
Journal Papers
Title DOI Date type
Removal of Cu2+ ions by cellulose nanofibers-assisted starch-g-poly(acrylic acid) superadsorbent hydrogels # Journal
Proceeding toward the development of poly (e-caprolactone)/cellulose microfibrils electrospun biocomposites using a novel ternary solvent system # Journal
Structural and mechanical properties of fibrous poly (caprolactone)/gelatin nanocomposite incorporated with cellulose nanofibers # Journal
Preparation and characterization of corn starch/soy protein biocomposite film reinforced with graphene and graphene oxide nanoplatelets 10.1002/pat.4657 Journal
Synthesis and characterization of carboxymethyl chitosan superabsorbent hydrogels reinforced with sugarcane bagasse cellulose nanofibers # Journal
Effect of nanofiller incorporation on thermomechanical and toughness of poly (vinyl alcohol)-based electrospun nanofibrous bionanocomposites # Journal
Optimal Design of Ozone Bleaching Parameters to Approach Cellulose Nanofibers Extraction from Sugarcane Bagasse Fibers # Journal
Effect of cellulose nanofibers and acetylated cellulose nanofibers on the properties of low-density polyethylene/thermoplastic starch blends 10.1002/pi.5592 Journal
A study of the effects of acid plasticizer cross-linker and extracted chitin nanofibers on the properties of chitosan biofilm # Journal
Development of electrospun poly (vinyl alcohol)based bionanocomposite scaffolds for bone tissue engineering # Journal
Theoretical and experimental study of the stiffness of electrospun composites of poly(vinyl alcohol) cellulose nanofibers and nanohydroxy apatite # Journal
Effect of Calcium Carbonate Nanoparticles on Barrier Properties and Biodegradability of Polylactic Acid # Journal
Reinforcement effect of poly (methyl methacrylate)-g-cellulose nanofibers on LDPE/thermoplastic starch composites preparation and characterization # Journal
Isolation of cellulose nanofibers from poplar wood and wheat straw optimization of bleaching step parameters in a chemo-mechanical process by experimental design # Journal
Investigation of cross-linked PVA/starch biocomposites reinforced by cellulose nanofibrils isolated from aspen wood sawdust # Journal
Topochemistry of cellulose nanofibers resulting from molecular and polymer grafting # Journal
Preparation of Nanocellulose Reinforced Chitosan Films Cross-Linked by Adipic Acid # Journal
Properties Investigation of Recycled Polylactic Acid Reinforced by Cellulose Nanofibrils Isolated from Bagasse # Journal
Dispersion of Silicate Layers in Zein/Montmorillonite Composite Films Using Two Sonication Methods # Journal
Electrospinning of Cellulose Nanofibers Mat for Laminated Epoxy Composite Production # Journal