
Conference Papers
Title Date type
CO2 capture using Al2O3 nanofluid in a hollow fiber membrane contactor Conference
Removal of methylene blue by magnetic nanoparticles encapsulated with alginate beads Conference
stability evaluation of paraffin-nano Al2O3 as a phase change material with high thermal conductivity Conference
Adsorption and equilibrium studies on removal of Cr(IV) from aqueous solutions using sesame as low cost adsorbent Conference
Wheat straw as low cost adsorbent for Pb(II) removal adsorption and equilibrium Conference
Poly (vinyl alcohol)-zeolite NaX mixed matrix membranes for pervaporation separation of methanol/MTBE mixtures Conference
An experimental investigation into the reusing sodium contaminated lithium bromide solution and recovery of lithium ions by using electrodialysis method Conference
Effect of nanofluid on mass transfer coefficient of CO2 in a wetted wall column Conference
Experimental Study of Batch Electrodialysis Process in Separation of Sodium Sulfate from Magnesium Stearate Aqueous Slurry Conference
Application of Silver Nanoparticles in the Reverse Osmosis Membrane Conference
Fabrication and characterization of polyurethane/3A zeolite mixed matrix Membrane for gas separation Conference
Experimental investigation on performance of a very small adsorption chiller Conference
Photocatalytic Degradation of Organic Contaminants in aqueous Phase Using TiO2 Nanoparticles Conference
Organic Contamination Removal from Water Using Nanoparticles Conference
Biosorption of Lead and Cadmium from Aqueous Solution by a Spore Forming Bacillus Isolated from Wastewater of a Leather Factory Conference
Separation of nitrate ion and salt by commercial nanofiltration membrane Conference
Reverse selectivity in ethylene ethane separation using cellulose acetate- silica nanocomposite membranes Conference
Mathematical Modeling of a Fixed Bed Reactor for Dehydrogenation of Isobutane Conference
Fast Adsorption of Cu(II) Ions from Water by Magnetic Polyvinyl Alcohol Nanoparticles Conference
Synthesis ofMagnetic Polyvinyl Alcohol Nanoparticles for Fast Adsorption of Pb(II) Ions from Water Conference