
Journal Papers
Title DOI Date type
Efficient design of a multilayer structure based on a transmission line model for parallel optical analog computing 10.1364/JOSAB.403830 Journal
Experimental study of the turbulence effect on underwater optical wireless communications 10.1364/AO.57.008314 Journal
Slow Light Propagation in Photonic Crystal-Based Meandering Delay Lines Using the PTS Material 10.1007/s13369-018-3440-7 Journal
Ultra-short pulse generation in a linear femtosecond fiber laser using a Faraday rotator mirror and semiconductor saturable absorber mirror 10.1088/1612-202X/aa885c Journal
All-fiber high-power monolithic femtosecond laser at 1.59m with 63-fs pulse width 10.1007/s00340-017-6874-9 Journal
Analysis and design of an invisibility cloak based on transformation optics at microwave frequencies 10.3906/elk-1705-153 Journal
Use of Gaussian beam divergence to compensate for misalignment of underwater wireless optical communication links # Journal
Modeling turbulence in underwater wireless optical communications based on Monte Carlo simulation # Journal
An ultrafast all-optical switch based on a nonlinear photonic crystal waveguide using single crystal p-toluene sulfonate # Journal
يك الگوريتم سريع رمزنگاري # Journal
Video Steganography in HEVC Using Intra-Prediction Modes Conference
بهبود اثر دشارژ الكترواستاتيك بر صفحات خورشيدي ماهواره با بكارگيري روش ك در الگوريتم ژنتيك Conference
Receiver Parameters Effect on Underwater Optical Wireless Communication Performance in the Presence of Transmitted Gaussian Beam Conference
Investigation of Underwater Optical Wireless Communications with Turbulence Conference
Stable Linear SESAM Femtosecond fiber laser by use of Faraday Rotator Mirrors Conference
Stable linear SESAM femtosecond fiber- laser by use of faraday rotator mirrors. Conference
افزايش بازدهي جاسازي اطلاعات در روشهاي پنهان نگاري پر ظرفيت Conference
پنهان نگاري تطبيقي براساس نويز شبه تصادفي وابسته به پوشانه (CDN) Conference