Selected National Journal Papers

  1.   Eslamian, S., Sabzevari, Y., 2022, Flood and Resilience: A Review Study,  Journal of Water and Soil Resources Conservation , 12, 1 (45), 137-150.
  2.  Jannesari, F, Eslamian, S., 2022,  Prediction of Wind Speed Meteorological Variable in Zayandehrud Basin Using Time Series Analysis, New Research in Sustainable Water Engineering, 1, (1):  27-43.
  3. Roknizadeh, H., Eslamian, S., Maleki, M. 2022, Water Scarcity and Stress in the Twentieth Century and Solutions to Achieve Global Water Security, New Research in Sustainable Water Engineering, 1(1): 45-57.
  4. Saboktakin, M.,  Montaseri; H., Eslamian; S., Khalili, R., 2022, Evaluation of the performance of SWAT model in simulating the inflow to the dam reservoir to deal with climate change (Case study: the catchment area upstream of the ZayandehRoud Dam), Journal of Climate Change Research, 3(10), 83-104.
  5. Mahmoudi, M. R., Eslamian, S. S., Gohari, S. A., Tahani, M. 2022, Investigation of the performance of neural gas networks in hydrological clustering, Water and Irrigation Management, 12(2): 359-373.      
  6. Abedi-Koupai, J., Rahimi, S., and Eslamian, S. S., 2021, Effects of Climate Change on the Probability of Occurrence of the First Fall Frost and the Last Spring Frost (Case Study: Isfahan), Water and Soil Science, 25 (3), 31--44.
  7. Parvizi, S., Eslamian, S., Gheysari, M., Gohari, Ali, Soltani-Koupai S., Mohit-Isfahani, P., 2022, Frequency Analysis of Drought Severity of SEI-SRI and SEI-SSI Indices in Common Duration Using  Multivariate L-Moments and Copula Functions (Case Staudy: Karkheh River Basin), Water and Soil Science, 26(3), 159-175.
  8. Gohari, S. A. R., Abedi-Koupai, J.,  Eslamian, S. S. and Motamedi, A., 2023, Investigation of mechanical properties of concrete lining of water conveyance channels containing bamboo nanoparticles, Irrigation and Water Management,  10.22055/JISE.2023.38891.1996.
  9. Shaabani, M. K., Abedi-Koupai, J.,  Eslamian, S.,   Gohari, A., 2022,  The effect of changing the cultivation pattern and improving the efficiency of irrigation systems on reducing the withdrawal of groundwater resources under climate change scenarios (Case study: Kavar Plain), Journal of Irrigation Sciences and Engineering, 10.22055/JISE.2022.38791.1994.
  10. Shaabani, M.K.. Abedi-Koupai, J.,  Eslamian, S. S. and Gohari, S. A. R. 2022, The crops and orchards irrigation requirement in the development of irrigation systems and change of cultivation pattern under climate change scenarios conditions, Water and Soil Science, Accepted.
  11. Ranjbar, A. and Heidarpour, M. and Eslamian, S. and Shirvani, M., 2023, , Study of Lead Removal from Polluted Water by Types of Adsorbents Made from the Canola Stalk, Journal of Water and Soil Knowledge, 33(1), 17-31.
  12. Toghiani Khorasgani, S. and Eslamian, S. S., , Zareian, M. J., 2022, Investigation of Surface Runoff of Plasjan River Using WetSpa Hydrological Model, Water and Soil Science, 25(4), 97-111.
  13. Banihashemi, M., Eslamian, S. S., Nazari, B., 2021,  Prediction of Local Alterations in the Relative Amounts of Temperature and Precipitation Caused by Climate Change in Near and Far Future, and Drought Investigation Using SPI and SPEI Indices in Qazvin Plain, Iran, Water and Soil Science, 25(2): 25-44
  14. Okhravi, S. and Eslamian, S., 2020, Constructed Wetland, Challenge-ApproachDesign, Journal of Water and Wastewater Science and Engineering, 5, (3): 5-21,
  15. Dehghani, R., Gandomkar, A., Eslamian, S., Ghayour, H. A. , Modarres, R., 2019, Wind Speed and Direction Frequency Analysis and its role in Regional Planning of Fars Province, Quarterly Journal of Human Geography,   11(4): 125-142.
