Informing the Work Zone Safety Policy Analysis: Reconciling Multivariate Prediction and Artificial Neural Network Modeling |
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Investigating environmental and economic impacts of the 3D printing technology on supply chains: The case of tire production |
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A game theoretic approach to study the impact of transportation policies on the competition between transit and private car in the urban context |
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Unfolding the state of the adoption of connected autonomous trucks by the commercial fleet owner industry |
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Multidimensional resource allocation for freight transportation project planning and decision making |
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An estimation of the future adoption rate of autonomous trucks by freight organizations |
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Predicting the adoption of connected autonomous vehicles: A new approach based on the theory of diffusion of innovations |
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Assessing the impacts of state-supported rail services on local population and employment A California case study |
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Capacity allocation in vertically integrated rail systems A bargaining approach |
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Comparing the Competitiveness of Different Last-mile Delivery Methods for Different Commodity Types |
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Optimal Infrastructure Investment Planning for Autonomous Road Vehicles |
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Evaluating Consumers' Shopping and Delivery Preference by Developing a Disaggregated E-Commerce Demand Model Using Extended Multiple Discrete Continuous Extreme Values Framework |
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Are There Differences between Individuals when it Comes to Adopting Telework from Different Near-Home Offices? |
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Investigating the Impacts of 3D Printing Technology on Efficiency of Supply Chain: The Case of Tire Production |
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