
a.      Editor-in-Chief:

1.      International Journal of Hydrology Science and Technology (WoS, Scopus
         Elsevier Index)
2.      Water Productivity Journal

3.      New Researches in Sustainable Water Engineering

b.      Editorial Board Member

  1. Ecohydrology and Hydrobiology
  2. Arabian Journal of Geosciences
  3. Water Reuse
  4. Frontiers in Water
  5. Frontiers in Climate
  6. Indonesian Journal of Geography
  7. Jordanian Journal of Engineering and Chemical Industries
  8. Journal of the Saudi Society of Agricultural Sciences 
  9. Journal of the Geographical Institute “Jovan Cvijić” SASA
  10. Journal of Engineering and Technology Research
  11. International Journal of Climate Change Strategies and Management
  12. International Journal of Ecological Economics and Statistics
  13. Water Harvesting Research
  14. Iranian Water Research Journal
  15. Environment and Water Engineering
  16. Journal of Water and Soil Resources Conservation
  17. Journal of Nature and Spatial Sciences
  18. Journal of Drought and Climate Change Research

c.     Journal Reviewer

  1. Advances in Continuous and Discrete Models: Theory and Applications
  2. Advances in Difference Equations
  3. Advances in Environmental Technology 
  4. Advances in Environmental Research : An International Journal
  5. Advances in Water Resources
  6. Aeolian Research
  7. Agricultural Systems
  8. Agricultural Water Management
  9. AIMS Environmental Science
  10. American Water Works Association Journal
  11. Applied Soft Computing
  12. Applied Water Science
  13. Arabian Journal of Chemistry
  14. Arabian Journal of Geosciences
  15. ASCE Journal of Hydrologic Engineering
  16. ASCE Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering
  17. ASCE Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management
  18. Asia-Pacific Journal of Science and Technology
  19. Atmosphere
  20. Atmósfera
  21. Atmospheric Research
  22. Building and Environment
  23. CATENA
  24. Chemosphere
  25. Civil Engineering Infrastructures Journal
  26. Climate Dynamics
  27. Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects
  28. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture
  29. Data in Brief
  30. Desalination and Water Treatment
  31. Disaster Prevention and Management
  32. Dynamics of Atmospheres and Oceans 
  33. Earth and Space Science
  34. Earth Science Informatics
  35. Ecohydrology
  36. Ecohydrology and Hydrobiology
  38. Egyptian Journal of Remote Sensing and Space Sciences
  39. Elementa: Science of the Anthropocene
  40. Energy Reports
  41. Engineering
  42. Engineering Science and Technology, an International Journal
  43. Environment and Natural Resources Journal
  44. Environmental and Sustainability Indicators
  45. Environment, Development and Sustainability
  46. Environmental Earth Sciences
  47. Environmental Geochemistry and Health
  48. Environmental Nanotechnology, Monitoring & Management
  49. Environmental Pollution
  50. Environmental Processes
  51. Environmental Science and Pollution Research
  52. Environment Technology
  53. Environment Technology Reviews
  54. Geocarto International
  55. Geomatics, Natural Hazards and Risk
  56. Global Planetary Change
  57. Groundwater
  58. Groundwater for Sustainable Development
  59. H2Open Journal
  60. Habitat International
  61. Heliyon
  62. Hydrological Process
  63. Hydrological Sciences Journal
  64. Hydrology Research
  65. Innovative Infrastructure Solutions
  66. International Journal of Agricultural Sustainability
  67. International Journal of Ambient Energy
  68. International Journal of Climate Change Strategies and Management
  69. International Journal of Climatology
  70. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction
  71. International Journal of Ecological Economics and Statistics
  72. International Journal of Engineering
  73. International Journal of Environmental Analytical Chemistry
  74. International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology
  75. International Journal of Hydrology Science and Technology
  76. International Journal of Global Energy Issues
  77. International Journal of Phytoremediation
  78. International Journal of Remote Sensing
  79. International Journal of River Basin Management
  80. International Journal of Water
  81. International Journal of  of Water Resources Developments
  82. Iranian Journal of Science and Technology
  83. Journal of African Earth Sciences
  84. Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology
  85. Journal of American Water Resources Association
  86. Journal of Applied Research in Water and Wastewater
  87. Journal of Arid Environments
  88. Journal of Arid Land Research and Management
  89. Journal of Asian Architecture and Building Engineering
  90. Journal of Cleaner Production
  91. Journal of Engineering Research
  92. Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering
  93. Journal of Environmental Management
  94. Journal of Environmental Planning and Management
  95. Journal of Environmental Science and Management
  96. Journal of Flood Risk Management
  97. Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering
  98. Journal of Hazardous Materials Advances
  99. Journal of Hydraulic Engineering
  100. Journal of Hydraulic Structures
  101. Journal of Hydroinformatics
  102. Journal of Hydrologic Engineering
  103. Journal of Hydrology
  104. Journal of Hydrology: Regional Studies
  105. Journal of Hydrology: X
  106. Journal of Infection and Public Health
  107. Journal of Integrative Environmental Sciences
  108. Journal of Irrigation & Drainage Engineering
  109. Journal of Mountain Science
  110. Journal of Ocean Engineering and Science
  111. Journal of Sandwich Structures and Materials
  112. Journal of Sustainable Water in the Built Environment
  113. Journal of the Indian Society of Remote Sensing
  114. Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management
  115. Journal of Water Supply: Research and Technology
  116. Journal of Water Supply: Research and Technology - AQUA
  117. Journal of Water, Sanitation and Hygiene for Development
  118. Karbala International Journal of Modern Science
  119. Lakes & Reservoirs: Science, Policy and Management for Sustainable Use 
  120. Marine Structures
  121. Meteorological Applications
  122. Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics
  123. Natural Hazards
  124. Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences
  125. Neural Computing and Applications
  126. Paddy and Water Environment
  127. Periodica Polytechnica Civil Engineering
  128. Physics and Chemistry of the Earth
  129. Polish Journal of Natural Sciences
  130. Remote Sensing Applications: Society and Environment
  131. Remote Sensing of Environment
  132. Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews
  133. Resources, Conservation and Recycling
  134. Science of the Total Environment
  135. Scientific Reports
  136. Separation and Purification Technology
  137. Smart and Sustainable Built Environment
  138. Transport in Porous Media
  139. SN Applied Sciences
  140. Soil and Tillage Research
  141. Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment
  142. Sustainability of Water Quality and Ecology
  143. Theoretical and Applied Climatology
  144. Urban Water Journal
  145. Water
  146. Water and Environment Journal
  147. Water International
  148. Water Practice and Technology
  149. Water Productivity Journal
  150. Water Research
  151. Water Resources and Industry
  152. Water Resources Management
  153. Water Science and Technology
  154. Water Science and Technology: Water Supply
  155. Water Supply
  156. Weather and Climate Extremes
  157. Wetlands

