Amending clayey and sandy soils with nano - bio phosphorous for regulating tomato growth, biochemical, and physiological characteristics
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Effects of Biochar and Municipal Solid Waste Compost on Soil Physical Quality and Productivity Index Under Sorghum Cultivation Irrigated with Saline Water
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Introducing a Suitable Strategy to Improve Wheat Properties and Water Productivity under Moisture Stress Conditions in a Sandy Loam Soil
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Contrasting transport and fate of hydrophilic and hydrophobic bacteria in wettable and water-repellent porous media: Straining or attachment?
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High-energy moisture characteristics of various low organic matter sandy soils in different land uses
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Influence of corn residue biochar on water retention and penetration resistance in a calcareous sandy loam
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Epichloë spp. and Serendipita indica endophytic fungi: Functions in plant-soil relations
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Biochar type and pyrolysis temperature effects on soil quality indicators and structural stability
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Prediction of soil wind erodibility using a hybrid Genetic algorithm-Artificial neural network method
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Transport, retention, and release of Escherichia coli and Rhodococcus erythropolis through dry natural soils as affected by water repellency
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Modeling Escherichia coli and Rhodococcus erythropolis transport through wettable and water repellent porous media
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Soil carbon sequestration potential as affected by soil physical and climatic factors under different land uses in a semiarid region
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Experimentation on Degradation of Petroleum in Contaminated Soils in the Root Zone of Maize (Zea Mays L.) Inoculated with Piriformospora Indica
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Speciation fractionation and plant availability of arsenic as induced by sorbents mixed with soil of Zarshuran (Iran).
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Phytoremediation effect and growth responses of Cynodon spp. and Agropyron desertorum in a Petroleum-Contaminated Soil
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Soil water repellency changes with depth and relationship to physical properties within wettable and repellent soil profiles
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Effects of endophyte-infected and non-infected tall fescue residues on aggregate stability in four texturally different soils
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Importance of soil physical characteristics for petroleum hydrocarbons phytoremediation A review
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Soil structure changes due to different land-use practices in the central Zagruos region Iran
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