- Sabzevari, Y., Eslamian, S., 2023, Spatial and Temporal Variations of Reference Evapotranspiration in Lorestan, Western of Iran, using GIS", Indonesian Journal of Geography, Accepted.
- Shaabani, K., Abed-Koupai, J., Eslamian, S., Gohari, A., 2023, Simulation of the efects of climate change, crop pattern change, and developing irrigation systems on the groundwater resources by SWAT, WEAP and MODFLOW models: a case study of Fars province, Iran: A Case Study of Fars Province, Iran, Environment, Development and Sustainability, https://doi.org/10.1007/s10668-023-03157-5.
- Mehta, D. and Eslamian, S., 2023, Investigation of the Effect of Water Treatment Plant Effluent on River Quality: A Case Study, Int. J. of Environment and Waste Management, Accepted..
- Riazi, M., , Karimi, M., Eslamian, S., Riahi Samani, M., 2023, Comparative assessment of advanced machine learning techniques for simulation of lake water level fluctuations based on different dimensionality reduction methods, Earth Science Informatics, 16, 37–55 .
- Eslamian, S., Harouni, Y., Sabzevari, Y., 2023, Simulation of Nitrate Pollution and Vulnerability of Groundwater Resources Using Modflow and DRASTIC Models, Scientific Reports, Scientific Reports, Accepted.
- Gohari, S. A., Savari Dehaghi, P., Eslamian, S., Etemadi Shalamzari, N., Gondhalekar, D., 2022, Developing a system dynamic plus framework for Water-Land-Society nexus modeling within urban socio-hydrologic systems, Technological Forecasting & Social Change, Accepted.
- Ranjbar, A. and Heidarpour, M. and Eslamian, S. and Shirvani, M., 2022, Investigating the Performance of Adsorbents made from the Canola Stalk for Removal of Lead from Drainage Water, Arabian Journal of Geosciences, 15(1565), https://doi.org/10.1007/s12517-022-10746-7.
- Shaabani, K., Abed-Koupai, J., Eslamian, S., Gohari, A., 2022, Simulation of the effects of climate change and reduce irrigation requirements on groundwater recharge using SWAT and MODFLOW models: A Case Study of Fars Province, Iran, Modeling Earth Systems and Environment, https://doi.org/10.1007/s40808-022-01580-7.
- Tabatabaei, S. M., Dastourani, M., Eslamian, S., Nazeri Tahroudi, M., 2022, Ranking and Optimizing the Rain-gauge Networks Using the Entropy-Copula approach (Case Study of the Siminehrood Basin, Iran, Applied Water Science , Accepted.
- Sabzevari, Y., Eslamian, S. and Moradalivand, K., 2022, Monitoring annual precipitation changes in Dezful plain with statistical analysis and time series. Journal of Nature and Spatial sciences, 2(1), 41-53.
- Sabzevari, Y., Eslamian, S., 2022, Investigation of Temporal and Spatial Variations of Meteorological Drought in Lorestan Province, Water Productivity Journal, 2(2), 99-117
- Sabzevari,,Y., Eslamian, S. 2022, Predicting the Effect of Temperature Changes on Reference Evapotranspiration by Means of Time Series Modeling (Case Study: Khorramabad Basin), Irrigation Sciences and Engineering, 45(2), pp. 99-108.
- Jannesari, F, Eslamian, S., Jannesari, F, 2022, Prediction of meteorological parameters of minimum and maximum temperatures in Zayandehrud basin using time series analysis, Water Productivity Journal, 2(2), 73-98.
- Mahmoudi, M. R. Eslamian, S. S., Soltani, S., Tahanian, M., 2023, Regionalization of Rainfall Intensity-Duration-Frequency (IDF) Curves with L-Moments method using neural gas networks, Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 151, 1–11 .
- Gazal, O. M. N. and Eslamian, S., 2022, An empirical investigation of farmers' awareness and behavior in the sense of water scarcity towards participatory management Case Study: Jordan, Iranian Journal of Science and Technology Transactions of Civil Engineering, 46(2), 4619–4650.
- Barua, P., and Eslamian, S. 2022. Exploitation of agro-chemicals and its effect on health of farmers and environment on south-eastern coast of Bangladesh. Frontiers of Agriculture and Food Technology, Vol. 11 (2), pp. 001-009.
- Barua, P., and Eslamian, S. 2021. Food Production and Consumption in the face of Climate Induced Displacement:An Exploration of Indigenous Knowledge Management Practices of Southeastern Bangladeshis. IUP Journal of Knowledge Management, Vol. 19, No.4, pp. , No. 1, pp. 52-83.
- Barua P, Mitra A and Eslamian S., 2021, Disaster management strategies and relation of good governance for the coastal Bangladesh. Resour. Environ. Econ., 3(2): 269-279,
- Banihashemi, M., Eslamian, S. S., Nazari, B., 2021, The impact of climate change on return period of drought severity and duration features in the near and the far future in Qazvin plain, Iran, Arabian Journal of Geosciences, Submitted.
- Mehta, D. J., Eslamian, S., Prajapati, K., 2022, Flood modelling for a data-scare semi-arid region using 1-D hydrodynamic model: a case study of Navsari Region, Modeling Earth Systems and Environment, 8 (2), 2675-2685.
- Zareian, M. J., Eslamian, S., 2021, Groundwater Withdrawal Adjustment Based on Changes in Groundwater Balance Components (Case Study: an Arid Region in Central Iran), Arabian Journal of Geosciences, 14:1822
- Parvizi, S., Eslamian, S., Gohari, A., Soltani-Koupai, S. and Mohit-Esfahani, P., 2022, Prediction of Standardized Soil Moisture Drought Indices using L-moments in Karkheh River Basin, Iran, International Journal of Climatology, Submitted.
- Parvizi, S., Eslamian, S., Gheysari, M., Gohari, A., Soltani-Koupai, S., 2022, Regional frequency analysis of drought severity and duration in Karkheh River Basin, Iran using univariate L-moments method, Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 194: 336.
