
Journal Papers
Title DOI Date type
Semileptonic $B_{s}\to K_0^*(1430)$ transitions with the light-cone sum rules 10.1103/PhysRevD.105.116027 Journal
Semileptonic D (s) - A + and nonleptonic D ? K 1 (1270, 1400)pi decays in LCSR # Journal
Semileptonic and nonleptonic decays of D into tensor mesons with light-cone sum rule # Journal
Analysis of Ds*D*K* and Ds1D1K* vertices in three-point sum rules # Journal
Analysis of the semileptonic B to K_1 ell ell-transitions and non-leptonic B to K_1 gamma decay in the AdS/QCD correspondence # Journal
Analysis of D_s D K* and D_s D* K* vertices and branching ratio of Bto K*0 pi # Journal
Form Factors and Differential Branching Ratio of B to K mu mu- in AdS/QCD # Journal
Semileptonic Bs-a1(K1) ll decays via the light -cone sum rules with B-meson distribution amplitudes # Journal
Flavor changing neutral current transition of B to a1 with light-cone sum rules # Journal
Semileptonic Decays of B(Bs) to Light Tensor Mesons 10.1155/2016/2352041 Journal
Decay constants and masses of light tensor mesons(j P 2 ) # Journal
Form factors and branching ratios of the FCNC B to a_1 ell ell - decays # Journal
Analysis of the semileptonic B_c to D_1 0 transition in QCD sum rules and HQET # Journal
D_ s0 D K vertex in QCD sum rules # Journal
Analysis of V D_ s0 * D_ s1 and V D_ s D_ s * vertices # Journal
Semileptonic decays of B_s to phi meson in QCD # Journal
Vertices of the vector mesons with the strange charmed mesons in QCD # Journal
Two-Higgs-doublet model and double-lepton polarization asymmetries in B- K_0 * (1430) l l - decay. # Journal
The strong coupling constants g_(D_ s1 D * K) and g_(D_ s1 D * K_ 0 * ) in QCD sum rules. # Journal
Semileptonic Bc -Dlv transition in three-point QCD sum rules and heavy quark effective theory with gluon condensate corrections # Journal