  16. Dehghan, Z.,  S. Eslamian, S. S. and Modarres, R.,  2019, Using the Principal Component Analysis Approach for Weighting Statistical, Climatic and Geographical Attributes of the Maximum 24-hour Rainfall and Spatial Clustering Analysis (A Case Study: Urmia Lake Basin), Water and Soil Science, 22(4): 41-58.
  17. Shojaei, P.,  Gheysari, M.,  Nouri, H.,  Esmaeili, H. and Eslamian, S., 2019, Comparison of Applied Water and Estimated Water Requirement by WUCOLS and LIMP Methods for Golha Garden in Isfahan, Water and Soil Science, 23(3): 197-210.
  18. Okhravi, S. S., Eslamian, S. S. and Fathianpour, N., 2019, Numerical and Experimental Study of Internal Hydraulic Behavior of Horizontal Sub-Surface Flow Constructed Wetland in Different Flow Distributions, Journal of Water and Soil, 32(6), 1041 - 1054.
  19. Saeidipour,  M., Radmanesh, F., Eslamian,  S., Sharifi, M. R., 2019, Regionalization Analysis of SPI and SPEI Drought Indices for Karoon Basin, Water and Soil Sciences, 23 (2): 397- 415.
  20. Shrifi Garmdareh, E., Vafakhah, M. and Eslamian, S., 2019, Assessment the Performance of Support Vector Machine and Artificial  Neural Network Systems for Regional Flood Frequency Analysis (A Case Study: Namak Lake Watershed),  Water and Soil Sciences, 23(1), 355-366.
  21. Falahzadeh, M., Rezaei, P., Eslamian, S., Abbasi, A., 2019, Investigating the Relationship between Teleconection Patterns and Drought: Case Study on Qaraqoom Basin,  Geographical Research Quarterly Journal, 34(2): 153-164.
  22. Amini, M. A., Torkan, Gh., Eslamian, S. S., Zareian, M. J., Besalatpour, A. A., 2019, Accuracy Analysis of Precipitation Regionalization Methods Based on Spatial Interpolation Techniques in Zayandeh-Rud River Basin, Water and Soil  Sciences,  23 (1), 17-30
  23. Okhravi, S. S., Eslamian, S. S. and Fathianpour, N., 2018, Modeling the type of inflow distribution on internal hydraulic behaviour of Horizontal subsurface flow constructed wetland. Journal of Water and Wastewater, 29(4): 145-156.
  24. Falahzadeh, M., Rezaei, P., Eslamian, S., Abbasi, A., 2018,  Analysis of the relationship between teleconnection patterns and drought in Qaraqoom basin using neural network model, Journal of Physical Geography, 42, 67-80.
  25. Amini, M. A., Torkan, Gh., Eslamian, S. S., Zareian, M. J., Besalatpour, A. A., 2018, Assessment of SWAT Hydrological Model in Catchments' Water Balance Simulation Located in Semi-Arid Regions  (Case Study: Zayandeh-Rud River Basin), Journal of Water and Soil, 32(5):  849-863.
  26. Kouhestani, Sh., Eslamian, S., and Besalatpour, A., 2017, The Effect of Climate change on the Zayandeh-Rud River Basin’s temperature using a Bayesian machine learning,  Soft Computing Technique, 21, (1): 203-216.
  27. Rahimian, M.H., Shayannejhad, M., Eslamian, S.S., Jafari, R., Gheysari, M., Taghvaeian, S., 2017, Evaluation of different LST approaches for determination of pistachio tree canopy temperature through Landsat 8 satellite data, Journal of Geospatial Information Technology, 5, (2): 79-99.
  28. Zamani, N., Javahery Tehrani, M., Eslamian, S. S., and Mousavi, S. F., 2017, Groundwater Simulation Using Artificial Neural Networks and ArcGIS Under Different Scenarios (Case Study: Mahyar Plain), Journal of Irrigation Science and Technology, 40(3): 167-180.