- Hasanzadeh Saray, M., Baubekova, A., Gohari, A., Eslamian, S. S., Klöve, B., Torabi Haghighi, A. , 2022, Optimization of Water-Energy-Food Nexus considering CO2 Emissions from Cropland: A Case Study in Northwest Iran, Applied Energy, Volume 307, 118236
- Ahmadi-Nouraldinvand, F., Afrouz, M., Elias, S. G., Eslamian, S., 2022, Green Synthesis of Copper Nanoparticles Extracted from Guar Seedling under Cu Heavy-metal Stress by Trichoderma harzianum and their Bio-efficacy Evaluation against Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia Coli, Environmental Earth Sciences, 81(54): 1-10.
- Gazal, O. and Eslamian, S., 2022, Assessing groundwater vulnerability based on modified DRASTIC-model and COP-model in arid areas, International Journal of Hydrology Science and Technology, 13 (2), 146-190.
- Pathan, A., I., Agnihotri, P. G., Eslamian, S., Patel, D., 2022, Comparative analysis of 1D hydrodynamic flood model using globally available DEMs- A case of the coastal region, International Journal of Hydrology Science and Technology, 13 (1), 92–123
- Shaikh, M., Lodha, P. P., Eslamian, S., 2022, Automatic Calibration of SWAT Hydrological Model By SUFI-2 Algorithm, International Journal of Hydrology Science and Technology, Vol. 13, No. 3, 324-334.
- Morote , A.-F., Hernández, M., Olcina, J., Rico, A.-M., Eslamian, S., 2022, Non-domestic water consumption in the city of Alicante, Southern Spain (2000-2017). An exploration of trends and users, Internationale Journal of Hydrology Science and Technology, Vol. 12, No. 4, 347-364.
- Gazal, O. and Eslamian, S., 2021, Comprehensive Groundwater Risk Assessment Case Study: Arid Northern Jordan Agricultural Area , International Journal of Hydrology Science and Technology, 12(4), 382-447.
- Mousavi, S. Z., Akhondali, A. M., Naseri, A., Eslamian, S., Saadati, S., 2021, Evaluation of whale and particle swarm optimisation algorithms in optimal allocation of water resources of irrigation network to maximise net benefit case study: Salman Farsi, Internaional Journal of Hydrology Science and Technology, 12(3), 333-345.
- Mirzaie; Z., Fatahi; R., Eslamian; S, Azizi, A., 2021, Comparising and evaluating reaction factor and drainage water quality respect to direction of surface irrigation, International Journal of Hydrology Science and Technology, 12(2), 214–222
- Araujo, R., Ponte, M., X., Eslamian, S., 2021, Effects of land cover change on hydrological responses of a Large-Scale Basin in Brazilian Amazon, International Journal of Hydrology Science and Technology, 12(1): 39-58.
- Zaghiyan, M. R., Eslamian, S., Gohari, A., Ebrahimi, M. S., 2021, Temporal correction of irregular observed intervals of groundwater level series using interpolation techniques, Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 145, 1027–1037.
- Kumar, K.S.A., Vardhan, A.S.S., Vardhan, A.S.S., Kumar, S., Saket, R.K., Rajendran, R. and Eslamian, S., 2021, Microbial fuel cells for a soil-based green energy conversion system, International Journal of Hydrology Science and Technology, 11(4): 439–460.
- AliNejad, A. and Gohari, A. and Eslamian, S. and Saberi, Z., 2021, A probabilistic Bayesian framework to deal with the uncertainty in hydro-climate projection of Zayandeh-Rud River Basin, Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 144, 847–860.
- Banihashemi, M., Eslamian, S. S., Nazari, B., 2021, The Impact of Climate Change on Wheat, Barley, and Maize Growth Indices in NearFuture and FarFuture Periods in Qazvin Plain, Iran, International Journal of Plant Production, 15, 45–60.
- Gaaloul, N., Eslamian, S., Katlane, R., 2021, Status of water resources and Climate change in Maghreb regions (Mauritania, Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia and Libya), International Journal Water Sciences and Environment Technologie, 6(4), 67-94.
- Gaaloul, N., Eslamian, S., Katlane, R., 2021, Integrated Water Resources Management and Climate Change, International Journal Water Sciences and Environment Technologies, 6(1): 89-103.
- Gaaloul, N., Eslamian, S., Katlane, R., 2021, Water, Climate Change and Food Security of the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) regions, International Journal Water Sciences and Environment Technologies, 6(3): 64-70.
- Gaaloul, N., Eslamian, S., Katlane, R., 2021, Water, Climate Change and Agriculture in MENA regions (Middle East and North Africa) International Journal Water Sciences and Environment Technologies 6(2): , 66-87.
- Hasanzadeh Saray, M., Eslamian, S. S., Klöve, B., Gohari, A., 2020, Regionalization of potential evapotranspiration using a modified region of influence, Theoretical and Applied Climatology. 140, 115–127.
- Kohansal, M. M., , Eslamian, S., Saadati, S., 2020, Study of Sulfate removal using Nanofiltration compared to biological method to access sustainable water resources in urban areas, A case study of Najaf Abad in Iran, European Journal of Geosciences, 2(2): 24-31.
- Gaaloul N., Eslamian, S., Modeling seawater intrusion and groundwater flow pollution, 2020, International Journal Water Sciences and Environment Technologies, 5(2), 116-139.
- Ramezani Etedali, M., Eslamian, S., 2020, COD reduction of potato processing wastewater using natural and commercial adsorbents, Desalination and Water Treatment, 192, 146–154.
- Anand Kumar, K.S., Saket, R.K., Rajendran, R. and Eslamian, S., 2020, Design and development of green energy conversion system using waste water and organic kitchen wastes, International Journal of Hydrology Science and Technology, 10(4): 315–333.
- Dehghan, Z., Eslamian, S. S., Fathian, F., 2020, Estimation of extreme quantiles at ungaged sites based on region-of-influence and weighting approaches to regional frequency analysis of maximum 24-h rainfall, Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 139(44) 1191–1205.
- Morote, A-F., Hernández, M., Rico, A.M. and Eslamian, S., 2020, Inter-basin water transfer conflicts. The case of the Tagus-Segura Aqueduct (Spain), International Journal of Hydrology Science and Technology, 10(4): 364–391.
