Selected International Conference Papers

  1. Sabzevari, Y., Eslamian, S., Boutaghane, H., 2023, Forecasting the daily inflow with an Artificial Intelligence Method, 7th International Symposium on Flash Floods in Wadi Systems 5-7 June 2023,  Pan African University Institute of Water and Energy Sciences,  University of Tlemcen, Algeria
  2. Roknizadeh, H., Eslamian, S., 2022, Simulating flood hydrograph of ungauged basins with HEC-HMS model using PERSIANN-CDR precipitation data, 12th Conference on River Engineering, Ahvaz, Iran.
  3. Canchola, E., Canchola, A. C., Cinar,  S., and Eslamian, S., 2022, Groundwater Contamination of the Sonora River Watershed by the Cananea del Cobre Mine, National Groundwater Week, Las Vegas, USA.
  4. Sabzevari, Y. and Eslamian, S., 2021, Application of combined and temperature methods in estimating the evapotranspiration of reference plant under Boroujerd climatic conditions, 10th International Conference on Rainwater Catchment System, Sanandaj, Iran.
  5. Mehta, D. J., Mangukiya, N., Eslamian, S., Varun, Y., 2021, “1D and 2D Hydrodynamic Simulation of Flood: A Case Study of Purna River, Navsari”, Virtual International Conference on "Emerging Research and Innovations in Civil Engineering (ERICE), 15 May, Dr. S. & S. S. Ghandhy Government Engineering College, Surat, India
  6. Alinezhad; Ali,  Gohari, Alireza ; Eslamian; S.,Baghbani, R., 2020, Uncertainty Analysis in Climate Change Projection Using Bayesian Approach, World Environmental and Water Resources Congress (ASCE), Henderson, Nevada, USA, May 17–21,
  7. Toghyani Khorasgani, S. and Eslamian, S., 2020, Investigation of the effects of climate change on the hydrological component of the watershed in the near and distant future, 4th International Congress on Agricultural and Environmental Development with emphasis on the Development Plan of Nations, Tehran, Iran.
  8. Toghyani Khorasgani, S., and Eslamian, S., 2020, Investigation of temperature and precipitation variability using LARS-WG model and CMIP5 model (Case study of Daran and Fereydunshahr stations), 4th International Congress on Agricultural Development and Environment with Emphasis on UNDP, Tehran, Iran.
  9. Abdolhosseini, M. and Eslamian, S., 2020, Determining the best fitted distribution on the maximum annual flow data (Case study of the Eskandari Basin), 2nd International Congress of Agricultural Engineering, Natural Resources and Environment, Tehran, Iran.
  10. Toghyani Khorasgani, S. and Eslamian, S., 2020, Evaluation of the efficiency of WetSpa hydrological model in Plasjan river flow simulation, 2nd International Congress of Agricultural Engineering, Natural Resources and Environment, Tehran, Iran.
  11. Toghyani Khorasgani, S. and Eslamian, S., 2020, Modeling the effects of climate change on surface runoff under the scenarios of the Fifth Climate Change Report (Case Study: Eskandari Watershed), 2nd International Congress of Agricultural Engineering, Natural Resources and Environment, Tehran, Iran .
  12. Madadi Organi, M.,  and Eslamian, S., 2020, Combining the art of architecture and structure in structural elements (case study of the columns of Isfahan Chehelston Palace), International Conference on Civil Engineering, Architecture, Development and Reconstruction of Urban Infrastructure in Iran, Tehran, Iran.
  13. Ranjbar, A. and Heidarpour, M. and Eslamian, S. and Shirvani, M., 2019, The effect of temperature on the production of bio-charcoal from rapeseed stems in the removal of lead from the drain, 4th International Congress on Agricultural Development, Natural Resources, Environment and Tourism Iran, Tabriz, Iran.
  14. Ranjbar, A. and Heidarpour, M. and Eslamian, S. and Shirvani, M., 2019,Study of Removal of Lead from Polluted Water with Using Different Adsorbent, First International Congress and Fourth National Congress of Irrigation and Drainage of Iran, Urmia, Iran.
