
Journal Papers
Title DOI Date type
Synthesis of engineered silica aerogel containing SrAl2O4: Eu2+, Dy3+ to improve luminescence efficiency, thermal and water stability and optical properties 10.1016/j.jnoncrysol.2022.121521 Journal
Effect of processing parameters and pore structure of nanostructured silica aerogel on the physical properties of aerogel blankets # Journal
A New Approach for Color Matching of Fluorescent Dyes in binary mixture # Journal
Using Principal Component Analysis Technique in the Instrumental Shade Sorting of Textile Fabrics # Journal
Feasibility of using digital color imaging devices for the determination of cationic dyes compatibility 10.1002/col.22074 Journal
Wool dyeing with binary mixture of natural dyes # Journal
Structural parameters effect on UVR transmission of weft knitted fabrics # Journal
Evaluation of Color Difference Whiteness and Luster of Multifilament Polyester Woven Fabrics # Journal
textile colour matching using linear and eponential weighted principal componenet analysis # Journal
A novel method for determination of compatibility of dyes by means of principal component analysis 10.1002/col.20571 Journal
A New Approach to the metamerism Phenomenon in the Frequency Domain # Journal
Effect of Synthesis Conditions on Pore Structure and Physical Properties of Silica Aerogel Dried at Ambient Pressure Conference
investigation of the strength of acid dyes Conference
Analysis of Spectral Components of Fluorescent Dyes on Textiles Conference
Evaluation of color changes in different types of greenhouse covering materials after exposure to environmental conditions Conference
Investigation Into the Colour Levelness of Textile Materials Using a Scanner Conference
Determination of dyeing rate using spectral data Conference
A Colorimetric Method for Colour Levelness Assessment Using DE2000 Formula Conference
Effect of Color on Textile Fabrics Specular Gloss Conference
سنتز ذرات پوسته هسته فلورسنت سيليكا و بررسي اثر اندازه ذرات در تعيين PH # Journal