  29. Mollaei, R., Abedi-Koupai, J., Eslamian, S. S., 2016, Effect of Zeolite on Cadmium Uptake By Spinach (Spinacia Oleares L.) in Wastewater Irrigation, Water and Soil Science, 20(75): 15-25.
  30. Zareian, M. J., Eslamian, S. S., and Safavi, H. R. 2016, Investigating the Effects of Sustainability of Climate Change on the Agriculture Water Consumption in the Zayandeh-Rud River Basin, Water and Soil Science, 20(75): 113-128.
  31. Khorsandi, Z. Kohansari, Mahdavi, M., Salajeghe, Al. Eslamian, S., 2016, Runoff Estimation of Urban Catchment Using URBS- UH Model (Case Study Baharestan City), Journal of Range and Watershed Management, 69(1): 30-50.
  32. Okhravi, S. S., Eslamian, S. S., Fathianpour, N., Heidarpour, M., 2016. Investigation of Flow Distribution on Retention Time and Hydraulic Behavior of a Horizontal Subsurface Flow Constructed Wetland (Case Study: Isfahan). Water and Soil Science, 19(74) 89-100.
  33. Salarian, M., Najafi, M., Larijani, Sh. and S. S. Eslamian, 2016, The Potential Evapotranspiration Trends in Isfahan and Rasht Stations, Extension and Development of Watershed Management, Vol. 4, No. 13, 41-52.
  34. Dehghan, Z., Fathian F., and S. Eslamian, 2015, Comparative Assessment of SDSM, IDW and LARS-WG Models for Simulation and Downscaling of Temperature and Precipitation, Water and Soil Science, 29(5): 1376-1390.
  35. Hosseini Tashnizi, S. Z. and Heidarpour, M. and Eslamian, S., 2015, Experimental study of triangular labyrinth weirs with guide vanes, Iranian Water Research Journal, 9(18): 57-65.
  36. Eslamian S., Okhravi S. 2015, Quantifying Glimpse to Climate Change and Adaptation Strategies, Iranian Rainwater Harvesting Systems, 3(8): 15-26.
  37. Eslamian, S., Pasar, Kh.,Tarkesh-Isfahany, S.,  2014, Environmental Evaluating of Reclaimed Wastewater Reuse for Groundwater Recharge, Sustainable Urban Development Journal, Vol. 1, 51-59.
  38. Abedi Koupai, J.,  Ghaheri, E., Eslamian, S. S., Hosseini, H., 2014,  Investigation the Kinetic Models of Biological Removal of Petroleum Contaminated Soil Around Oil Pipeline Using Ryegrass, Journal of Water and Wastewater, 62-68.
  39. Abedi Koupai, J., Eslamian, S, Hasheminejad, S. Y., Mirmohammad Sadeghi, R., 2014, Mathematical Modeling of Phytoremediation of Nickel from Contaminated Soil by Functions of Transpiration Reduction,  Water and Soil Sciences, 18(3): 13-20.
  40. Abedi Koupai, J., Eslamian, S, Hasheminejad, S. Y, 2014, Modeling of Phytoremediation Period of Nickel in Polluteded soil, Iranian Journal of Irrigation & Drainage, 8(2): 275-283 
  41. Malekian, R., Abedi-Koupai, J.  and  EslamianS. S.,  2014, Estimating Parameters of LEACHN in Zeolite-Amended Soil and Unamended-Soil Conditions, Water and Soil Science, 18(68): 197-210.
  42. Abedi-Koupai, J, Salehi-Sirzar, M., Eslamian, S. S., Khajeali, J., Y. Hosseini, 2014, Effect of Water and Pests Stresses on Cowpea Yield, Water and Soil Sciences, 18(68): 157-171.