- Morote, A-F., Hernández, M. and Eslamian, S., 2020, Rainwater harvesting in urban areas of developed countries. The state of the art (1980–2017), International Journal of Hydrology Science and Technology , 10(5): 448–470.
- Rather, N.A., Lone, M.A., Dar, A.Q., Eslamian, S., Mir, B.H. and Dar, B.A. 2020, Design criteria of protective filters based on particle shape and gradation parameters, International Journal of Hydrology Science and Technology, 10(1), 102–122.
- Shatnawi, N., Matouq, M., Khasawneh, A. and Eslamian, S., 2020, Derivation of digital terrain models and morphological parameters from very high resolution satellite images, International Journal of Hydrology Science and Technology, 10(6): 515–526.
- Gasmi, I., Aljoumani, B., Mechergui, M., Eslamian , S. and Moussa, M., 2020, Potential of irrigation technology to control soil salinity and greenhouses pepper yield production improvement in sandy soil of Southern Tunisia’, International Journal of Hydrology Science and Technology , 10(3): 287–301.
- Gaaloul, N., Eslamian, S., Katlane, R., 2020, Impacts of Climate Change and Water Resources Management in the Southern Mediterranean Countries, Water Productivity Journal, 1( 1): 51-72
- Eslamian, S., Reyhani, M. N., Syme, G., 2019, Building Socio-Hydrological Resilience: from Theory to Practice, Journal of Hydrology, 575, 930-932,
- Radmanesh, F., Saeidipour, M., Eslamian, S., Sharifi, M. R., 2019, Meteorological Drought Monitoring Using the Multivariate Index of SPEI (Case Study: Karun Basin), AUT Journal of Civil Engineering, 3(1), 133-136.
- Okhravi, S. S., Eslamian, S. S. and Dalezios, N.R., 2019, Reducing water shortage crisis through rainwater reuse: lessons learned from ancient toward integrated technology. International Journal of Hydrology Science and Technology,.9(6), 587-602.
- Dehghan, Z., Eslamian, S. S., Fathian, F., Modarres, R., 2019, Regional frequency analysis with development of region-of-influence approach for maximum 24-h rainfall (case study: Urmia Lake Basin, Iran), Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 136 (3–4), 1483–1494.
- Goodarzi, M., Eslamian, S. S., 2019, Evaluation of WhAEM and MODFLOW models to determine the protection zone of drinking wells, Environmental Earth Sciences, 78:195.
- Amini, M. A., Torkan, Gh., Eslamian, S., Zareian, M. J., Adamowaski, J. F., 2019, Analysis of deterministic and geostatistical interpolation techniques for mapping meteorological parameters at large watershed scales, Acta Geophysica, 67(1), 191-203.
- Amiri, M.J., Zarei, A.R., Abedi-Koupai, J. and Eslamian, S., 2019, The performance of fuzzy regression method for estimating of reference evapotranspiration under controlled environment, International Journal of Hydrology Science and Technology, 9(1): pp.28–38.
- Eslamian, S. and Jahadi, M., 2019, Monitoring and prediction of drought by Markov chain model based on SPI and new index in Isfahan, International Journal of Hydrology Science and Technology, 9( 4): pp.355–365.
- Morote, A-F., Hernández, M. and Eslamian, S. 2019, Urban water consumption in water-stressed areas of the developed world: an examination of multiple interrelated variables, International Journal Hydrology Science and Technology, 9(5): 431–456.
- Rahimian, M. H., Shayannejad, M., Eslamian, S., Gheysari, M. and Jafari, R., 2019, Daily and seasonal pistachio evapotranspiration in saline condition: Comparison of satellite-based and ground-based results, Journal of the Indian Society of Remote Sensing, 47(5), 777-787
- Ghorbani, K., Salarijazi, M., Abdolhosseini, M., Eslamian, S. and Ahmadianfar, I., 2019, Evaluation of Clark IUH in rainfall-runoff modelling (case study: Amameh Basin), International Journal of Hydrology Science and Technology, 9(2): 137–153.
- Naghibi, S.A., Vafakhah, M., Moghaddam Nia, A. and Eslamian, S., 2018, Evaluation of some probability distribution functions for derivation of unit hydrograph in the Bar Watershed, Iran, International Journal of Hydrology Science and Technology, 8(2): 134–147.
- Sedghamiz, A., Heidarpour, M., Nikoo, M. R., Eslamian, S., 2018, A Game Theory Approach for Conjunctive Use Optimization Model Based on Virtual Water Concept, Civil Engineering Journal, 4(6): 1315-1325.
- Amamra, A., Khanchoul, K., Eslamian, S. and Hadj Zobir, S., 2018, Suspended sediment estimation using regression and artificial neural network models: Kebir watershed, northeast of Algeria, North Africa, International Journal of Hydrology Science and Technology, 8(4): 352–371.
- Dalezios, N.R., Dercas, N. and Eslamian, S.S., 2018, Water scarcity management: part 2: satellite-based composite drought analysis, International Journal of Global Environmental Issues, 17(2/3): 262–295.
- Dalezios, N.R., Angelakis, A.N. and Eslamian, S.S., 2018, Water scarcity management: part 1: methodological framework’, International Journal of Global Environmental Issues, 17(1): 1–40.
- Amiri, M.J., Abedi-Koupai, J. and Eslamian, S., 2018, Comparison of reference evapotranspiration inside and outside the glasshouse’, Inernational. Journal Global Environmental Issues, 17 (4): 297–306.
- Sharifi Garmdareh, E., Vafakhah, M., Eslamian, S., 2018, Regional flood frequency analysis using support vector regression in the arid and semi- arid regions of Iran, Hydrological Sciences Journal, 63(3): 426-440.
- Goodarzi, M. and Eslamian, S., 2018, Performance evaluation of linear and nonlinear models for the estimation of reference evapotranspiration, International Journal of Hydrology Science and Technology, 8(1): 1–15.
- Gil, A., Amiri, M.J., Abedi-Koupai, J., Eslamian, S., 2018, Adsorption/reduction of Hg(II) and Pb(II) from aqueous solutions by using bone ash/nZVI composite: effects of aging time, Fe loading quantity and co-existing ions, Environ. Sci. Pollution Res., 23 (2018) 2814–2829.