  15. Ranjbar, A. and Heidarpour, M. and  Eslamian, S. and Shirvani, M., 2019,Investigation of the removal of lead from polluted water using magnetic iron oxide nanoparticles, 4th International Congress on Agricultural Development, Natural Resources, Environment and Tourism of Iran, Tabriz, Iran.
  16. Ranjbar, A. and Heidarpour, M. and Eslamian, S. and Shirvani, M., 2019, The effect of biochar adsorbent dose on lead removal from wastewater, 4th International Congress on Agricultural Development, Natural Resources, Environment and Tourism of Iran, Tabriz, Iran.
  17. Ranjbar, A. and Heidarpour, M. and Eslamian, S. and Shirvani, M., 2019,Study of adsorption isotherms of canola stalk adsorbents for removal of lead from polluted water, 4th International Congress on Agricultural Development, Natural Resources, Environment and Tourism of Iran, Tabriz, Iran.
  18. Eslamian, S., 2019, Novelties in Flood Management, First International Conference on Water and Climate, Keynote Paper, Badji Mokhtar University, Annaba, 13-14, November, Algeria
  19. Reyhani, M. N., Grundmann, P., Eslamian, S., 2019, Engagement of Farmers in Adaptive Water Governance: Perceptions on the Role of Farmers’ Organization, 5th YES Congress 2019: “Rocking Earth’s Future”. Free University of Berlin,  September 9-14, Germany.
  20. Reyhani, M. N., Grundmann, P., Eslamian, S., 2019, Contribution of Farmers’ Organization in Engagement Process toward Adaptive Water Governance: Investigating the Perception of Different Actors, in KOSMOS-Conference: Navigating the Sustainability Transformation in the 21st Century. Humboldt University Berlin,  August 28-30, Germany.
  21. Toghyani Khorasgani, S. and Savari Dehaghi, P. and Eslamian, S., 2018, Application of integrated water resources management in sustainable urban architecture, International Conference on Civil Engineering, Architecture and Urban Development Management in Iran, Tehran, Iran.
  22. Matouq, M., Dabbas, D., Eslamian, S., 2017, Solar Photocatalytic Detoxification Using Nano particles of Titanium Oxide: A Treatment Method for Actual Decentralized wastewater unit Effluents, The Eighth Jordan International Chemical Engineering Conference (JIChEC 2017) November 7-9, Jordan.
  23. Abedi Kopaei, J., Eslamian, S. S., Teymoori Jervekani, A. and Shafieiyoun, E. 2016. Investigating and Modeling Some of Heavy Metals in Sediments of Zayanderud Riverbed Using MIKE 11. International Conference on World Wetlands Day, Isfahan, Iran.
  24. Goodarzi; E., Ziaei; L., Eslamian, S., 2016, Water use efficiency at basin and farm scales,  In: Stringer, Christina E.; Krauss, Ken W.; Latimer, James S., eds. 2016. Headwaters to estuaries: advances in watershed science and management -Proceedings of the Fifth Interagency Conference on Research in the Watersheds. March 2-5, 2015, North Charleston, South Carolina. e-General Technical Report SRS-211. Asheville, NC: U.S. Department of Agriculture Forest Service, Southern Research Station. 302 p.
  25. Gargouri E., Chérif R., S. Eslamian, 2016. Delineation of homogeneous regions for multivariate regional frequency analysis using modified Mahalanobis distance based on Kendalls tau. STAHY,  26-27 Sep 2016 Québec, Canada.
  26. Ayatolahi, H., Okhravi, S. S. and Eslamian, S. S., 2016, Reviewing the Role of Climate Change Effects on Human Health and Ecosystem. 2th International Conference of IALE, Isfahan, Iran.
  27.  Eslamian, S., Davari, A., and Reyhani, M. N.,  2015.“Qanats, The Symbol of Sustainability”,  Proceeding of Second IWA Workshop on Evolution of Qanat and Relevant Hydraulic Technologies, UNESCO-ICQHS and IWA, Shahandeh Publication, Yazd, Iran.
  28. Eslamian, S. S., Ayatolahi, H. and Okhravi, S. S., 2015, Ways of controlling with climate change towards water crisis. 3th International Conference on Rainwater Catchment Systems, Birjand, Iran.
