Synergic effects of scanning pattern and heat treatment on the microstructure-hot tensile behavior relationships of powder bed fusion-laser beam manufactured Hastelloy X |
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An experimental investigation of selective laser melting parameters effects on ferromagnetic properties of pure iron in both the as-built and annealed conditions |
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Characterization of the microstructure, texture, and tensile behavior of additively manufactured Hastelloy X superalloy: Insights into heat treatment at 900 °C |
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In vitro biological properties of hydroxyapatite/polyamide 12 composites for bone regeneration |
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Characterization of hydroxyapatite powders and selective laser sintering of its composite with polyamide |
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Parametric investigation of micro-pores coalescence in the microstructure of LPBF manufactured AISI 316 stainless steel under high cycle fatigue loading |
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Microstructure and hot tensile behavior of Hastelloy X superalloy laser powder-bed fusion-fabricated through different scanning patterns |
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High flexible additively manufactured nanocomposite textiles with desirable thermoelectric properties |
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Adjustment of the scan track spacing and linear input energy to fabricate dense, pseudoelastic Nitinol shape memory alloy parts by selective laser melting |
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A Parametric Study of Powder Bed Temperature Distribution in Selective Laser Sintering Process |
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Effects of increasing powder layer thickness on the microstructure, mechanical properties, and failure mechanism of IN718 superalloy fabricated by laser powder bed fusion |
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Meso-scale damage mechanics modeling for high cycle fatigue behavior of additively manufactured components |
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Contribution of hot isostatic pressing on densification, microstructure evolution, and mechanical anisotropy of additively manufactured IN718 Ni-based superalloy |
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Production and characterization of Ti6Al4V/CaP nanocomposite powder for powder-based additive manufacturing systems |
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Investigation of microstructure-tensile behavior relationship in Hastelloy X Ni-based superalloy processed by laser powder-bed fusion: Insights into the elevated temperature ductility loss |
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Selective Laser Sintering of Polystyrene: Preserving Mechanical Properties without Post-processing |
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Experimental and numerical investigation on lattice structures fabricated by selective laser melting process under quasi-static and dynamic loadings |
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بررسي تاثير نرخ سردشدن قطعه پس از اتمام فرايند تفجوشي انتخابي با كمك ليرز بر خواص مكانيكي و ساختار كريستالي پلي اميد 12 |
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Microstructural and mechanical anisotropy of selective laser melted IN718 superalloy at room and high temperatures using small punch test |
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An Investigation into Thermal History and Its Correlation with Mechanical Properties of PA12 Parts Produced by Selective Laser Sintering Process |
10.1007/s11665-020-04640-0 |
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