- Shojaei, P., Gheysari, M., Myers, B., Eslamian, S., Shafieiyoun, E., Esmaeili, H., 2017, Effect of different land cover/use types on canopy layer air temperature in an urban area with a dry climate, Building and Environment, 125, 451-463.
- Rahimian, M. H., Shayannejad, M., Eslamian, S., Gheysari, M. and Jafari, R., 2017, SEBAL application to estimate water use efficiency of Pistachio trees in saline condition (case study: Bahadoran Plain,Iran). Journal of Biodiversity and Environmental Sciences, 10(6), 248-257
- Okhravi, S. S., Eslamian, S. S. and Fathianpour, N. 2017, Assessing the effects of flow distribution on the internal hydraulic behaviour of a constructed horizontal sub-surface flow wetland using a numerical model and a tracer study. Ecohydrology and Hydrobiology, 17(4): 264-273.
- Dehghan, Z., Eslamian, S. S., Modarres, R., 2017, Spatial clustering of maximum 24-h rainfall over Urmia Lake Basin by new weighting approaches, International Journal of Climatology, 38: 2298–2313.
- Sayahi, M., Eslamian, S., Abedi-Koupai, J., 2017, Performance of hematite-grafted nonwoven geotextile layer for treatment of wastewater in SAT system: a columns study, Desalination and Water Treatment, 98,182–189.
- Amiri, M.J., Abedi-Koupai, J., Eslamian, S., 2017, Adsorption of Hg(II) and Pb(II) ions by nanoscale zero valent iron supported on ostrich bone ash in a fixed-bed column system, Water Science and Technology, 76(3): 671-682.
- Ghorbani, K., Salarijazi, M., Abdolhosseini, M. and Eslamian, S. 2017. Assessment of minimum variance unbiased estimator and beta coefficient methods to improve the accuracy of sediment rating curve estimation’, International Journal of Hydrology Science and Technology, Vol. 7, No. 4, 350–363.
- Motamedi, A., Galoie, M. and Eslamian, S. 2017. Investigation of boundary-layer separation using ADV and PIV over gravel fixed dunes’, International Journal Hydrology Science and Technology, Vol. 7, No. 3, 228–239.
- Zarei, A.R. and Eslamian, S., 2017. Trend assessment of precipitation and drought index (SPI) using parametric and non-parametric trend analysis methods (case study: arid regions of southern Iran). International Journal of Hydrology Science and Technology, Vol. 7, No. 1, 12-38.
- Yousefi, N., Khodashenas, S. R., Eslamian, S. and Askari, Z. 2016. Estimating width of the stable channels using multivariable mathematical models, Arab. J. Geosci., Vol. 9, No. 321, DOI 10.1007/s12517-016-2322-0.
- Banihabib, M. E., Zahraei, A. and Eslamian, S., 2016. Dynamic Programming Model for the System of a Non‐Uniform Deficit Irrigation and a Reservoir. Irrigation and Drainage, Vol. 66, No. 1, 71–81
- Zalewski, M., McClain, M. and Eslamian, S., 2016. New challenges and dimensions of Ecohydrology–enhancement of catchments sustainability potential, Ecohydrology and Hydrobiology, 16, 1–3
- Zalewski, M., McClain, M. and Eslamian, S., 2016. Ecohydrology–the background for the integrative sustainability science, Ecohydrology and Hydrobiology, No. 16, 71–73.
- Kouhestani, S., Eslamian, S.S., Abedi-Koupai, J. and Besalatpour, A.A., 2016. Projection of climate change impacts on precipitation using soft-computing techniques: A case study in Zayandeh-rud Basin, Iran. Global and Planetary Change, No. 144, 158–170.
- Amiri, M.J., Hamidifar, H., Bahrami, M. and Eslamian, S. (2016) ‘Optimisation of deficit-irrigation under variable seasonal rainfall and planning scenarios for rice in a semi-arid region of Iran’, International Journal of Hydrology Science and Technology, Vol. 6, No. 4, 331–343.
- Salarijazi, M., Abdolhosseini, M., Ghorbani, K. and Eslamian, S. 2016, Evaluation of quasi-maximum likelihood and smearing estimator to improve sediment rating curve estimation’, International Journal of Hydrology Science and Technology, Vol. 6, No. 4, 359–370.
- Amiri, M.J., Bahrami, M., Hamidifar, H. and Eslamian, S., 2016. Modification of furrow Manning's roughness coefficient estimation by finite difference technique under surge and continuous flow. International Journal of Hydrology Science and Technology, Vol. 6, No. 3, 226-237.
- Zahraei, A., Eslamian, S. and Saadati, S., 2016. The effect of water extraction time from the river on the performance of off-stream reservoirs. International Journal of Hydrology Science and Technology, 6(3): 254-265.
- Zareian, M. J. and Eslamian, S., 2016, Variation of water resources indices in a changing climate, International Journal of Hydrology Science and Technology, Vol. 6, No. 2, 173 – 187.
- Fathian, F., Dehghan, Z., Eslamian, S., Adamowski, J., 2016, Assessing Irrigation Network Performance Based on Different Climate Change and Water Supply Scenarios: A Case Study in Northern Iran, International Journal of Water, Jan 2017, Vol. 11, No. 3, 191-208
- Fathian, F., Dehghan, Z.., Eslamian, S., 2016, Evaluating the impact of changes in land cover and climate variability on streamflow trends (case study: eastern subbasins of Lake Urmia, Iran), Journal of Hydrology Science and Technology, Vol. 6, No. 1, 1-26.
- Dalezios, N. R. and Eslamian, S, 2016, Regional design storm of Greece within the flood risk management framework, Int. J. Hydrology Science and Technology, Vol. 6, No. 1, 82–102.
- Kamali, M. I., Nazari, R., Fridhosseini, A., Ansari, H., Eslamian, S., 2015, The Determination of Reference Evapotranspiration for Spatial Distribution Mapping Using Geostatistics, Water Resources Management, Vol. 29 (11), 3929–3940.
- Talchabhadel , R., Shakya, N. M. Dahal , V., and Eslamian, S., 2015, Rainfall Runoff Modelling for Flood Forecasting (A Case Study on West Rapti Watershed), Journal of Flood Engineering, Vol. 6, No. 1, 53-61.
