
type: Journal
Title DOI Year Month type
Genomic Evaluation of Average Daily Gain Traits in a Mixture of Arian Line and Urmia Iranian Native Chickens NULL 1402 12 Journal
Bias and accuracy of body weight trait evaluations of an F2 chicken using single-step genomic best linear unbiased prediction (ssGBLUP) NULL 1402 12 Journal
Effect of omega fatty acids sources alone or combined with essential oils on feed intake, apparent digestibility, rumen microbiome and blood metabolites during peripartum period of ewes 10.1016/j.smallrumres.2024.107201 1402 11 Journal
Effect of shortening the dry period on colostrum and milk quality, blood parameters and some reproductive parameters in high-producing Holstein cows of different body condition score NULL 1402 11 Journal
Effect of Broiler Age and Breeding Region on Bacterial Population Changes of Ileum NULL 1402 07 Journal
Genomic evaluation of body weight traits in a F2 mixture of commercial broiler and native chicken NULL 1402 03 Journal
Melatonin accelerates the developmental competence and telomere elongation in ovine SCNT embryos NULL 1401 07 Journal
تحليل ژنتيكي برخي صفات توليدي و توليدمثلي گاوهاي شيري هلشتاين اصفهان در شرايط تنشگرمايي NULL 1401 04 Journal
Genetic analysis of retained placenta and its association with reproductive disorder, production, and fertility traits of Iranian Holstein dairy cows NULL 1401 01 Journal
Efect of dry period length on plasma minerals and oxidative stress around parturition and milk yield in high?producing Holstein dairy cows NULL 1401 01 Journal
ارزيابي ژنتيكي جامعه گاوهاي شيري هلشتاين اصفهان براي صفت سرعت دوشش NULL 1401 01 Journal
The Effect of Two Novel Amino Acid Substitutions of BMP15 Gene on Ovulation Rate in Awassi Ewes NULL 1400 08 Journal
Assessing the consequences and economic impact of retained placenta in Holstein dairy cattle NULL 1400 06 Journal
Genetic diversity and population structure in the reciprocal cross between a broiler line and indigenous chickens NULL 1400 04 Journal
Sanguinarine improved nutrient digestibility, hepatic health indices and productive performance in laying hens fed low crude protein diets NULL 1400 02 Journal
Identification of new genes and quantitative trait locis associated with growth curve parameters in F2 chicken population using genome-wide association study NULL 1400 01 Journal
Farm and cow factors and their interactions on the incidence of retained placenta in Holstein dairy cows NULL 1399 10 Journal
type: Conference
Title Year Month type Conference Title
بررسي اثر جفت ماندگي و طول دوره خشكي بر موفقيت در تلقيح اول در گاوهاي هلشتاين 1402 06 Conference دهمين كنگره ملي و دومين كنگره بين المللي علوم دامي ايران
ارزيابي ژنتيكي صفات نرخ گيرايي و سخت زايي در گله هاي گاو هلشتاين با مدلهاي خطي، آستانه و بيزي 1402 06 Conference دهمين كنگره ملي و دومين كنگره بين المللي علوم دامي ايران
كمي ساز ي و خوشه بندي تصوير ي مطالعات خانواده ي ژني در سطح ژنوم در حيوانات 1401 12 Conference پنجمين كنگره بين المللي و هفدهمين كنگره ملي ژنتيك ايران