  29. Eslamian, S. S., Malekian Jabali, M. and Okhravi, S. S., 2015, Rainwater harvesting as a practical LID method for confronting climate change. International Conference on Sustainable Development with a Focus on Agriculture, Environment and Tourism, Tabriz, Iran.
  30. Bahadori, R., Pishva, M., Eslamian, S., Heidarpour, M., 2015, Investigating the MLE method to remove phosphorus from industrial wastewater, Third International Symposium on Environmental and Water Resources Engineering, 2-3 June, Tehran , Iran.
  31. Pishva, M., Bahadori, R., Eslamian, S., 2015, Feasibility of improving the process of aerobic treatment of industrial wastewater of metal industries (case study: Najafabad 1 Industrial Treatment Plant - Isfahan), Third International Symposium on Environmental and Water Resources Engineering, 2-3 June, Tehran , Iran.
  32. Eslamian, S. S., Okhravi, S. S. and Sajad, R. M., 2015, Rainwater harvesting systems development strategies in urban space. 5th International Conference on Sustainable Development and Urban Construction, Isfahan, Iran.
  33. Zareian, M .J., Eslamian, S.S., Safavi, H. R., Eslamian, A. 2015, Effect of Climate Change on Reference Evapotranspiration Based on Weighting Methods,  4th Climate Change Technology Conference, May 25-27, Montreal, Canada.
  34. Zareian, M.J., Eslamian, S.S., Gohari, A. and Hosseinipour, E.Z., 2014, Climate Change Impacts on Reservoir Inflow Using Various Weighting Approaches, World Environmental and Water Resources Congress, USA.
  35. Abdolvandi, A.F., Parsamehr, D., Babazadeh, H., Eslamian, S. and Hosseinipour, E.Z., 2014, Conjunctive Use of Surface and Groundwater Resources Using System Dynamics Approach (Case Study: Namroud Dam), World Environmental & Water Resources Congress, USA.
  36. Kohansal, M. M., Mohamadi, O., Eslamian, S. S. and M. Kohansal, 2014, Inter-basin Transfer and Saving Uremia Lake by Sustainable Development Approach, The 32nd National and the 1st International Geosciences Congress, Uremia, Iran.
  37. Molaei, H., M. M. Kohansal, S. Karamifard, and S. S. Eslamian, 2014, climate change and its influence on the water level of Uremia Lake, The 4th International Conference on Environmental Challenges and Dendrochronologoy, Sari, Iran.
  38. Eslamian, S. S., M. Naderi-beni, M. M. Kohansal, S. Pouriamehr, and A. Nasri, 2014, Investigation of temperature and precipitation changes in Isfahan stations using parametric and nonparametric tests, The 4th International Conference on Environmental Challenges and Dendrochronologoy,  Sari, Iran.
  39. Eslamian, S.S., Bazrkar, M.H., Ziaei, R., Zamani, N., Nasri, M. and Rajaei, F., 2014, A Review on Eutrophication of Water Bodies, PSRC-ISAET, International Conference Program Jan. 13-14, Penang, Malaysia.
  40. Shafieyoun, E., Gheysari, M. and Eslamian, S. S., 2014, Identification of Micro-climates of Isfahan City and Its Effect on Average, Maximum and Minimum Air Temperature, Keynote Lecture, Proceeding of 3rd ScienceOne International Conference on Environmental Sciences, UAE.
  41. Bazrkar, M. H., Zamani, N., Eslamian, S. S., 2014, Investigation of Landuse Impacts on Sediment Yield using a SWAT (Case Study: Chamgodalan Reservoir Watershed, Iran), Proceeding of 3rd ScienceOne International Conference on Environmental Sciences, UAE.
  42. Naderi, M., S. S. Eslamian, M. M. Kohansal, and A. Nasri, 2013, Checking temperature and precipitation changes in Isfahan stations using parametric and nonparametric tests, The 1st International Conference of IALE,  Isfahan University of Technology, Iran.
  43. Eslamian, S. S., Amininezhad, S. M., Amininejad, S. M., 2013,  Antibacterial activity of ZnO nanoparticles against Escherichia coli. 2nd Water Research Conference, Singapore Expo, January, Singapore.
