
Journal Papers
Title DOI Date type
An algorithm for generating efficient block designs via a novel particle swarm approach 10.1007/s00180-023-01369-x Journal
Optimal test-control block designs with unequal block sizes and correlated errors # Journal
Universally optimal balanced block designs for interference model 10.1007/s00184-022-00870-5 Journal
Optimality of circular equineighbored block designs under correlated observations # Journal
Optimal balanced block designs for correlated observations 10.1002/cjs.11549 Journal
An algorithm for finding efficient test-control block designs with correlated observations 10.1007/s00180-019-00904-z Journal
Universal optimal block designs under hub correlation structure # Journal
طرح هاي همسايه-متعادل مدور بهينه 10.18869/acadpub.jss.10.2.261 Journal
طرح هاي Etc بهينه بلوكي براي مقايسه تيمارها با يك كنترل و مشاهدات همبسته # Journal
Estimation of burst rates in water distribution mains # Journal
Optimal extended complete block designs for dependent observations # Journal
Optimal designs under two related models for interference # Journal
Universally Optimality for One-Sided Interference Model Conference
Construction of Efficient Block Designs for Microarray Experiments and Mixed Effects Conference
طرح هاي دودويي تعميم يافته بهينه با اندازه بلوك t+1 تحت مدل تداخلي يكطرفه Conference
Optimality of block designs with different hub correlation values Conference
E-optimal test-control block designs with correlated errors Conference
Optimality of incomplete block designs under hub correlation Conference
طرح هاي آزمايش-كنترل بلوكي استوار با مشاهدات همبسته در برابر فقدان مشاهدات تحت معيار اي-تي سي بهينگي Conference
استواري طرح هاي Atc بهينه آزمايش كنترل بلوكي با مشاهدات همبسته Conference