- Yousefi, N., Safaee, A., Eslamian, S., 2015, The Optimum Design of Flood Control System Using Multivariate Decision Making Methods (Case Study: Kan River Catchment Basin, Iran), Journal of Flood Engineering, Vol. 6, No. 1, 63-82.
- Banihabib, M. E., Zahraei, A. and Eslamian, S., 2015, An integrated optimization model of reservoir and irrigation system applying uniform deficit irrigation, Int. J. Hydrology Science and Technology, Vol. 5, No. 4, 372–385.
- Fathian, F., Prasad, A. D., Dehghan, Z.., Eslamian, S., 2015, Influence of land use/land cover change on land surface temperature using RS and GIS techniques, Int. J. Hydrology Science and Technology, Vol. 5, No. 3, 195–207.
- Abedi-koupai, J., Mollaei, R., Eslamian, S. S., 2015, The effect of pumice on reduction of cadmium uptake by spinach irrigated with wastewater, Ecohydrology and Hydrobiology, Vol. 15, No. 4, 208-214.
- Valipour, M., Gholami Sefidkouhi, M. A., Eslamian, S., 2015, Surface irrigation simulation models: a review, Int. J. Hydrology Science and Technology, Vol. 5, No. 1, 51-70.
- Esmailzadeh, M., Heidarpour, M., Eslamian, S. , 2015, Flow characteristics of sharp-crested side sluice gate, ASCE's Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering, Vol. 141, No. 7, 10.1061/(ASCE)IR.1943-4774.0000852.
- Zareian, M. J., Eslamian, S. and Safavi, H. R., 2015, A modified regionalization weighting approach for climate change impact assessment at watershed scale, Theor. Appl. Climatol., 122:497-516.
- Boucefiane A., Meddi M., Laborde J. P., Eslamian S. S., 2014, Rainfall Frequency Analysis Using Extreme Values, Distributions In the Steppe Region of Western Algeria, Int. J. Hydrology Science and Technology, Vol. 4, No. 4, 348-367.
- Valipour, M., Eslamian, S., 2014, Analysis of potential evapotranspiration using 11 modified temperature-based models, Int. J. Hydrology Science and Technology, Vol. 4, No. 3, 192-207.
- Meddi, M., Toumi, S., Assani, A. A., Eslamian, S., 2014, Regionalization of Rainfall Erosivity in Northern Algeria, Int. J. Hydrology Science and Technology, Vol. 4, No. 2, 155-175.
- Zohrabi, N., Massah Bavani, A., Goodarzi, E., S. Eslamian, 2014, Attribution of temperature and precipitation changes to greenhouse gases in northwest Iran, Quaternary International, Vol. 345, 130-137.
- Farshad F., Dehghan, Z., Eslamian, S., H. Bazrkar, 2016, Trends in hydrologic and climatic variables affected by four variations of Mann-Kendall approach in Urmia Lake basin, Iran, Hydrological Sciences Journal, 61(5): 892-904.
- Fazlolahi, H. and S. S. Eslamian, 2014, Using wetland plants in nutrient removal from municipal wastewater, Int. J. Hydrology Science and Technology, Vol. 4, No. 1, 68–80.
- Farshad F., Dehghan, Z. and S. Eslamian, 2014, Analysis of Water Level Changes in Lake Urmia Based on Data Characteristics and Nonparametric Test, Int. J. Hydrology Science and Technology, Vol. 4, No. 1, 18–38.
- Biabanaki, M., Eslamian, S., Abedi Koupai, J., Cañón, J., Boni, G. and M. Gheysari, 2014, A principal components/singular spectrum analysis approach to ENSO and PDO influences on rainfall in western Iran, Journal of Hydrology Research, Vol. 45, No. 2, 250-262.
- Matouq, M., El-Hasan, T., Al-Bilbisi, H., Abdelhadi, M., Hindiyeh, M., Eslamian, S. and S. Duheisat, 2013, The climate change implication on Jordan: A case study using GIS and Artificial Neural Networks for weather forecasting, Journal of Taibah University for Science, Vol. 7, No. 2, 44-55.
- Fazlolahi, H. and S. S. Eslamian, 2013, Nitrogen and Phosphorus removal from municipal wastewater by three wetland plant species, Journal of River Engineering, Vol. 1, No. 2., 14–20.
- Bahmani, R., Radmanesh, F., Eslamian, S., Khorsandi, M., Zamani, R., 2013, Proper Rainfall for Peak Flow Estimation by Integration of L-Moment Method and a Hydrological Model, International Research Journal of Applied and Basic Sciences, Vol. 4, No. 10, 2959-2967.
- Fakhry, M., Farzaneh, M. R., Eslamian, S. S. and M. J. Khordadi, 2013, Confidence interval assessment to estimate dry and wet spells under climate change in Shahrekord Station, Iran, ASCE, Journal of Hydrologic Engineering, Vol. 18, No. 7, 911-918.
- Abdolvandi, A. F., Eslamian, S. S., Heidarpour, M., Babazadeh, H., Parsamehr, A., 2013, Simultaneous Simulation of both Surface and Groundwater Resources Using System Dynamics Approach (Case Study: Taleghan Dam), Advances in Environmental Biology, Vol. 7, No. 4, 562-570.
- Bazrkar, M.H., Tavakoli-Nabavi, E., Zamani, N. and Eslamian, S., 2013, System dynamic approach to hydro-politics in Hirmand transboundary river basin from sustainability perspective, Int. J. Hydrology Science and Technology, Vol. 3, No. 4, 378–398.
- Hadizadeh, R., Eslamian, S. and Chinipardaz, R., 2013, Investigation of long-memory properties in streamflow time series in Gamasiab River, Iran’, Int. J. Hydrology Science and Technology, Vol. 3, No. 4, 319–350.
- Zamani Nuri, A., Farzaneh, M. R., Fakhri, M., Dokoohaki, H., Eslamian, S. and Khordadi, M. J., 2013, Assessment of future climate classification on Urmia Lake basin under effect of climate change, Int. J. Hydrology Science and Technology, Vol. 3, No. 2, 128-140.