  44. Bazrkar, M.H., Zeyaei, R., and Eslamian, S.S., 2013, Eutriphication: a Water Body’s Problem, International Symposium on Ecohydrology, Biotechnology and Engineering: Towards the Harmony Between Biogeosphere and Society on the Basis of Long Term Ecosystem Research, September 16-22, Lodz, Poland. 
  45. Bazrkar, M.H., Sarang, A. and Eslamian, S.S., 2013, Application of SWAT for sediment load estimation in Ghamgordlan reservoir watershed, 28-30 March, Perm, Russia.
  46. Salahshur, Sh., Bazrkar, H. and Eslamian, S.S., 2013, Petroleum pollution as a predicament to soil and water resources, The 2nd International Conference on water Energy and Environment, 21-24 September, Ezmir, Turkey.
  47. Amininejad, S. M., Eslamian, S. S.,  Amininezhad, S. M., 2013, Photocatalytic Degradation of Model Textile Dyes in Wastewater Using ZnO Nanoparticles, 5th International Conference of Water Resources and Sustainable Development, 24-25 February, Algiers.
  48. Amininejad, S. M., Eslamian, S. S.,Amininezhad, S. M., 2013, Application of ZnO Nanoparticles in Wastewater Disinfection, 5th International Conference of Water Resources and Sustainable Development, 24-25 February, Algiers.
  49. Mousavi, S. Z.,  Eslamian, S.,  Eslamian, F.,  Tishezan, P. 2013, The Effect of Water Shortage on Date Fruit Water Consumption and Optimal Performance, 5th International Conference of Water Resources and Sustainable Development, 24-25 February, Algiers.
  50. Saadati, S. and Eslamian, S., 2013, Application of Indicators of Hydrologic Alteration for Evaluating Environmental Impacts of Dam Operation during Drought Periods: A Case Study,  5th International Conference of Water Resources and Sustainable Development, 24-25 February, Algiers.
  51. Bahmani, R., Eslamian, S., Khorsandi, M., and Hosseinipour, E.Z., 2013, Combination of L-Moments Method and Hydrological Model for Design Flood Hydrograph Determination, World Environmental and Water Resources Congress, May 19-23, USA.
  52. Hosseini, S. Z., Heidarpour, M., Eslamian, S. S., 2012, Effect of Conductor of Baldes Submerged Weir discharge coefficient triangle with vertex angle of 45 degrees, Ninth International Conference on River Engineering, Ahvaz.
  53. Bahmani, R., Eslamian, S. S., Naderi-Bani, M., Fahhian F., 2012, Investigating Maximum Rainfall Intensity on Peak Discharge using IDF curves and HEC-HMS model, Ninth International Conference on River Engineering, Ahvaz.
  54. Fakhri, M., Eslamian, S. S., Rostamian, R., and Fazeli, I, 2012, A Review on Erosion and Sediment Transfer Models with Emphasis on Sediment Modeling of Beheshtabad Sub-basin, North Karoon, using SWAT Model,  Ninth International Conference on River Engineering, Ahvaz.
  55. Eslamian, S. S., Okhravi, S. S., Fazlolahi, H. and Eslamian, F. 2012. Sustainable Management of Water Resources With Techniques of Rainwater Harvesting In Ancient and Present, IWA Specialized Conference on Water & Wastewater, Istanbul-Turkey.
  56. Eslamian, S. S. and Okhravi, S. S. 2012. The Role of Water Resources Management in Creating Motivation for the Installation and Using Rainwater Harvesting Systems, International Conference on Traditional Knowledge for Water Resources Management, Yazd, Iran.
  57. Eslamian, F., Taebi, A., Hasheminejad, H. and S. S. Eslamian, 2012, Removal of Acid Red 88 from Aqueous Solutions by Walnut Shells, 9th International Congress on Civil Engineering, Isfahan, Iran.
  58. Shaeri Karimi, S., Eslamian, S. S. and R. Modarres, 2012, Estimating Environmental Flow for Millhaven Creek, Canada, 9th International Congress on Civil Engineering, Isfahan, Iran.
