
Journal Papers
Title DOI Date type
Personalized Privacy Preserving Method for Social Networks Graph k-Anonymization # Journal
Fostering Peer Learning With a Game-Theoretical Approach in a Blended Learning Environment 10.1109/TCSS.2021.3101467 Journal
Star edge coloring of the Cartesian product of graphs # Journal
A Polynomial Time Algorithm to Find the Star Chromatic Index of Trees # Journal
Star Edge Coloring of Cactus Graphs 10.1007/s40995-020-00829-z Journal
Clique-Coloring of K3,3-Minor Free Graphs 10.1007/s41980-019-00341-0 Journal
Injective Chromatic Number of Outerplanar Graphs # Journal
A characterization of domr graphs with metric dimention two # Journal
Star coloring and tree-width of kneser graph Kg(n 2) # Journal
Some lower bounds for the l-intersection number of graphs # Journal
Critical Hamiltonian connected graphs # Journal
Uniquely basis graphs # Journal
On the locating chromatic number of the cartesian product of graphs # Journal
characterization of randomly k- dimensional graphs # Journal
Edge clique covering sum of graphs # Journal
complexity Reduction of Throughput optimal Link Scheduling algorithm through toology Contorol in Wireless Networks # Journal
On incidence coloring for some graphs of maximum degree 4 # Journal
Small oriented cycle double cover of graphs # Journal
Pairwise balanced designs and sigma clique partitions # Journal
On the 1-2-3- conjecture # Journal