- Varshney, L., Saket, R. K. and Eslamian, S., 2013, Power estimation and reliability evaluation of municipal waste water and self-excited induction generator-based micro hydropower generation system, Int. J. Hydrology Science and Technology, Vol. 3, No. 2, 176-191.
- Amiri, M. J., Abedi-Koupai, J., Eslamian, S., Mousavi, S. F. and Arshadi, M., 2013, Modelling Pb(II) adsorption based on synthetic and industrial wastewaters by ostrich bone char using artificial neural network and multivariate non-linear regression, Int. J. Hydrology Science and Technology, Vol. 3, No. 3, 221-240.
- Eslamian, S., Tarkesh Esfahany, S., Nasri, M. and Safamehr, M., 2013, Evaluating the potential of urban reclaimed water in area of north Isfahan, Iran, for industrial reuses, Int. J. Hydrology Science and Technology, Vol. 3, No. 3, 257-269.
- Galoie, M., Zenz, G. and Eslamian, S., 2013, Application of L-moments for IDF determination in an Austrian basin, Int. J. Hydrology Science and Technology, Vol. 3, No. 1, 30-48.
- Rostamian, R., Eslamian, S. and Farzaneh, M. R., 2013, Application of standardised precipitation index for predicting meteorological drought intensity in Beheshtabad watershed, central Iran, Int. J. Hydrology Science and Technology, Vol. 3, No. 1, 63-77.
- Bahmani, R., Radmanesh, F., Eslamian, S., Khorsandi, M. and Zamani, R., 2013, Proper Rainfall for Peak Flow Estimation by Integration of L-Moment Method and a hydrologic model, International Research Journal of Applied and Basic Sciences, Vol. 4 No. 10, 2959-2967.
- Mirabbasi, R., Anagnostou, E. N., Fakheri-Fard, A. Dinpashoh, Y. and Eslamian, S., 2013, Analysis of meteorological drought in northwest Iran using the Joint Deficit Index, Journal of Hydrology, Vol. 492, 35–48.
- Gohari, A., Eslamian, S., Mirchi, A., Abedi-Koupaei, J., Massah-Bavani, A., Madani, K., 2013, Water transfer as a solution to water shortage: A fix that can blackfire, Journal of Hydrology, Vol. 491, 23–39.
- Haghiabi, A. H., Mohammadzadeh-Habili, J., Eslamian, S. S., and S. F. Mousavi, 2013, Derivation of Ewservior's Area-Capacity Equations Based on the Shape Factor, Iranian Journal of Science and Technology, Vol. 37, No. C1, 163-167.
- Gohari, A., Eslamian, S., Abedi-Koupaei, J., Massah-Bavani, A., Wang, D., Madani, K., 2013, Climate change impacts on crop production in Iran's Zayandeh-Rud River Basin. Science of The Total Environment, Vol. 442, 405-419.
- Saatsaz, M., Azmin Sulaiman, W. N., Eslamian, S., Javadi, S., 2013, Development of a coupled flow and solute transport modelling for Astaneh-Kouchesfahan groundwater resources, North of Iran, International Journal of Water, Vol. 7, No.1/2, 80 – 103.
- Saatsaz, M., Azmin-Sulaiman, W. N., Eslamian, S., Mohammadi, K., 2013, Hydrogeochemistry and groundwater quality assessment of Astaneh-Kouchesfahan Plain, Northern Iran, International Journal of Water, Vol. 7, No. 1/2, 44 – 65.
- Eslamian, S., Amiri, M. J., Abedi-Koupai, J. and S. Shaeri-Karimi, 2013, Reclamation of unconventional water using nano zero-valent iron particles: an application for groundwater, International Journal of Water, Vol. 7, No. 1/2, 1-13.
- Amiri, M.J., Abedi-koupai, J., Eslamian, S. S., Mousavi, S. F., Hasheminejad, H., 2013, Modeling Pb (II) adsorption from aqueous solution by ostrich bone ash using adaptive neural-based fuzzy inference system, J Environ. Sci. Health A Tox. Hazard Subst. Environ. Eng., Vol. 48, No. 5: 543-58.
- Biabanaki, M., Tabatabaei Naeini, A. and S. S. Eslamian, 2012, Effects of Urbanization on Stream Channels, Journal of Civil Engineering and Urbanism (JCEU), Vo. 2, No. 4, 136-142.
- Abdolhosseini, M., Eslamian, S., Mousavi, S. F., 2012, Effect of climate change on potential evapotranspiration: a case study on Gharehsoo sub-basin, Iran, International Journal of Hydrology Science and Technology, Vol. 2 No. 4, 362-372.
- Farzaneh, M. R., Eslamian, S. S., Samadi, Z. and A. Akbarpour, 2012, An appropriate general circulation model (GCM) to investigate climate change impact, International Journal of Hydrology Science and Technology, Vol. 2, No. 1, 34-47.
- Eslamian, S., Abedi-Koupai, J. and M. J. Zareian., 2012, Measurement and modelling of the water requirement of some greenhouse crops with artificial neural networks and genetic algorithm, International Journal of Hydrology Science and Technology, Vol. 2, No. 3, 237-251.
- Sadeghi, S. H., Mousavi, S. F., Eslamian, S. S., Ansari, S. and F. Alemi, 2012, A Unified Approach for Computing Pressure Distribution in Multi-Outlet Irrigation Pipelines, Iranian Journal of Science and Technology, Vol. 36, No. C2, 209-223.
- Alaghmand, S., Bin Abdullah, R., Abustan, I. and S. Eslamian, 2012, Comparison between capabilities of HEC-RAS and MIKE11 hydraulic models in river flood risk modeling (a case study of Sungai Kayu Ara River basin, Malaysia), International Journal of Hydrological Science and Technology, Vol. 2, No. 3, 270-291.
- Galoie, M., Zenz, G., S. Eslamian and A. Motamedi., 2012, Numerical simulation of flood due to dam-break flow using an implicit method, International Journal of Hydrology Science and Technology, Vol. 2, No. 2, 117-137.