  43. Salarian, M., Najafi, M., Davari, K., Eslamian, S. S., Heidari, M., 2014, The most Appropriate Method to Estimate Potential Evapotranspiration in Meteorological Data Scarce Condition in the Warm and Cold Months of the Year (Case Study of Isfahan), Iranian Journal of irrigation and Drainage, 1(8): 62-73.
  44. Gheysari, M.,  Eslamian, S. S., Shafieioun, E., Alikhasi, A.,  Ghaffari Sheshjavani, A., 2013, Microclimate Zoning of Isfahan City based on Surface Cover Type, Journal of Agricultural Meteorology, 1(2): 21-31.
  45. Mirabbasi Najafabadi, R., Fakheri-Fard, A., Dinpashoh, Y. and Eslamian, S. S., 2013, Longterm Drought Monitoring of Urmia Using Joint Deficit Index (JDI), Journal of Water and Soil Knowledge, Vol. 23, No. 4, 87-103.
  46. Bahmani, R., Radmanesh, F., Eslamian. S., and Parham, G., 2013, Reservoir evaporation trend analysis and its prediction using time series, Irrigation Science and Technology, 3(36): 67-80. 
  47. Abedi-Koupai, J., Eslamian, S. S. and Khaleghi, M., 2013, Performance of the tire powder for absorption of lead, zinc and manganese heavy metals and determination of kinetic and adsorption isotherms, Irrigation Science and Technology, 3(36): 13-22.
  48. Moravejalahkami, B., Mostafazadeh-Fard, B., Heidarpour, M., Eslamian, S., Roohi, J., 2013, Design and Evaluation of an Automatic Valve to Produce Different Furrow Inflow Hydrograph Shapes, Water and Soil Sciences, 17(64): 197-207.
  49. Abedi-Koupai, J., Ghaheri, E., Eslamian, S.S. and Hosseini, H., 2013, Investigation the Kinetic Models of Biological Removal of Petroleum Contaminated Soil around Oil Pipeline Using Ryegrass, Journal of Water and Wastewater, 89(1): 62-68.
  50. Malekian, R.,  Abedi-Koupai, J.,  Eslamian, S. S.,  Afyuni, M., 2013,  Ion-Exchange Process for Nitrate Removal and Release Using Surfactant Modified Zeolite, Water and Soil Science,  17(63): 191-201.
  51. Shafieoun, E., Gheysari, M., Majidi, M.M., Mousavi, S.F. and Eslamian, S.S., 2013, Effect of Vegetation Cover Type on Average, Maximum and Minimum Air Temperature in Isfahan City, Journal of Irrigation and Water Management, 3(1): 97-109.
  52. Eslamian, S. S., Bazrkar, M. H., Mousavi, S. F., 2012, Drought Forecasting in Isfahan Province Using Time Series Analysis of Rainfall Monthly Data,  Watershed Management and Engineering, 4(1): 21-30.
  53. Shabanlou, S., Rajabi, A., Eslamian, S. and Mousavi, S. F., 2012, Evaluation of empirical relationships for estimation of instantaneous peak flow Discharge in western catchments of IRAN, Iranian Water Research Journal, 6(10): 215-219.
  54. Eslamian, S. S., Fathian, F.  and H. Hassanzadeh,  2012, Comparative evaluation of L-moments with Maximum Likelihood and nonparametric  methods for frequency analysis of five Iranian rainfall stations, Watershed Management and Engineering , 4(2): 63-72.
  55. Abedi-Koupai, J., Eslamian, S.S. and Khaleghi, M., 2013, Performance of Sand Filters including the tire powder for in lining of underground drains, Water and Soil Sciences, 16(62): 193-202.
  56. Abedi-Koupai , J., Eslamian, S. S.  and M. J. Zareian, 2011, Measurement and modeling of water requirement and crop coefficient for cucumber, tomato and pepper using microlysimeter in greenhouse , Journal of Science and Technology of Greenhouse Culture, 2 (7): 51-64.
  57. Abedi-Koupai , J., Eslamian, S. S.,  Gohari , S. A., and R. Khodadadi, 2011, Evaluation of Mechanical Properties of Water Conveyance Concrete Canals Incorporating Nano Pozzolan of Wheat Ash Sheath, Water and Soil Science, 14(54): 39-52.
