3XL monopile lowering analysis: A comprehensive study
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Accelerated White Etch Cracking (WEC) FE8 type tests of different bearing steels using ceramic rollers
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FE8 type laboratory testing of white etching crack (WEC) bearing failure mode in 100Cr6
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Computational Elucidation of Elastic Percolation Threshold in Isotropic and Anisotropic Microstructures with Voronoi Tessellation
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Assessment of different methods for fatigue life prediction of steel in rotating bending and axial loading
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Cathodic Protection Problems for Gas Pipelines South of Isfahan IRAN
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Performance Improvement of a Wind Turbine Blade using a Developed Inverse Design Method
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A Review on Recent Applications of Brushless DC Electric Machines and Their Potential Energy Saving
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A Review on Fatigue Design of Heavy Section EN-GJS-400-18-LT Ductile Iron Wind Turbine Castings
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Damage tolerant design of cast components based on defects detected by 3D X-ray computed tomography
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Casting defects and fatigue behaviour of ductile cast iron for wind turbine components A comprehensive study
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Fatigue life distribution and size effect in ductile cast iron for wind turbine components
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Large scale axial fatigue testing of ductile cast iron for heavy section wind turbine components
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Fatigue Crack Growth Simulation in Components with Random Defects
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Flange waviness effect on 3XL monopile wall stresses during impact driving
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مقايسه نظريه هاي مختلف براي پيش بيني شكست خستگي نمونه هاي فاقدار فولادCK45
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بررسي اثرفاق برعمر خستگي نمونه هاي استوانه اي فولادHSLA100 دربارگذاري خمشي چرخان باروش تجربي و نظريه ضعيف ترعضو
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شبيه سازي سه بعدي توليد ماسه درچاه نفت با بكارگيري مدل فرسايش درسنگ
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پيش بيني عمر خستگي اتصالات لوله هاي مورد استفاده در چاه هاي نفت
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مقايسه روش هاي مختلف براي پيش بيني عمر خستگي نمونه هاي فاقدار فولادي
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