Use of Vis-NIR reflectance spectroscopy for estimating soil phosphorus sorption parameters at the watershed scale |
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Optimal Mapping of Soil Erodibility Factor (K) Using Machine Learning Models in a Semi-arid Watershed |
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Using visible and near infrared spectroscopy and machine learning for estimating total petroleum hydrocarbons in contaminated soils |
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Machine learning-based soil aggregation assessment under four scenarios in northwestern Iran |
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Soil loss estimation using RUSLE model: Comparison of conventional and digital soil data at watershed scale in central Iran |
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Integrating proximal soil sensing data and environmental variables to enhance the prediction accuracy for soil salinity and sodicity in a region of Xinjiang Province, China |
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Pine needles as bioindicator and biomagnetic indicator of selected metals in the street dust, a case study from southeastern Iran |
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A two-step soil modeling approach by integrating pedological classification in digital mapping with non-stationary geostatistics |
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پراكندگي پاليگورسكيت و مهم ترين كانيهاي رسي همراه در رسوب هاي دوران سنوزوئيك استان بوشهر |
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Modeling the effect of slope aspect on temporal variation of soil water content and matric potential using different approaches by HYDRUS-1D |
10.1016/j.geodrs.2023.e00724 |
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Digital mapping of soil physical and mechanical properties using machine learning at the watershed scale |
10.1007/s11629-023-8056-z |
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Digital exploration of selected heavy metals using Random Forest and a set of environmental covariates at the watershed scale |
10.1016/j.jhazmat.2023.131609 |
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Rapid magnetic susceptibility measurement as a tracer to assess the erosion-deposition process using tillage homogenization and simple proportional models: A case study in northern of Morocco |
10.1016/j.ijsrc.2023.06.002 |
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Digital mapping of soil phosphorous sorption parameters (PSPs) using environmental variables and machine learning algorithms |
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Integration of Sentinel-1/2 and topographic attributes to predict the spatial distribution of soil texture fractions in some agricultural soils of western Iran |
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Variation of heavy metals, magnetic susceptibility, and some chemical properties in the Lichen-rock interface on various parent rocks in west of Iran |
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Improvement of spatial prediction of soil depth via earth observation |
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Controlling factors in the variability of soil magnetic measures by machine learning and variable importance analysis |
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Magnetic susceptibility as a proxy for detection of total petroleum hydrocarbons in contaminated wetlands |
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Use of the time series and multi-temporal features of Sentinel-1/2 satellite imagery to predict soil inorganic and organic carbon in a low-relief area with a semi-arid environment |
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