  59. Bateni M., Eslamian, S. S., Mousavi, S. F.  and E. Z. Hosseinipour, 2012, Application of a Localization Scheme in Estimating Groundwater Level using Deterministic Ensemble Kalman Filter, EWRI/ASCE 10th Symposium on Groundwater Hydrology, Quality and Management, USA.
  60. Amini Nezhad, S. M. and S. S. Eslamian, 2012, Toward a more Holistic Perspective of Soil Erosion, Dust Haze Events and Interaction between Aeolian and Fluvial Transport Processes, The 1st International Congress on Dust Haze and Combating its Adverse Effects, Ahvaz, Iran.
  61. Biabanaki, M., S.S. Eslamian and A. Tabatabaei, 2012. Low flow regionalization by regression and hybrid methods. World Wide Workshop for Young Environmental Scientists, Arcueil, France.
  62. Biabanaki, M, Eslamian, S. S.,Abedi-Koupai, J., Cañón, J.,  Boni, G., 2012, The SPI index in west Iran associated to PDO signal, EGU General Assembly Conference, 7566.
  63. Malekian, R., Abedi-Koupai, J. and S. S. Eslamian, 2012,Parameter Estimation in LEACHN for Zeolite-Amended Soil and Unamended-Soil Conditions,  International Conference on Environmental Systems Science and Engineering. Venice , 27 May-June 1,  Italy.
  64. Eslamian, S. S., Tarkesh, S., Kamran, M. R. and Y. Harooni, 2011, Evaluating The Potential Of Urban Reclaimed Water In Area Of North Isfahan, Iran, For Industrial Reuses, 4th international conference of water resource and sustainable development, Algeria.
  65. Eslamian, S. S., Tarkesh-Isfahany, S., 2011, Industrial reuse of urban wastewaters, a step towards sustainable development of water resources, 1st International Conference on Desalination and Environment: A Water Summit, 29 Oct. 1 Nov., Beach Rotana, Abu Dhabi, UAE.
  66. Farzaneh, M. R., Eslamian, S. S. and M. Biabanaki, 2011, The uncertainty impact of multiple linear statistical downscaling model (SDSM) on runoff, 13th Plinius Conference on Mediterranean Storms, Savona, Italy.
  67. Eslamian S. S., Abedi-Koupai, J., Hasheminejad, S. Y., and E. Z. Hosseinipour, 2011, A mathematical model for Ni phyto-extraction from cotaminated soils, 2011 World Environmental and Water Resources Congress: Bearing Knowledge for Sustainability, Palm Springs, USA, 1772-1781.
  68. Rajaei, F., Samadi-Borujeni, H., Eslamian, S. S. and E. Z. Hosseinipour, 2011, The Impact of Artificial Recharge Plans on Aquifer and Demand Management Techniques in Shahrekord, Iran, 2011 World Environmental and Water Resources Congress: Bearing Knowledge for Sustainability, Palm Springs, USA, 833-845.
  69. Fakhri, M., Farzaneh, M. R., Eslamian, S. S., and E. Z. Hosseinipour, 2011,  Uncertainty Analysis of Downscaled Precipitation Using LARS-WG, Statistical Model in Shahrekord Station, Iran, 2011 World Environmental and Water Resources Congress: Bearing Knowledge for Sustainability, Palm Springs, USA, 4572-4578.
  70. Malekian, R., Abedi-Koupai, J. and S. S. Eslamian, 2011, Use of Zeolite and Surfactant Modified Zeolite as Ion Exchangers to Control Nitrate Leaching. International Conference on Environmental Systems Science and Engineering. Venice, May 27-June 1,  Italy.
  71. Eslamian, S. and Tarkesh-Isfahani, S., 2010. Evaluating the most efficient irrigation systems in wastewater reuse, Pakistan Agriculture: Challenges and Opportunities, Kashmir, Pakistan.
  72. Mousavi, S. Z., Eslamian, S. S., Sharifani, M., 2010, Increasing Berhi Date Palm's Yield and Cost Efficiency, as Irrigated by Reclaimed Sewage Wastewater, Pakistan Agriculture: Challenges and Opportunities, Kashmir, Pakistan
  73. Amiri, M. J.,  Eslamian, S.S., Abedi-Koupai, J. and M. Khozaei, 2010, Estimation of daily pan evaporation using the fuzzy regression method in a semi-arid region of Iran, 10th Iranian Conference on Fuzzy Systems, Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran, Iran, July 13-15, 2010. 300-304.