  58. Amiri, M.J, Abedi-Koupai J. and S. S. Eslamian, 2011, Evaluation of the performance of evaporation pans in greenhouse environment Journal of Science and Technology of Greenhouse Culture,  2(5): 63-73.
  59. Akhavan, S., Abedi-Koupai, J., Mousavi, S. F., Abbaspour, K., Afyuni, M. and S. S.  Eslamian, 2010,  Estimation of Blue Water and Green Water Using SWAT Model in Hamadan-Bahar Watershed, Water and Soil Science, 14(53): 9-23.
  60. Saadati, S., Soltani, S. and S. S. Eslamian, 2009, Statistical analysis of return period of drought conditions in Isfahan province using the Standardized Precipitation Index, Journal of Range and Watershed Management, Iranian Journal of Natural Resources, 62(1): 249-261.
  61. Eslamian, S. S., Tarkesh, S., 2009, Existing challenges by pollution increase of Zayandehroud Low Flow, Nama, 174-175, 84.
  62. Eslamian, S. S., Nasri, M. and N. Rahimi, 2009, Investigating the drought and wet period and its impact on water resources changes in Bouein plain watershed, Geography and Environment Planning, 20(33): 75-90.
  63. Ayati, H., S.,  and S. Eslamian, Hamidi Saroli, H., 2008, Modeling of North Mahyar Plain Groundwater Using MODFLOW Model, 15 Nama, 155-157, 124.
  64. Ghasemi, M. , Eslamian , S. S. , Soltani , S, 2008, Monitoring and Regionalization of Meteorological Drought in Karkhe Watershed Using Standardized Precipitation Index and Precipitation Deciles, Agricultural Reserach, 8(3): 23-36  
  65. Eslamian, S. S. and A. Ghodarzi, 2007, Evaluation of flood spreading system and artificial recharge of Bagh-sorkh aquifer in Shahreza on groundwater quality and quantity, Iranian Journal of Soil Research, 21(1): 145-153.
  66. Ghasemi, A., Eslamian, S. S. and S. M. J. Nazemosadat, 2007, Impact of wind cooling on human comfortability in various regions of Iran, Journal of Research and Investigation of Literature and Humanitarian Sciences Faculty, 24(3): 13-26.
  67. Eslamian, S. S., Modarres, R. and S. Soltani, 2006, Spatial Grouping of Drought Using Standardized Precipitation Index in Isfahan Province, Water and Wastewater Journal,  57, 72-75.
  68. Tabatabaei , S. H., Tavasoli M., Eslamian S. S. and G. Ahmadzade, 2006, Investigating groundwater pollution of Esfahan city  and its evaluation with emphasize on drinking water, Scientific Journal of Agriculture , 29(20):  79-92.
  69. Feyzi, H,  S. S. Eslamian and H. Afzalimehr, 2005, Comparing estimation of maximum monthly rainfall of  Isfahan region using methods of maximum likelihood and probability weighted moments, Journal of Research in Agricultural Sciences, 4(2): 41-58.
  70. Biabanaki M. and S. S. Eslamian, 2005, Cluster analysis for determination of the hydrologic homogeneity, assessment with discriminant analysis and Andrew curves in Karkheh basin, Scientific Journal of Agriculture, 6(2): 13-26.
  71. Feyzi, H. and  S. S. Eslamian, 2005, Comparing regional and at-site L-moments for estimation of maximum monthly rainfall in the Zayandehroud basin, Water and Wastewater Journal,  53, 1-13.
  72. Eslamian, S. S. and  A. Mehrabi, 2005, Identifying emprical equations for time of concentration in mountainous watershed, Journal of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, Vol.12, No. 5, 36-45.
  73. Eslamian S. S., Zarei A. and A. Abrishamchi, 2004,  Regional estimation of low flows for Mazandaran River basin, Water and Soil Science, 8(2): 27-38.
