Environmental factors influencing the distribution of endangered endemic species Hedysarum criniferum Boiss in arid and semi-arid rangelands Iran |
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Accommodating uncertainty in soil erosion risk assessment: Integration of Bayesian belief networks and MPSIAC model |
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Grazing capacity determination in short-term and long-term scales using MODIS and Sentinel-2 data in the southern rangelands of Zagros, Iran |
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اولويت بندي احداث انواع بندهاي اصلاحي آبخيزداري به روش تحليل چندمعياره مكاني(مطالعه موردي: حوزه آبخيز دوراهان) |
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Predicting the occurrence and decline of Astragalus olivier under climate change scenarios in Central Iran |
10.1080/15324982.2023.2177905 |
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مقايسه توليد واقعي و بالقوه اكوسيستم هاي مرتعي استان كهگيلويه و بويراحمد در وضعيتهاي مختلف مرتع |
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پيش بيني مطلوبيت زيستگاه گربة شني(margarita Felis ) با استفاده از رويكرد شبكة بيزين |
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بررسي اثر ميزان رطوبت، رس خاك و شوري بر جوانه زني و رشد گونه اسپرسي همداني Hedysarum criniferum Boiss تحت شرايط گلخانه و رويشگاه |
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Mapping terrestrial ecosystem health in drylands: comparison of field-based information with remotely sensed data at watershed level |
10.1007/s10980-022-01454-4 |
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Predicting habitat suitability for the endangered species Hedysarum criniferum Boiss. using a fuzzy model in the semi-arid zone in Iran |
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ارزيابي ساختار و عملكرد چشم انداز هاي بياباني با استفاده از تحليل عملكرد چشم انداز و شاخص هاي سنجش از دوري |
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Soil quality indicators along a degradation gradient in central Iran: comparison of two regions with contrasting grazing systems |
10.1080/03650340.2021.2021183 |
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بررسي تغييرات گستره جغرافيايي گون زرد تحت سناريوهاي تغيير اقليم با استفاده از روش مدل سازي جنگل تصادفي (RF) مطالعه موردي: استان هاي اصفهان و چهارمحال و بختياري |
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Spatial scale effect of Sentinel-2, Landsat OLI, and MODIS imagery in the assessment of landscape condition of Zagros Mountains |
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Interactions between vegetation dynamic and edaphic factors in the Great Salt Desert of central Iran |
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Effects of Different Vegetation Patches on Soil Functionalityin the Central Iranian Arid Zone |
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Identifying the determinant habitat characteristics influencing the spatial distribution of Ferula ovina (Boiss.) in semiarid rangelands of Iran using machine learning methods |
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Grazing gradient detection and assessment in arid rangelands of central Iran using remote sensing and soil-vegetation characteristics |
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A geographic information system-based land use impact model to map areas with risk for land degradation: Wind erosion as an example |
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بررسي اثرات چراي دام اهلي و حيات وحش بر شاخص هاي تنوع گونه اي در منطقه استپي سرد استان اصفهان |
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