  74. Abedi-Koupai, J., Eslamian S., Gohari A., R. Khodadadi, 2010, The Mechanical Properties of Concrete Containing Nanoparticles of Phoenix Dactilifera, Proceeding of the 3rd Conference on Nanostructures, Kish Island, Iran.
  75. Eslamian, S., Tarkesh-Isfahani, S., Malekpour, I., 2010, Investigating heavy metals concentration of a wastewater treatment plant for agricultural and landscape reuses, Dryland Hydrology: Global Challenges Local Solutions, September 1-4, Westin La Paloma-Tucson, USA.
  76. Abedi-Koupai, J., Eslamian, S. S. and Fakouri, F., 2010, The Effects of Applying Treated Wastewater on the Physical and Mechanical Behavior of Soil-Root Interactions, Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 12, EGU2010-13610, EGU General Assembly, Vienna, Austria.
  77. Eslamian, S. S. and E. Z. Hosseinipour, 2010, A Modified Region of Influence Approach for Flood Regionalization, World Environmental and Water Resources Congress, Providence, Rhode Island, USA.
  78. Moravejolahkami, B. and S. S. Eslamian, 2010, Application of Two-Step And FAO-56 Evapotranspiration Models In An Arid Environment, IWA World Water Congress and Exhibition, Montreal, Canada.
  79. Hassanzadeh, H, Eslamian, S. S., Abdolhosseini, M and S. Grimaldi, 2010, Application of L-moments for Estimation of Quantile Mixtures, International Workshop on Advances in Statistical hydrology, Taormina, Italy.
  80. Mirabbasi, R. and S. S. Eslamian, 2010, Delineation of Groundwater Quality Concerning Applicability of Pressure Irrigation System In Sirjan Watershed, Iran, International Conference on Management of Soil  and Groundwater Salinization in Arid Regions, Sultan Qaboos University, Muscat, Oman.
  81. Malekian, R., Abedi-Koupai, J. and S. S. Eslamian, 2010, An Effective Method to Reduce Groundwater Pollution in Farmlands, The 1st Annual Conference- Ibb 2010, Environmental Science and Technology, Republic of Yemen.
  82. Malekian, R., Abedi-Koupai, J. and S. S. Eslamian, 2010, The Effect of Ionic Strength on the Ammonium Adsorption and Desorption by Semnan Clinoptilolite Zeolite. Iran International Zeolite Conference,  Tehran, Iran.
  83. Moravejalahkami, B., Mostafazadeh-Fard, B., Heidarpour, M., Abbasi, F., Eslamian, S. S. and E.Vazquez-Fernandez, 2010, The effects of variable inflow hydrographs on water saving in furrow irrigation using zero-inertia model, International Conference on Environmental Science and Technology, Bangkok, Thailand.
  84. Abedi-Koupai, J., Ghaheri, E., Eslamian, S., 2009, The Effects of Superabsorbent Polymer and Irrigation Regime on Phytoremediation of Petroleum Contaminated Soils, 9th International Seminar on Polymer Science and Technology, Iran Polymer and Petrochemical Institute, Tehran, Iran.
  85. Eslamian, S. S., Hedayat, E. and S. Tarkesh Esfahani, 2009, Reusing Reclaimed Wastewater through Artificial Recharge for Increasing Sustainable Water, First Conference of Water Resources Management, Shahroud, Iran.
  86. Eslamian, S. S., M. J. Amiri and W. Balderer, 2009, A Review on Thermal Spring in Iran, Groundwater, Thermal and Mineral Water in Areas of Arid Conditions: Consequences for the Current Situation of Climate Change and the Increasing Population of Egypt, IAH-CMTW Workshop, Cairo, Egypt.
  87. Eslamian, S. S., Khordadi, M. J., Baba Ahmadi, A. and J. Abedi-Koupai, 2009, Effects of Variations In Climate Parameters on Evapotranspiration In the Arid and Semiarid Regions, RCM2009, Lund University, Sweden.