- Ghazavi, R., A. B. Vali and S. Eslamian, 2012, Impact of Flood Spreading on Groundwater Level Variation and Groundwater Quality in an Arid Environment, Water Resource Management, Vol. 26, No. 6, 1651-1663.
- Shaeri karimi, S., Yasi, M. and S. S. Eslamian, 2012, Use of Hydrological Methods for Assessment of Environmental Flow in a River Reach, International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology, 9(3), pp 549-558.
- Eslamian, S. S., Hassanzadeh, H., Abedi-Koupai, J. and M. Gheysari, 2012, Application of L-moments for Regional Frequency Analysis of Monthly Drought Indices, Journal of Hydrologic Engineering, Vol. 17, No. 1, 32-42.
- Farzaneh, M. R., Eslamian, S. S., Samadi, Z. and A. Akbarpour, 2012, An appropriate general circulation model (GCM) to investigate climate change impact, International Journal of Hydrology Science and Technology, Vol. 2, No. 1, 34-47.
- Eslamian, S. S., Khordadi, M. J. and J. Abedi-Koupai, 2011, Effects of Variations In Climatic Parameters on Evapotranspiration In the Arid and Semi-Arid Regions, Global and Planetary Change, Vol. 78, 188–194.
- Eslamian, S. S. and M. J. Amiri, 2011, Estimation of daily pan evaporation using adaptive neural-based fuzzy inference system, International Journal of Hydrology Science and Technology, Vol. 1, Nos. 3/4, 164-175.
- Eslamian, S. S., Shaeri Karimi S. and F. Eslamian, 2011, A country case study comparison on Groundwater and Surface Water Interaction, International Journal of Water, Vol. 6, Nos. 1/2, 117-136.
- Eslamian, S. S., Gohari, A., Zareian M. J. and A. Firoozfar, 2012, Estimating Penman-Monteith Reference Evapotranspiration Using Artificial Neural Networks and Genetic Algorithm: A Case Study, The Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering, Vol. 37, No. 4, 935-944.
- Hassanzadeh, H., Eslamian, S. S., Abedi-Koupai, J. and M. Gheysari, 2011, Application of L-moment for evaluating drought indices of cumulative precipitation deficit (CPD) and maximum precipitation deficit (MPD) based on regional frequency analysis, International Journal of Hydrology Science and Technology, Vol. 1, Nos. 1/2, 88–104.
- Saatsaz, M., Sulaiman, W.N.A. and S. S. Eslamian, 2011, GIS DRASTIC model for groundwater vulnerability estimation of Astaneh-Kouchesfahan Plain, Northern Iran, International Journal of Water, Vol. 6, No. 1/2, 1-14.
- Saatsaz, M., Chitsazan, M., Eslamian, S. S. and W.N.A. Sulaiman, 2011, The application of groundwater modelling to simulate the behaviour of groundwater resources in the Ramhormooz Aquifer, Iran, International Journal of Water, Vol. 6, Nos. 1/2, 29-42.
- Kambona, O. O., Stadel, C. and S. S. Eslamian, 2011, Perceptions of tourists on trail use and management implications for Kakamega Forest, Western Kenya, Journal of Geography and Regional Planning Vol. 4, No. 4, 243-250.
- Malekian, R., Abedi-Koupai, J. , Eslamian, S. S., Mousavi, S. F., Abbaspour, K. C. and M. Afyuni, 2011, Ion-exchange process for ammonium removal and release using natural Iranian zeolite, Applied Clay Science, Vol. 51, 323–329.
- Malekian, R., Abedi-Koupai, J. and S. S. Eslamian, 2011, Influences of clinoptilolite and surfactant-modified clinoptilolite zeolite on nitrate leaching and plant growth, Journal of Hazardous Materials, Vol. 185, 970–976.
- Malekian, R., Abedi-Koupai, J. and S. S. Eslamian, 2011, Use of Zeolite and Surfactant Modified Zeolite as Ion Exchangers to Control Nitrate Leaching, World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, Vol. 76, 657-661.
- Zaky, M. M. M., Salem, M. A. M., Persson, K. M. M. and S. S. Eslamian, 2011, Incidence of Aeromonas species isolated from water and fish sources of Lake Manzala in Egypt, International Journal of Hydrology Science and Technology, Vol. 1, Nos. 1/2, 47–62.
- Khorsandi, Z., Mahdavi, M., Salajeghe, A. and S. S. Eslamian, 2011, Neural Network Application For Monthly Precipitation Data Reconstruction, Journal of Environmental Hydrology, Vol. 19, Paper 5, 1-12.
- Eslamian, S. S., Ghasemizadeh, M., Biabanaki, M. and M. Talebizadeh, 2010, A principal component regression method for estimating low flow index, Water Resources Management, Vol. 24, No. 11, 2553-2566.
- Amiri, M. J. and S. S. Eslamian, 2010, Investigation of climate change in Iran, Journal of Environmental Science and Technology, Vol. 3, No. 4, 208-216.
- Ghazavi, R., Vali, A. B. and S. S. Eslamian, 2010, Impact of flood spreading on infiltration rate and soil properties in an arid environment, Water Resources Management, Vol. 24, No. 11, 2781-2793.
- Rajabi, A., Sedghi, H., Eslamian, S. S. and H. Musavi, 2010, Comparison of Lars-WG and SDSM downscaling models in Kermanshah (Iran), Ecol. Env. & Cons., Vol. 16, No. 4, 1-7.
- Rahnamai Zekavat, P., Ghasemizadeh, R., Eslamian, S. S. and S. Tarkesh Isfahani, 2010, Classification Of Flash Flood Caused By Dam Breach, Journal of Flood Engineering, Vol. 1, No. 2, 175-184.
- Chavoshi Borujeni, S., Sulaiman, W. N. A. and S. S. Eslamian, 2010, Regional Flood Frequency Analysis Using L-Moments for North Karoon Basin Iran, Journal of Flood Engineering, Vol. 1, No. 1, 67-76.
- Kloub, N., Matouq, M., Krishan, M., Eslamian, S. S. and M. Abdelhadi, 2010, Monitoring of Water Resources Degradation at Al-Azraq Oasis, Jordan Using Remote Sensing and GIS Techniques, International Journal of Global Warming, Vol. 2, No. 1, 1-16.