  74. Godarzi, A, S. S. Eslamian and J. Abedi-Koupai, 2004, Investigation of Infiltration changes and physical and chemical characteristics of sediments in Bagh-e-sorkh Shahreza flood spreading strips, Journal of Research in Agricultural Sciences, 3(1): 33-43.s
  75. Nosrati, K., S. S. Eslamian and A. Shahbazi, 2004, Investigation of climate change effect on hydrologic drought, Journal of Agriculture,  6(1): 49-56.
  76. Nosrati, K., Mohseni-saravi M., Eslamian S. S., Sharifi, F. and M. Mahdavi, 2004, Determination of Homogeneous regions for frequency analysis of low flows, Iranian Natural Resources Journal, 57(1): 45-58.
  77. Eslamian S. S., Zarei A. and A. Abrishamchi, 2003, Modified index flood method for estimating low flow in comparison with correlation method in Mazandaran basin, Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology, 17(2):  153-160.
  78. Eslamian, S. S. and S. Chavoshi-Boroujeni, 2003, Application of L-moments theory for flood frequency analysis of Iranian central catchments, Water and Soil Science, 7(1): 1-17.
  79. Sattari, M. T., S. S. Eslamian and A. Abrishamchi, 2003, Optimization for distribution of water in Kalamarz multi-reservoir system, Mianeh basin, ESTEGHLAL, Journal of Engineering, 21(2): 197-209.
  80. Zare-Ernany M. and S. S. Eslamian, 2002, Depth-area- duration relationships analysis in Yazd-Ardekan plain, Iranian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 33(1):  49-56.
  81. Kiaheirati, J., Eslamian, S. S. and H. Khademi, 2002, Evaluating performance of flood spreading  for  groundwater table  artificial recharge,  Iranian Natural Resources Journal, 55(2): 159-171.
  82. Kiaheirati, J., Khademi, H., Eslamian, S. S. and A. H. Charkhabi, 2002, Role of deposited sediments in changing physical-chemical properties of soils in the Moghar floodwater spreading system, Journal of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, 9(2): 27-40.
  83. Izadbakhsh, M. A., Eslamian, S. S. and S. F. Mousavi, 2001, Maximum-daily mean-discharge predicting models using physiographic characteristics of catchments in some western Iran watersheds, Water and Soil Science, 5,(2): 1-13.
  84. Gazavi, G. and S. S. Eslamian, 2001, Comparison of calcareous and non-calcareous catchments in view of stream surface runoff, Journal of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, 7( 4): 3-14.
  85. Eslamian, S. S., A. Abrishamchi and K. Farzamnia, 2001, Application of discriminant analysis to estimate instantaneous maximum discharge for catchments in west of Iran, ESTEGHLAL, Journal of Engineering, 19(2):  179-190.
  86. Eslamian, S. S. and S. Chavoshi-Boroujeni, 2001, The study of hydrological homogeneity in gauged watersheds of central part of Iran, Scientific Journal of Agriculture, 23(2): 1-30.
  87. Eslamian, S. S., Salimi V. and S. Chavoshi-Boroujeni, 2000, Developing an empirical model for the estimation of peak discharge in some catchments in western Iran, Water and Soil Sciences, 4(2):  1-12.
  88. Chavoshi-Boroujeni, S. and S. S. Eslamian, 1999, Regional flood frequency analysis in Zayandehrood watershed using the hybrid method, Water and Soil Sciences, 3(3): 1-12.
  89. Mousavi, S. F., Jamshidnezhad-Anbarany, J., Eslamian, S. S. and N. Rostam-Afshar, 1999, Estimation of runoff coefficients for the Caspian sea catchments, Water and Soil Sciences, 3(2): 1-19.
  90. Chavoshi-Boroujeni, S. and S. Eslamian, 1999, Regional Flood Analysis in Arid Zones Using Hybrid Method, Water and Wastewater Journal, 30, 23-35.
  91. Eslamian, S. S. and K. Farzamnia, 1999, Regionalization of Flood Frequency Estimation using Cluster Analysis, Water and Wastewater Journal, 31, 1-12.