters of two species, Agropyron trichophorum (Link) Richt and Bromus tomentellus Boiss
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Interactive effects of CO 2 and nitrogen supply on growth and physiological traits of millet cultivars under drought stress
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Drought-tolerance mechanisms in foxtail millet (Setaria italica) and proso millet (Panicum miliaceum) under different nitrogen supply and sowing dates
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