
Journal Papers
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كمي سازي مفهوم توليد صيانتي از مخازن نفت با استفاده از بهينهسازي الگوريتم ژنتيك # Journal
Individual and Symbiotic Interfacial Contribution of Ions to Hydrophilic Enhancement of Oil-Bearing Dolomite: Implication to Ion-Engineered Waterflooding # Journal
An effective characterization procedure for petroleum reservoir fluids using molecular type methods and cubic equations of state 10.1002/cjce.24567 Journal
Experimental investigation of synergistic effect of non-ionic surfactant and smart water injection methods for enhanced oil recovery from carbonate reservoirs 10.1016/j.petrol.2021.109888 Journal
توليد صيانتي از منابع نفت و گاز (بررسي تجارب نروژ، انگلستان و آمريكا) # Journal
Prediction of the ASTM and TBP distillation curves and specific gravity distribution curve for fuels and petroleum fluids # Journal
A contribution to flotation technique as a reliable wettability alteration measurement method for carbonate minerals in separation processes involving hydrocarbons, low salinity water and nanofluids # Journal
Development of a generalized model for predicting the composition of homologous groups derived from molecular type analyses to characterize petroleum fractions 10.1016/j.petrol.2021.108744 Journal
Surface grafting of silica nanoparticles using 3-aminopropyl (triethoxysilane) to improve the CO2 absorption and enhance the gas consumption during the CO2 hydrate formation 10.1002/ghg.2105 Journal
بررسي آزمايشگاهي تأثير نانو ذره سيليكا بر تغيير ترشوندگي و ازدياد برداشت نفت از مخازن كربناته با استفاده از آب كم نمك # Journal
A predictive method for constructing the distillation curve of petroleum fluids using their physical bulk properties 10.1016/j.petrol.2021.108403 Journal
Prediction of gas-oil capillary pressure of carbonate rock using pore network modeling 10.1016/j.petrol.2020.107861 Journal
Characterization of interfacial interactions and emulsification properties of bicarbonate solutions and crude oil and the effects of temperature and pressure 10.1016/j.molliq.2020.112729 Journal
Averaging the experimental capillary pressure curves for scaling up to the reservoir condition in the imbibition process 10.1016/j.petrol.2019.106539 Journal
Optimization of Dynamic Interfacial Tension for Crude Oil-Brine System in the Presence of Nonionic Surfactants 10.1002/jsde.12372 Journal
بررسي آزمايشگاهي اثر سورفكتانت هاي غيريوني بر كاهش كشش بين سطحي آب دريا-نفت در غلظت هاي حداقلي با استفاده از روش آماري سطح پاسخ # Journal
Mechanisms of smart waterflooding in carbonate oil reservoirs - A review 10.1016/j.petrol.2019.04.049 Journal
Bicarbonate flooding of homogeneous and heterogeneous cores from a carbonaceous petroleum reservoir 10.1016/j.petrol.2019.03.028 Journal
Impact of water saturation and cation concentrations on wettability alteration and oil recovery of carbonate rocks using low-salinity water # Journal
Enhanced oil recovery from carbonate reservoirs by spontaneous imbibition of low salinity water # Journal