
type: Journal
Title DOI Year Month type
Differential responses of Hollyhock (Alcea rosea L.) varieties to salt stress in relation to physiological and biochemical parameters 10.1038/s41598-024-58537-2 1403 01 Journal
Changes in Secondary Metabolite Production in Response to Salt Stress in Alcea rosea L. 10.3390/horticulturae10020139 1402 10 Journal
Allelopathic Effect of Aqueous Extracts of Grass Genotypes on Eruca Sativa L. 10.3390/plants12193358 1402 06 Journal
The Allelopathic Activity of Festuca arundinacea Shreb. Rhizospheric Soil Is Exacerbated Under Drought Stress 10.1007/s42729-023-01417-x 1402 05 Journal
Rhizosphere-Associated Bacteria as Biofertilizers in Herbicide-Treated Alfalfa (Medicago sativa) NULL 1401 12 Journal
Changes in activities of antioxidant enzymes in radish (Raphanus sativus) seedlings in response to allelopathic effect of safflower (Carthamus tinctorius) NULL 1401 11 Journal
Post-anthesis photosynthetic attributes and N-P-K status of standard and emmer wheats respond differently to nitrogen supply NULL 1401 09 Journal
Investigating the physiological and morphological responses of Cucumis sativus to Phelipanche aegyptiaca parasitism NULL 1401 07 Journal
The physiological and phenotypic response of Salvia aethiopis L. to herbicides NULL 1401 05 Journal
Effect of rhizosphere bacteria on antioxidant enzymes and some biochemical characteristics of Medicago sativa L. subjected to herbicide stress NULL 1401 04 Journal
Weed management in Allium hirtifolium L. production by herbicides application NULL 1400 12 Journal
Salicylic acid enhances tolerance of Valeriana officinalis L. to bentazon herbicide NULL 1400 12 Journal
Weed management by allelopathic activity of Foeniculum vulgare essential oil NULL 1400 11 Journal
Effects of Metribuzin Herbicide on Some Morpho-Physiological Characteristics of Two Echinacea Species NULL 1400 11 Journal
Physiological, Biochemical, and Agronomic Trait Responses of Nigella sativa Genotypes to Water Stress NULL 1400 11 Journal
The morphological and physiological traits of Cucumis sativus-Phelipanche aegyptiaca association affected by arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi symbiosis NULL 1400 09 Journal
Competitive Ability Effects of Datura stramonium L. and Xanthium strumarium L. on the Development of Maize (Zea mays) Seeds NULL 1400 07 Journal
ارزيابي روش هاي مختلف آبياري اسپرس همداني .Hedysarum criniferum Boiss در شرايط مزرعه NULL 1400 01 Journal
انتقال مجدد نيتروژن، غلظت عناصر نيتروژن، پتاسيم و فسفر گندم هاي دي، تترا و هگزاپلوئيد در پاسخ به نيتروژن NULL 1399 10 Journal
Salicylic acid afects mycorrhizal features, antioxidant enzyme activities and seed yield of linseed under water-defcit stress in open?feld conditions NULL 1399 10 Journal