Enhancing Information Freshness and Energy Efficiency in D2D Networks Through DRL-Based Scheduling and Resource Management |
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Enhancing Connectivity and Transmission Robustness for Vehicular Communications Assisted by SGF NOMA and Full-Duplex Relaying |
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A novel hybrid backscatter and conventional algorithm for multihop Internet of Things networks |
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Outage Analysis of Multiuser MIMO-NOMA Transmissions in Uplink Full-Duplex Cooperative System |
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Home energy management system based on task classification and the residents requirements |
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مديريت مصرف در خانه با رعايت تاثير تقاضاهاي كنترل محيطي در تقاضاهاي زمان محدود |
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مديريت مصرف درخانه با رعايت تاثيرتقاضاهاي كنترل محيطي در تقاضاهاي زمان نامحدود |
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Sum-Throughput Maximization of Secondary Users in an In-Band Full-Duplex Cognitive Wireless Powered Communication Network |
10.1109/JSYST.2019.2929465 |
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Home energy management system based on task classification and the residents requirements |
10.1016/j.ijepes.2019.105815 |
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A New Relay Policy in RF Energy Harvesting for IoT Networks-A Cooperative Network Approach |
10.1109/JIOT.2018.2824348 |
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Maximizing Dynamic Access Energy Efficiency in Multiuser CRNs With Primary User Return |
10.1109/JSYST.2018.2799902 |
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Improving the lifetime of multichannel cognitive radio sensor networks via new spectrum sensing method |
10.1002/ett.3551 |
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Discrete-Time, Markov Chain Analysis of Energy Efficiency in a CR Network Regarding Primary and Secondary Traffic With Primary User Returns |
10.1109/ACCESS.2018.2825291 |
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Performance Evaluation of Cognitive Radio VoIP Users in Fading Environment |
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Quality of Service Analysis for the Real-Time Secondary Users in Cognitive Radio Cellular Networks |
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Energy Efficiency Optimization of Secondary Network Considering Primary User Return With Alternating-Phase-Type Traffic |
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Mobility and Load Aware Radio Resource Management in OFDMA Femtocell Networks |
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Coexisting with the dynamic PU the effect of PU-returns on a secondary network |
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Analysis of a multi-user cognitive radio network considering primary users return |
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Improving Voice-Service Support in Cognitive Radio Networks |
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