  88. Eslamian, S. S., Hasanzadeh, H. and J. Abedi-Koupai, 2009, Drought Index Frequency Analysis Using L-Moments, Managing Water in a Changing World, Torino, Italy, July 27-31. 
  89. Eslamian, S. S. and H. Hasanzadeh, 2009, Climate Change Impact on Frequency Analysis of Wind Speed, IAMAS2009, 19-29 July, Montreal, Canada.
  90. Eslamian, S. S. and S. A. Gohari, 2006, Investigation of Flooding Process in South-Esfahan Basin, International Congress of Islamic World Geographers, Esfahan University, Isfahan.
  91. Eslamian, S. S., 2006, Detection of Hydrologic Changes, International Symposium on Drylands Ecology and Human Security, Dubai, United Arab Emirates.
  92. Eslamian, S. S., Ghoudarzi, A. and R. Nazari, 2006, Investigation of the Changes of Permeability, Physical and Chemical Characteristics of Sediment Basins for Artificial Recharge In Bagh-E-Sorkh Region, Shahreza, Isfahan, 22nd Annual International Conference on Soils, Sediments and Water, University of Massachusetts at Amherst, USA.
  93. Abedi-Koupai, J., Eslamian, S. S.,  Salehi, M. and J. Khajehali, 2006, Effect of Water Stress on Population Changes of Emp on Cowpea, 8th European Congress of Entomology, Izmir, Turkey.
  94. Saadati, S., Soltani-Koupai, S. and S. S. Eslamian, 2006, Frequency Analysis of Meteorological Drought Using Standard Precipitation Index (SPI) In Zayanderud Basin, First Regional Conference on Optimum Utilization of Water Resources in the Karun and Zayanderud Rivers Basins, Shahrekord University, 167.
  95. Eslamian, S. S., Abedi Koupai, J., A. Godarzi, 2005,  The Impact of Artificial Recharge on Yield of Bagh-sorkh Ganat, Shahreza, Second International Conference on Ganat, Yazd.
  96. Biabanaki M. and S. S. Eslamian, 2005, Comparing Regional Flood and Low Flow Frequency by Index Flood and Hybrid Methods, International Conference on Human Impacts on Soils Quality Attributes in Arid & Semiarid Regions, Isfahan University of Technology, Esfahan, Iran.
  97. Biabanaki M. and S. S. Eslamian, 2005, Monthly Flow Forecasting by Time Series Models In Ghezelozen River, Iran-Korea Climate Modeling Workshop, Mashhad, Iran.
  98. Soltani, S., Modarres R. and S. S. Eslamian, 2005, The Determination of Regional Rainfall Climates of Iran Based on Time Series Modeling, Iran-Korea Climate Modeling Workshop, Mashhad, Iran. 
  99. Eslamian S. S., 2004, Evaporation Modeling for Some Dam Reservoirs In Iran, Western Pacific Geophysics Meeting, Hawaii Convention Center, Honolula, Hawaii.
  100. Eslamian S. S., Sattari M. T. and R. Nazari, 2004, Optimization and Simulation of Water Distribution In Small Multi-Reservoir System, Sixth International Conference on Hydro-science and Engineering, Brisbane, Australia.
  101. Chavoshi, S. and S. Eslamian. 2004. Regional flood frequency analysis using L-moments. International Conference on Hydrology: Science and Practice for the 21st Century, London, England. 

  102. Chavoshi, S. and S. Eslamian. 2004. Study on hydrological homogeneity of the catchments (a case study: North Karoon/Iran). International Conference on Hydrology: Science and Practice for the 21st Century, London, England.  
  103. Eslamian, S. S., Tabatabaei H., Abedi Koupaei, J. and R. Nazari, 2003, A Mathematical and Management Model of Groundwater With Emphasis on Artificial Recharge for Damaneh Plain, Isfahan Province of Iran, The Second International Conference on Salt Water Intrusion and Coastal Aquifers, Merida, Mexico.