- Akhavan S., Abedi-Koupai, J, Mousavi, S, F., Afyuni, M., Eslamian, S. S. and K. C. Abbaspour, 2010, Application of SWAT model to investigate nitrate leaching in Hamadan–Bahar Watershed, Iran, Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, Vol. 139, 675-688.
- Eslamian, S. S., Abedi-Koupai, J., Amiri, M, J., and A. R. Gohari, 2009, Estimation of Daily Reference Evapotranspiration Using Support Vector Machines and Artificial Neural Networks in Greenhouse, Research Journal of Environmental Sciences, Vol. 3, No. 4, 439-447.
- Eslamian, S. S. and N. Lavaei, 2009, Modelling Nitrate Pollution of Groundwater using Artificial Neural Network and Genetic Algorithm in an Arid Zone, International Journal of Water, Special Issue on Groundwater and Surface Water Interaction (GSWI), Vol. 5, No. 2, 194-203.
- Eslamian, S. S. and M. J. Khordadi, 2009, Comparing Rainfall and Discharge Trends in Karkhe Basin, Iran, International Journal of Ecological Economics & Statistics (IJEES), Vol. 15, No. F09, 114-122.
- Eslamian, S. S. and B. Nekoueineghad, 2009, A Review on Interaction of Groundwater and Surface Water, International Journal of Water, Special Issue on Groundwater and Surface Water Interaction (GSWI), Vol. 5, No. 2, 82-99.
- Eslamian, S. S. and N. Zamani, 2009, Innovations in Wind Modelling, International Journal of Global Energy Issues, Special Issue on Wind Modelling and Frequency Analysis (WMFA), Vol. 32, No. 3, 175-190.
- Eslamian, S. S. and H. Hasanzadeh, 2009, Detecting and Evaluating Climate Change Effect on Frequency Analysis of Wind Speed in Iran, International Journal of Global Energy Issues, Special Issue on Wind Modelling and Frequency Analysis (WMFA). Vol. 32, No. 3, 295 – 304.
- Eslamian, S. S., 2009, Editorial: Frontiers in Ecology and Environment, International Journal of Ecological Economic & Statistics, Special Issue on Basin Ecology and Environment (BEE), Vol. 13, No. W09, 1-6.
- Eslamian, S. S. and M. Biabanaki, 2009, Low Flow Regionalization Models, International Journal of Ecological Economic & Statistics, Special Issue on Stream Ecology and Low Flows (SELF), Vol. 12, No. F08, 82-97.
- Eslamian, S. S., 2009, Editorial: An Ecologically Based Low Flow Review, International Journal of Ecological Economic & Statistics, Special Issue on Stream Ecology and Low Flows (SELF), Vol. 12, No. F08, 1-6.
- Nosrati, K., Eslamian, S. S., Shahbazi, A., Malekian, A. and M. M. Saravi, 2009, Application of Daily Water Resources Assessment Model for Monitoring Water Resources Indices, International Journal of Ecological Economic & Statistics, Special Issue on Basin Ecology and Environment (BEE), Vol. 13, No. W09, 88-99.
- Abedi-Koupai, J., Amiri, M. J., and S. S. Eslamian, 2009, Comparison of Artificial Neural Network and Physically Based Models for Estimating of Reference Evapotranspiration in Greenhouse, Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences, Vol. 3, No. 3, 2528-2535,
- Ebrahimizadeh, M. A., Amiri, M. J., Eslamian, S. S., Abedi-Koupai, J. and M. Khozaei, 2009, The Effects of Different Water Qualities and Irrigation Methods on Soil Chemical Properties, Research Journal of Environmental Sciences, Vol. 3, No. 4, 497-503.
- Matouq, M., Amarneh, I. A., Kloub, N., Badran, O., Al-Duheisat, S. A. and S. S. Eslamian, 2009, Investigating the Effect of Combustion of Blending Jordanian Diesel Oil with Kerosene on Reducing the Environmental Impacts by Diesel Engine, International Journal of Ecological Economic & Statistics, Special Issue on Basin Ecology and Environment (BEE), Vol. 13, No. W09, 79-87.
- Eslamian S. S., Gohari, A., Biabanaki, M. and R. Malekian, 2008, Estimation of Monthly Pan Evaporation Using Artificial Neural Networks and Support Vector Machines, Journal of Applied Sciences, Vol. 7, No. 19, 2900-2903.
- Abedi-Koupai J., Eslamian S. S. and J. Asad Kazemi, 2008, Enhancing the available Water Content in Unsaturated Soil Zone using Hydrogel, to Improve Plant Growth Indices, Ecohydrology and Hydrobiology, Vol. 8, No. 1, 3-11.
- Bazgeer, S., Kamali, G. A., Eslamian, S. S., Sedaghatkerdar, A. and I. Moradi, 2008, Pre-Harvest Wheat Yield Prediction Using Agrometeorological Indices for Different Regions of Kordestan Province, Iran, Research Journal of Environmental Sciences, Vol. 2, No. 4, 275-280.
- Eslamian, S. S. and H. Feizi, 2007, Maximum Monthly Rainfall Analysis Using L-moments for an Arid Region in Isfahan Province, Iran, Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology, Vol. 46, No. 4, 494–503.
- Modarres, R., Soltani, S. and S. S. Eslamian, 2007, The Use of Time Series Modeling for the Determination of Rainfall Climates of Iran, International Journal of Climatology, Vol. 27, No. 6, 819–829.
- Moradi, I., Nosrati, K. and S. S. Eslamian, 2007, Evaluation of the RadEst and ClimGen Stochastic Weather Generators for Low-Medium Rainfall Regions, Journal of Applied Sciences, Vol. 7, No. 19, 2900-2903.
- Modarres R. and S. S. Eslamian, 2006, Streamflow Time Series Modeling of Zayandehrud River, Iranian Journal of Science and Technology, Vol. 30, No. B4, 567-570.
- Mostafazadeh-fard, B., Osroosh, Y. and S. S. Eslamian, 2006, Development and Evaluation of an Automatic Surge Flow Irrigation System, Journal of Agriculture and Social Sciences, Vol. 2, No. 3, 129-132.