
Journal Papers
Title DOI Date type
Compression Load Carrying Capacity of 3D Integrated Pyramidal Knitted Composites: Experimental and Numerical Approaches 10.1007/s10443-024-10304-2 Journal
Development of ABAQUS Plugin Predicting the Mechanical Behavior and Failure Modes of Weft Knitted-Reinforced Composites 10.1007/s12221-025-00850-2 Journal
Structural effect of weft knitted pressure garments on applied pressure and thermal comfort properties # Journal
The Effect of Structural Integrity and Geometric Configurations of Corrugated Cores on Flexural Properties of Sandwich Panels: Experimental and Numerical Method 10.1007/s12221-024-00725-y Journal
Simulation of the Tensile Behaviour of Biaxial Knitted Fabrics Produced Based on Rib Structure Using a Macro Constitutive Model 10.1088/2631-6331/ad68c0 Journal
Multi-Cellular 3D Flat-Knitted Composite Panels Strengthened by PU-Foam: Manufacturing, Testing and Simulating 10.1007/s10443-024-10204-5 Journal
A simulation approach to auxetic and non-auxetic behavior of 3D composites produced with multi-cell flat-knitted spacer fabrics 10.1080/00405000.2023.2274639 Journal
Mechanical behavior of hybrid biaxial single jersey knitted-reinforced composites: Experimental and numerical approaches 10.1016/j.compstruct.2023.117167 Journal
Comparison of solo and conventional ring yarns: effects on the compression characteristics of cut-pile carpets 10.1080/00405000.2022.2050023 Journal
Process development and compression behavior of innovative 3D bi-directional flat-knitted spacer-reinforced composites 10.1177/1528083721992770 Journal
Investigation the influence of spacer yarns orientation angle on the thermal behavior of 3D textile reinforced concrete (TRC) 10.1177/09544062211047357 Journal
Implementation of multiscale modeling and failure mechanism in investigating load bearing capacity of 3D integrated multi-cellular knitted composites 10.1080/15376494.2021.1971346 Journal
Determination of corrugated core sandwich panels elastic constant based on three different experimental methods and effect of structural integrity on flexural properties 10.1007/s42452-021-04424-8 Journal
Development and auxetic characterization of 3D composites produced with newly-designed multi-cell flat-knitted spacer fabrics 10.1177/1528083720971696 Journal
Experimental and numerical study on stiffness and damage of glass/epoxy biaxial weft-knitted reinforced composites 10.1177/0731684420938446 Journal
Investigation into the effect of fabric structure on surface temperature distribution in weft-knitted fabrics using thermal imaging technique 10.2298/TSCI180811290Z Journal
The effect of core geometry on flexural stiffness and transverse shear rigidity of weight?wise identical corrugated core sandwich panels reinforced with 3D flat spacer knitted fabric 10.1002/pc.25662 Journal
Finite Element Modeling of the Compression Garments Structural Effect on the Pressure Applied to Leg 10.1007/s12221-020-9542-3 Journal
Free vibration analysis of integrated and non-integrated corrugated core sandwich panels reinforced with weft-knitted fabrics 10.1177/1099636219900343 Journal
Effect of profile and reinforcing the surface layers on bending behavior of 3D multi-cell spacer weft-knitted composites 10.1177/1528083719892920 Journal