Geologically-constrained GANomaly network for mineral prospectivity mapping through frequency domain training data |
10.1038/s41598-024-56644-8 |
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Improving the accuracy of detecting and ranking favorable porphyry copper prospects in the east of Sarcheshmeh copper mine region using a two-step sequential Fuzzy - Fuzzy TOPSIS integration approach |
10.1016/j.jaesx.2023.100166 |
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A combination of artificial neural network and genetic algorithm to optimize gas injection: A case study for EOR applications |
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مقايسه روشهاي ?logR و مبتني بر كاني شناسي در تخمين مقدار كربن آلي سازند پابده در ميادين اهواز و رگ سفيد |
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A new multiple-point grade estimation method by implicit volterra series |
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MORPHSIM: A new multiple-point pattern-based unconditional simulation algorithm using morphological image processing tools |
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مطالعه عددي و آزمايشي رفتار هيدروليكي تالاب مصنوعي زيرسطحي افقي در توزيع هاي متفاوت جريان |
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مدل سازي نوع توزيع جريان ورودي بر رفتار هيدروليكي داخلي سامانه تالاب مصنوعي زيرسطحي افقي |
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بهبود الگوريتم شبيه سازي زمين آماري چند نقطه اي فيلترسيم از طريق طراحي فيلترهاي سازگار با الگوهاي موجود در تصاوير آموزشي و شرطي سازي نظارت شده |
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Comparison of machine learning methods for copper ore grade estimation |
10.1007/s10596-018-9758-0 |
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Evaluating the performance of the wavelet transform in extracting spectral alteration features from hyperspectral images |
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Synthetic Catalogue Simulation in Low-Seismicity Regions and Few Instrumental Records in Central Iran Based on Monte Carlo Method |
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ارائه روشي بر مبناي پهنه بندي فازي و تصميم گيري چندمعياره تاپسيس جهت انتخاب مناطق اميد بخش مس پورفيري در منطقه فلززايي شرق معدن مس سرچشمه |
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Random partitioning and adaptive filters for multiple-point stochastic simulation |
10.1007/s00477-017-1453-5 |
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Assessing the effects of flow distribution on the internal hydraulic behavior of a constructed horizontal subsurface flow wetland using a numerical model and a tracer study |
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Selecting optimum base wavelet for extracting spectral alteration features associated with porphyry copper mineralization using hyperspectral images |
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Optimal location of additional exploratory drillholes using afuzzy-artificial bee colony algorithm |
10.1007/s12517-017-2948-6 |
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A hybrid simultaneous perturbation artificial bee colony and back-propagation algorithm for training a local linear radial basis neural network on ore grade estimation |
10.1016/j.neucom.2017.01.016 |
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Improving the Curie depth estimation through optimizing the spectral block dimensions of the aeromagnetic data in the Sabalan geothermal field |
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