
Journal Papers
Title DOI Date type
Experimental study on effect of EBR and EBROG methods on debonding of FRP sheets used for shear strengthening of RC beams # Journal
FE analysis of RC structures using DSC model with yield surface for tension and compression # Journal
Externally bonded reinforcement in grooves (EBRIG) technique to postpone debonding of FRP sheets in strengthened concrete beams # Journal
Displacement Measurement of Bending Tests Using Digital Image Analysis Method # Journal
Grooving Method to Postpone Debonding of FRP Sheets Used for Shear Strengthening # Journal
A new DEM-based method to predict packing density of coarse aggregates considering their grading and shapes # Journal
Effect of confining of boundary elements of slender RC shear wall by FRP composites and stirrups # Journal
Punching Shear Strengthening of Two-Way Flat Slabs with CFRP Grids # Journal
Mix design effective parameters on Gamma-ray attenuation coefficient and strength of normal and heavyweight concrete # Journal
Investigation of RC Beams Strengthened with Prestressed NSM CFRP Laminates # Journal
Performance of EBROG Method under Multilayer FRP Sheets for Flexural Strengthening of Concrete Beams # Journal
A New Test Setup for Experimental Test of RC Beams under Combined Shear and Torsion # Journal
Fixed Supports in Assessment of RC Beams Behavior Under Combined Shear and Torsion # Journal
A Numerical Method to Predict Packing Density of Aggregates in Concrete # Journal
Nonlinear Modeling of RC Beams Subjected to Torsion using the Smeared Crack Model # Journal
Elimination of Debonging of FRP Strips in Shear Strengthened beams Using Grooving Method # Journal
Experimental study of moment redistribution in RC frames strengthened with CFRP sheets # Journal
A Procedure for Predicting the Behavior of FRP Confined Concrete Using the FE Method # Journal
Grooving as Alternative Method of Surface Preparation to Postpone Debonding of FRP Laminates in Concrete Beams # Journal