  104. Eslamian, S. S., Khatoonabadi, S. A., Shahidi Hamadani, A. and R. Nazari, 2003, Water Resources Mismanagement and Desertification of a Semiarid Region, Gahavand Plain, Seventh International Conference on Dry Land Development: Sustainable Development of Dry Lands in the 21st Century, The International Dry Lands Development Commission (IDDC), Tehran, Iran.
  105. Eslamian, S. S. and M. Afyuni, 2003, Investigating Nitrate Contamination In the Groundwater of Isfahan Plain, Iran, 5th International Congress of Turkish Society of Toxicology, Antalya, Turkey.
  106. Eslamian, S. S. and R. Nazari, 2003, Hydrological Homogeneity Test of Catchments In Central Part of Iran Using L-Moments Diagram, The International Conference on the Rational Use and Construction of Water Resources in a Changing Environment, Yerevan, Armenia.
  107. Sattari, M. T., Eslamian, S. S. and A. Abrishamchi, 2003, Optimization of Water Consumption In a 9-Reservoir River System, 6th International Conference on Civil Engineering, Isfahan University of Technology, Iran.
  108. Modarres, R. and S. S. Eslamian, 2003, Drought Frequency Analysis Using Markov Chain for Isfahan City, Third Regional Conference and First National Conference on Climate Change, University of Isfahan, Isfahan, Iran.
  109. Nosrati, K., Mohseni Saravi, M., Eslamian S. S., Sharifi F. and M. Mahdavi, 2003, Identification of Homogeneous Regions In Hydrological Drought Using Multivariate Statistical Techniques In Arid and Semi-Arid Zones, Third Regional Conference and First National conference on Climate Change, University of Isfahan, Isfahan, Iran.
  110. Eslamian, S. S. and Y. Osroosh, 2002, The Impact of Dam Construction of Climate Parameters, Third Regional Conference and First National conference on Climate Change, University of Isfahan, Isfahan, Iran.
  111. Eslamian, S. S. and R. Nazari, 2002, Economic Evaluation of an Iranian Water Resources Project, Third Conference on Agriculture and Natural Resources, Iran and Russia, Moscow.
  112. Eslamian, S. S., Khajedin, S. J. and A. Amiri-Maleki, 2002, Role of dam construction in developing desert regions of arid zone climates, 8th International Conference on Understanding Future Dryland environmental Changes From Past Dynamics, Yazd University, Iran.
  113. Eslamian, S. S., Ashtari A. and R. Nazari, 2002, A Traditional System of Water Harvesting, Turkey Nest, International Conference of Human and Water, Ramsar, Iran.
  114. Chavoshi, S. and S. Eslamian, 2001, The role of traditional utilization of water in management of water resources of arid land, Second Regional Conference on Water and Wastewater Management in Asia, Tehran, Iran.
  115. Gazavi, R. and  S. Eslamian, 2006, Runoff in an Iranian Karstic Watershed as Compared with a Neighbor non-Karstic Watershed, 8th Conference on Limestone Hydrogeology, Neuchâtel, Switzerland.
  116. Chavoshi-Boroujeni, S. and S. S. Eslamian, 2000, The Role of Combining Traditional (Ganat) and Conventional (Artificial Recharge) Systems on Economic-Social Development of Baghsorkh Region, Shahreza, First International Conference on Ganat, Yazd Regional Water Board, Iran.
  117. Eslamian, S. S., 1995, What Can Be Measured After the Occurrence of a Flood, Regional Conference on Water Resources Management, Isfahan University of Technology, Isfahan, Iran, 397-403.
  118. Keshavarzy, A., Erskine W. D. and S. S. Eslamian, 1995, River Management Vs. Urban Development In the Hawkesbury-Nepean River Basin, Australia, Regional Conference on Water Resources Management, Isfahan University of Technology, Isfahan, Iran, 629-637.
  119. Nazemosadat, M. J., Cordery I. and S. S. Eslamian, 1995, The Impacts of Persian Gulf Sea Surface Temperatures on Iranian Rainfall, Regional Conference on Water Resources Management, Isfahan University of Technology, Isfahan, Iran, 809-818.
  120. Eslamian S. S., 1992, Regionalization of Flood Frequency Estimation, First Seminar for Iranian Students Studying in Australia, University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia.