- Shumal, M., Saghafian, M., Shirani. E., “A General Scaling Law of Vascular Tree: Optimal Principle of Bifurcations in Pulsatile Flow,” Journal of Applied Fluid Mechanics, V17, No. 10, pp. 2203-2214, doi.org/10.47176/jafm.17.10.2370, 2024.
Shumal, M., Saghafian, M., Shirani, E., and Nili Ahmad Abadi, M., “A Novel Description for Optimality Principle of Cerebral Arteries within the Circle of Willis," Accepted for Publication in Zeitschrift für angewandte Mathematik und Physik, 75:117, doi.org/10.1007/ s00033-024-02257-0, 2024.
Karimian, R., Saghafian, M., Shirani, E., “Numerical investigation of LDL nanoparticle collision in coronary artery grafts with porous wall and different implantation angles and two state of inlet velocity,” Accepted for Publication in PLOS-ONE, 2024.
Ali Akbari, O., Shirani, E., and Saghafian, M., “Investigating the temperature distribution behavior and flow parameters of argon fluid in a nanochannel with changing dimensions of the obstacle using the molecular dynamics (MD) method,” Heliyon Journal, 10, pp. 1-17, doi.org/10.1016/j.heliyon.2024.e24065, 2024.
Modaresi, M.A., Shirani, E., “Developing a novel mucociliary clearance boundary condition (MCBC) to simulate micro-scale particle transfers inside the respiratory tract system without generating extra computational cells,” Accepted for Publication in Chaos, Solitons and Fractals Journal, V179, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.chaos.2024.114463, 2024.
Modaresi, M.A., Shirani, E., “Effect of mucociliary clearance on the particulate airflow inside the nasal sinus and its role in increasing the residence time and absorption of drugs inside the upper respiratory pathway,” Accepted for Publication in Drug Delivery and Translational Research, 2023.
Somaye Yaghoubi, S., Karimipour, A., Shahgholian, G., Shirani, E., Nguyen Le, B. and Fathollahi, A., “Representing Fluid Particle Model (FPM) to incorporate two non-central cut-off components for dissipation forces associated with random forces via fluctuation-dissipation theory: A new integral algorithm in modified Dissipative Particle Dynamics (DPD) method,” Journal of Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements,152, 496-503, 2023.
Ali Akbari, O., Saghafian, M. and Shirani, E., “Investigating the Effect of Obstacle Presence on Argon Fluid Flow Characteristics in Rough Nanochannels Using Molecular Dynamics Method,” Journal of Molecular Liquids, V386, pp. 1-16, Doi.org/10.1016/j.molliq.2023. 122462, 2023.
Modaresi, M.A., Shirani, E., “Mucociliary clearance affected by mucus-periciliary interface stimulations using analytical solution during cough and sneeze,” The European Physical Journal Plus, 138:201, doi.org/10.1140/epjp/s13360-023-03796-7, 2023.
Modaresi, M.A., Shirani, E., “Characterization of transition phenomenon inside a simple nasal cavity using a range of transition coefficients, to Biomechanics and Modeling in Mechanobiology,” Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering, 48(3), 3631-3645, 3631-3645, doi.org/10.1007/s13369-022-07227-0, 2023.
Akbarnataj, K., Hamidpour, MR., Shiarni, E. and Salimpour, MR., “Optimization of Porous Finned Heat Exchanger Configuration Using the Comprehensive Performance Methodology,” Int. Comm. on Heat & Mass Transfer, Vol. 138, doi.org/10.1016/j.icheatmasstransfer.106318, 2022.
Modaresi, M.A., Shirani, E., “Effects of continuous and discrete boundary conditions on the movement of Upper Convected Maxwell and Newtonian mucus layers in coughing and sneezing,” The European Physical Journal Plus, Vol. 137, Issue 7, Article 846, https://doi.org/10.1140/epjp/s13360-022-03067-x, 2022.
Jafari Nivlouei, S., Soltani, M., Shirani, E., Salimpour, MR., Travasso, R., Carvalho, J., “A multiscale cell-based model of tumor growth for chemotherapy assessment and tumor-targeted therapy through a 3D computational approach,” Cell Proliferation, DOI: 10.1111/cpr.13187, 2022.
- Modaresi, M.A., Shirani, E., “Mucociliary clearance affected by mucus-periciliary interface stimulations using analytical solution during cough and sneeze,” Accepted in The European Physical Journal Plus, 2022.
- Modaresi, M.A., Shirani, E., “Characterization of transition phenomenon inside a simple nasal cavity using a range of transition coefficients, to Biomechanics and Modeling in Mechanobiology,” Accepted for Publication in Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering, 2022.
- Akbarnataj, K., Hamidpour, MR., Shiarni, E. and Salimpour, MR., “Optimization of Porous Finned Heat Exchanger Configuration Using the Comprehensive Performance Methodology,” Int. Comm. on Heat & Mass Transfer, Vol. 138, doi.org/10.1016/j.icheatmasstransfer.2022.106318, 2022.
- Modaresi, M.A., Shirani, E., “Effects of continuous and discrete boundary conditions on the movement of Upper Convected Maxwell and Newtonian mucus layers in coughing and sneezing,” The European Physical Journal Plus, Vol. 137, Issue 7, Article 860, https://doi.org/10.1140/epjp/s13360-022-03067-x, 2022.
- Jafari Nivlouei, S., Soltani, M., Shirani, E., Salimpour, MR., Travasso, R., Carvalho, J., “A multiscale cell-based model of tumor growth for chemotherapy assessment and tumor-targeted therapy through a 3D computational approach,” Cell Proliferation, DOI: 10.1111/cpr.13187, 2022.
- Rousta, M., Shirani, E., Habibi, Z., “A comprehensive study on the characterization of chaotic advection flow and heat transfer in a twisted pipe with elliptical cross-section,” Results in Engineering, doi.org/10.1016/j.rineng.2021.100323, 13, 2022.
- Nafar-Sefiddashti, M., Nili-Ahmadabadi, M., Saeedi-Rizi, B., Shirani, E. and Kyung Chun Kim, “A novel optimization approach for axial turbine blade cascade via combination of a continuous-curvature parameterization method and genetic algorithm,” Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology, 35 (9), 3989-4000, 2021.
- Mahmoudirad, S., Shirani, E., Aloui, F., "Study of Couette flow, Taylor vortex and wavy vortex regimes in Couette-Taylor Flows with Transient Periodic Oscillation of the Inner Cylinder – A Computational Fluid Dynamics Analysis," Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering, 43:559, doi.org/10.1007/s40430-021-03265-1, 2021.
- Kazemi Esfeh, M., Sohankar, A., Shirani, E., “Influence of rounding corners and aspect ratio on the flow structure of a finite-length cylinder: an experimental study,” International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow, 91, doi.org/10.1016/j.ijheatfluidflow.2021.108854, 2021.
- Abedi, A., Mohammadi, A., Shirani, E., “Numerical Simulation and experimental studies of Flow Velocity in a Transparent Cylinder Head of EF7 Engine Using PIV,” Journal of Engine Research, Vol. 36, pp. 61-67, 2021.
- Freidooni, F., Sohankar, A., Rastan, M. R., Shirani, E. “Flow patterns and geometric consideration of turbulent flows around two non-identical-height square buildings,” International Journal of Building Science and its Applications, Building and Environment, 201, pp. 1, 17, doi.org/10.1016/j.buildenv.2021.107985, 2021.
- Jafari, S., Soltani, M., Carvalho, J., Travasso, R., Salimpour, MR., Shirani, E, ”Multiscale modeling of tumor growth and angiogenesis: Evaluation of tumor-targeted therapy," Accepted for Publication in PLOS Computational Biology, 2021.
- Mohammadzade, K., Khaleghi, H., Maddahian, R., Shirani, E., “Numerical Investigation of Anode Channel Clogging of a PEMFC with a Realistic Droplet Size Distribution," Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering (BMSE), 42:204, doi.org/10.1007/s40430-020-02283-9, 2020.
- Fallahi, H., Shirani, E., Zohravi, E., "Hemodynamic analysis of coronary artery bypass grafting with elastic Walls and different stenosis," doi: 10.24200/sci.2020.53378.3211, Scientia Iranica, 2020.
- Shahriarinasab, P., Moallem, M, Shirani, E., Carlos, “Predicting Temperature Profile on the Surface of a Switched Reluctance Motor Using a Fast and Accurate Magneto-Thermal," Journal of IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion, V. 35, Issue 3, pp. 1394-1401, 10.1109/TEC.2020.2974789, 2020.
- Rabani, R., Heidarinejad, G., Harting J., Shirani, E., “Effect of wall stiffness, mass and potential interaction strength on heat transfer characteristics of nanoscale-confined gas,“ International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol. 147, pp. 1-14, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijheatmasstransfer.2019.118929, 2020.
- Rabani, R., Heidarinejad, Shirani, E., “Thermally induced stress in the a nano-confined fluid medium,“ Journal of Molecular Modeling, 26:180, pp.1-16, https://doi.org/10.1007/s00894-020-04443-z, 2020.
- Mohammadzadeh, K., Jahani Kaldehi, B, Jazmi, R., Khaleghi, H., Maddahian, R., Shirani, E., “A Numerical Model for Estimation of Water Droplet Size in the Anode Channel of a Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell," Accepted for Publication in Journal of Energy Storage, 2019.
- Roohani, N., Shirani, E., Salimpour, MR., “Numerical Study and sensitivity analysis on convective heat transfer enhancement in heat pipe partially filled with porous material using LTE and LTNE methods,“ Accepted for Publication in Heat Transfer-Asian Research, 2019.
- Rabani, R., Heidarinejad, G., Harting, J. and Shirani, E., “Heat Conduction Characteristic of Rarefied Gas in Nanochannel,” Journal of Applied Fluid Mechanics, Vol. 13, No. 1, pp. 1-13, DOI: 10.29252/jafm.13.01.30075, 2020.
- Yaghoubi, S., Shirani, E. and Pishevar, AR., “Improvement of dissipative particle dynamics method by taking into account the particle size,” Scientia Iranica. Transaction B, Mechanical Engineering, Vol. 26, Iss. 3, pp. 1438-1445, DOI:10.24200/sci.2018.21042, 2019.
- Shirani, E., Zohoor, H., Yaghoubi, M., Amirzade, S., Tashakori, S., “Analysis of development of higher education in engineering discipline during the fourth and fifth development program,” V. 21, No. 81, pp. 19-44, Iranian Journal of Engineering Education, 2019.
- Khoeini, D. and Shirani E., “"Influences of diffuser vanes parameters and impeller micro grooves depth on a submersible centrifugal pump performance,” Accepted for Publication in Journal of Mechanics, 2019.
- Rastan, M., Sohankar, A., Doolan, C., Moreau, D., Shirani, E., “Controlled flow over a finite square cylinder using suction and blowing,” Accepted for Publication in International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, V156, pp 410-434, DOI information: 10.1016/j.ijmecsci.2019.04.013, 2019.
- Rabani, R., Heidarinejad, G., Harting, J., Shirani, E., "Effect of temperature difference between channel walls on the heat transfer characteristics of nanoscale-confined gas," International Journal of Thermal Sciences V137, pp 13-25, doi.org/10.1016/j.ijthermalsci.2018.11.015, 2019.
- Sohankar, A., Riahi, M., Shirani, E., “Numerical study of water/Al2O3 nanofluid forced convection in a rotating hydrophilic and hydrophobic microchannels,” Journal of Applied Fluid Mechanics, Vol. 12, No. 1, pp. 219-231, DOI: 10.29252/jafm.75.253.29143, 2019.
- Fallahi, A., Shirani, E. and Salimpour, MR., “Numerical Analysis Temperature Distribution in a Three-Dimensional of Human Finger Model Using MRI Output in Sever Cold Conditions,” V. 51, No. 4, pp1-12, Amirkabir Journal, 10.22060/MEJ.2017.13298.5593, 2019.
- Modaresi, MA., Shirani, E., Charmiyan M., Aloui, F., “Numerical and Experimental investigation of impinging turbulent flow of twin jets against a wall,” Scientia Iranica, V. 26, N. 6, 2019.
- Khoeini, D. and Shirani, E., M. Joghataei, "Improvement of centrifugal pump performance by using different impeller diffuser angle with and without vanes,” Journal of Mechanics, 34, pp. 1-13, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1017/jmech.2018.39, 2018.
- Rabani, R., Heidarinejad, G., Shirani, E., "Interplay of confinement and density on the heat transfer characteristics of nanoscale-confined gas," International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer V126, 331–341, doi.org/10.1016/j.ijheatmasstransfer.2018.05.028, 2018.
- Razavi, M.S., Kassab, G.S. and Shirani, E., “Scaling laws of number of coronary capillaries with coronary blood volume, length, flow and mean transit time,” Frontiers in Physiology, doi.org/10.3389/fphys.2018.00581, May 2018.
- Khoeini, D. and Shirani E., “Enhancement of a centrifugal pump performance by simultaneous use of splitter blades and impeller diffuser,” International Journal of Fluid Machinery and Systems, V. 11, Issue 2, pp. 191-204, 2018.
- Meghdadi, AH., Nasehi, R. and Shirani, E., Mixing Enhancement in Microchannels Using Thermo-Viscous Expansion by Oscillating Temperature Wave,” Chemical Engineering & Processing: Process Intensification, V 126, pp. 123-131, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cep.2018.02.020, 2018.
- Khoeini, D., Abbasi, B. and Shirani E., “Influences of impeller splitter blades on the performance of a centrifugal pump with viscous fluids,” International Journal of Fluid Machinery and Systems, Vol. 11, No. 4, pp. 400-411, DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.5293/IJFMS.2018.11.4.400, 2018.
- Zohravi, E., Shirani, E. and Pishevar, AR., Hossein Karimpour, “Dissipative Particle Dynamics Study of Velocity Autocorrelation Function and Self-diffusion Coefficient in terms of Interaction Potential Strength,“ Molecular Physics, Volume 116 Issue 13, DOI: 10.1080/00268976.2018.1441463, 2018.
- Hosseinian, A., Meghdadi Isfahani, AH. and Shirani, E. “Experimental investigation of surface vibration effects on increasing the stability and heat transfer coefficient of MWCNTs-water nanofluid in a flexible double pipe heat exchanger,” Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, V. 90, pp. 275-285, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.expthermflusci.2017.09.018, 2018.
- Zohravi, E., Shirani, E. and Pishevar, AR., “Influence of the Conservative Force on Transport Coefficients in the DPD method,” Molecular Simulation/Journal of Experimental Nanoscience, 44:3, pp. 254-261, DOI: 10.1080/08927022.2017.1373193, 2018
- Nasehi, R., Shirani, E., “Evolution of Thin Liquid Film for Newtonian and Power-Law Non-Newtonian Fluids,” Scientia Iranica B, 25(1), 266-279, 2018.
- Habibi, Z., Karami, M., Jarrahi, M., Shirani, E., Peerhossaini, H., “Some observations on the spatiotemporal orbits structure and heat transfer enhancement in pulsating flow,” International J. thermal Sciences, Volume 125, pp. 428-439, 2018.
- Fathi A.R., Jalilvand R., Shirani E., Forouzan M.R., “A New Analytical Relation for Performance of Small Regenerative Turbine Pumps,” In: Aloui F., Dincer I. (eds) Exergy for A Better Environment and Improved Sustainability 1. Green Energy and Technology. pp. 613-630, Springer, Cham, 2018
- Fathi A.R., Jalilvand R., Shirani E. ,”Quantitative Evaluation of Influential Coefficients of Regenerative Pumps,” In: Aloui F., Dincer I. (eds) Exergy for A Better Environment and Improved Sustainability 1. Green Energy and Technology. pp. 631-643, Springer, Cham, 2018.
- Alafzadeh, M., Shirani, E., Yahaghi, E. and Fatouraee, N., “Effects of Stenosis and RBC Motion on Mass Transfer in the Microvessels Using Immersed Boundary-Lattice Boltzmann Method,” Scientia Iranica, V. 25, No. 5, pp. 2557-2561, 2018.
- Fallahi, A., Shirani, E. and Salimpour, MR., “Analytical Expressions for Estimating Endurance Time and Glove Thermal Resistance Related to Human Finger under Cold Conditions,” Journal of Thermal Biology, V. 69 pp. 334 –340, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jtherbio.2017.09.006, 2017.
- Charmiyan, M., Azimian, MR., SHIRANI, E., Aloui, F., DEGOUET, C. and MICHAELIS, D., “3D Tomographic PIV, POD and vortex identification of turbulent slot jet flow impinging on a flat plate,” Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology, JMEST, V. 31 No. 11, PP. 5347-5357, DOI 10.1007/s12206-017-1029-9, 2017.
- Fallahi, A., Shirani, E. and Salimpour, MR., “A 3D Thermal Model to Analyze the Temperature Changes of Digits during Cold Stress and Predict the Danger of Frostbite in Human Fingers,” Accepted for publication in Journal of Thermal Biology, 2017.
- Riahi, M., Sohankar, A., Shirani, E., “Numerical investigation of heat transfer and pressure drop in a rotating U-shaped hydrophobic microchannel with slip flow and temperature jump boundary conditions,” Accepted for publication in J. Applied Thermal Engineering, 117 pp. 308–321, 2017.
- Alafzadeh, M., Shirani, E., Yahaghi, E. and Fatouraee, N., “A novel model for effective diffusion coefficient in brain capillary," Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology, Volume 31, Issue 6, pp 3101–3106, DOI 10.1007/s12206-017-0554-x, 2017.
- Golozar, M., Razavi, M.S. and Shirani , E., “Optimal architecture of vascular system and its effect on energy loss and flow resistance,” Scientia Iranica B, 24(5), 2387-2395, 2017.
- Rabani, R., Heidarinejad, G., Shirani, E., “The wall spring constant variation effect on distribution of Lennard-Jones fluid in nanochannel by molecular dynamic simulation,” Modares Journal of Mechanics, V17, No. 9, pp185-194, 2017
- Heydarinehjad, G., Rabani, R., Shirani, E., ”The effect of wall force field on temperature distribution in nanochannel containing Lennard-Jones fluid by molecular dynamic simulation,” Modares Journal of Mechanics, V17, No. 6, pp23-31, 2017.
- Charmiyan, M., Azimian, MR., SHIRANI, E., Aloui, F., “Investigation of turbulent slot impinging jet using laser doppler anemometry (LDA) method – Experimental research and error analysis”, Modares Journal of Mechanics, V. 17, N. 4, pp.92-100, 2017
- Zohravi, E., Shirani, E. and Pishevar, AR., “Study the effect of conservative force size and type on particles radius in Dissipative Particle Dynamics method,” Modares Journal of Mechanics, V. 17, N. 10, pp. 249-258, 2017.
- Kashcooli, M., Salimpour, MR., Shirani, E.” Heat Transfer Analysis of Skin during Thermal Therapy Using Thermal Wave Equation,” Journal of Thermal Biology, V. 64, Pages 7-18, 10.1016/j.jtherbio.2016.12.007, 2017.
- Alafzadeh, M., Shirani, E., Yahaghi, E., "A model for mass diffusion in infracted tissues by using LBM," Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology, 30 (11), pp. 1-7, DOI 10.1007/s12206-016-1050-4, 2016.
- Hamedi, A., Shamshiri, M. Charmiyan, M. and Shirani, E., “Investigation of Nonlinear Electrokinetic and Rheological Behaviors of Typical Non-Newtonian Biofluids through Annular Microchannels,” Journal of Applied Fluid Mechanics, V. 9, N. 1, pp. 367-378, 2016.
- Yaghoubi, S., Pishevar, A.R., Saidi M.S. and Shirani, E., “Modeling self-assembly of the surfactants into biological bilayer membranes with special chemical structures using dissipative particle dynamics method,” Scientia Iranica, Transaction B, Mechanical Engineering , V. 23, No. 3, pp. 942-950, 2016.
- Shumal, M, NIli-ahmadabadi, M. and Shirani, E., “Development of the ball-spine inverse design algorithm to swirling viscous flow for performance improvement of an axisymmetric bend duct,” Aerospace Science and Technology, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ast. 2016.02.021, 52, pp. 181-188, 2016.
- Monfared , M., Shirani, E., Salimpour, M.R. and Aloui, F., ” Numerical and experimental Study on the Flow History Effects of an Axial Flow on the Couette-Taylor Flow,” Acta Mechanica, 227, pp. 1999-2010, Doi 10.1007/s00707-016-1592-7, 2016.
- Meghdadi Isfahani, A.H., Tasdighi, I., Karimipou, A., Shirani, E. and Afrand, M., “A joint lattice Boltzmann and molecular dynamics investigation for thermohydraulical simulation of nano flows through porous media,” European Journal of Mechanics - B/Fluids, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.euromechflu.2015.08.002, 55, pp15-23, 2016.
- Monfared, M., Shirani, E., Aloui, F., Salimpour, M.R., “Numerical and Experimental Study on the Effects of Taylor Number on the Wavelength of the Couette-Taylor Flow,” JAFM, V9- Special Issue 1, pp. 49-57, 2016.
- Charmiyan, M., Azimian, A.R., Keirsbulck, L., Shirani, E. and Aloui, F., “Turbulent Plane Impinging Jet-Physical Insight and Turbulence Modeling,” JAFM, V9- Special Issue1, pp. 11-17, 2016.
- Alafzadeh, M., Shirani, E., Yahaghi, E. and Fatouraee, N., “Effective parameters on variation of wall shear stress in microvessels,” Modares Journal of Mechanics, V. 16, No. 4, pp 129-134, 2016.
- Torabi, A., Alafzadeh, M., Shirani, E. and Nili-Ahmadabadi, “Combine lattice Boltzmann and Finite Volume methods for simulating blood flow and LDL concentration in vessel,” Modares Journal of Mechanics, V15, N11, pp. 253-262, 2016.
- Yaghoubi, S., Shirani, E., Pishevar, A. R. and Afshar, Y., “New modified weight function for the dissipative force in DPD method to increase the Schmidt number, “Europhysics Letter, EPL, doi: 10.1209/0295-5075/110/24002. 24001, 110(2), 2015.
- Nematollahi, A., Shirani, E., Mirzaee, I. and Sadeghi, M.R., "Effects of shear-dependent transport properties on lumen surface concentration of LDL particles in stenosed carotid artery," Meccanica, DOI 10.1007/s11012-015-0120-5, 50(7), pp 1733-1746. 2015.
- D'Orazio, A., Karimipour. A., Hosseinnezhad, A.R. and Shirani, E., “Lattice Boltzmann Method with heat flux boundary condition applied to mixed convection in inclined lid driven cavity,” Meccanica, 50 (4), pp. 945-962, DOI 10.1007/s11012-014-0052-5, 2015.
- Karimipour. A., Hosseinnezhad, A.R., D'Orazio, A., Jafari, S. and Shirani, E., “Simulation of Copper-Water nanofluid in a microchannel in slip flow regime using lattice Boltzmann method,” European Journal of Mechanics - B/Fluids, Vo. 49, pp. 89-99, 2015.
- Reisi, M., Niroumand, B. and Shirani, E., “Morphological Evolution of SCN Crystals in a Shear Flow, “Solid State Phenomena, V. 217-218, pp. 83-90, doi: 10.4028, 2015.
- Zohravi, E., Shirani, E. Sadeghi, M.R., "Hemodynamic analysis of pulsatile blood flow in a complete bypass graft with different anastomosis angles", Scientia Iranica B, V. 22, No. 2, 2015.
- Karami, M., Jarrahi, M., Shirani, E. and Peerhossaini, H., “Mixing by time-dependent orbits in spatiotemporal chaotic advection,” Journal of Fluid Engineering, doi:10.1115/1.4027588, 137(1), 2015.
- Safari, M., Nili-Ahmadabadi, M., Gaei, A. and Shirani, E., ” Inverse Design of Airfoil Using Elastic Surface Method in Viscous Subsonic and Transonic Flow,” Journal of Computational Methods in Engineering, V. 34, No. 1, 2015.
- Saghafian,M., Rajabi, R., Saberian I. and Shirani, E., “A Numerical Study on Slip Flow Heat Transfer in Micro-Poiseuille Flow Using Perturbation Method,” Journal of Applied Fluid Mechanics, V. 8, N. 1, pp. 123-132, 2015.
- Alafzadeh, M., Shirani, E., Yahaghi, E., Rahmani, M. and Fatouraee, N., “Analysis of the effective parameters on mass transfer in brain capillaries using lattice Boltzmann method,“ Modares Journal of Mechanics, V15, No. 4, pp. 151-158, 2015.
- Shumal, M., Nili Ahmadabadi, M. and Shirani, E., “Inverse Design of 90-Degree Bend between Radial and Axial Diffuser of Centrifugal Compressor,” Modares Journal of Mechanics, V. 15, No. 8, pp 371-378, 2015.
- D’Orazio , A., Karimipour, A., Nezhad A.H. and Shirani, E., “Mixed convection in inclined lid driven cavity by Lattice Boltzmann Method and heat flux boundary condition,” Journal of Physics, Conf. Series, V. 547 N. 1 2014.
- Razavi, M.S., Shirani, E., Salimpour, M.R. and Kassab, G.S., “Constructal Law of Vascular Trees for Facilitation of Flow,” PLOS ONE, doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0116260, 9 (12), pp 1-16, 2014.
- Kolahdouz, ME., Mohammadzadeh, K, Shirani, E. and Ziaie-Rad, S., “Performance of piezoelectrically actuated micropump with different driving voltage shapes and frequencies," Scientia Iranica B, V. 21, No. 5, 2014.
- Safari, M., Nili-Ahmadabadi, M., Gaei, A. and Shirani, E., ” Inverse Design in Subsonic and Transonic External Flow Regimes Using Elastic Surface Algorithm,” International Journal of Computers and Fluids, V. 102, pp. 41-51,2014.
- Zare, M., Daneshi, M., Shirani, E. and Salimpour, M.R., “A Novel Approach for Prediction of 3-D Skin Structure Burning with Embedded Branched Vasculature,” International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, V. 78, pp. 468-480, 2014.
- Sayed Razavi, M., Shirani, E. and Salimpour, M.R., “Development of a general method for obtaining the geometry of microfluidic networks, “American Institute of Physics, Volume 4, Issue 1, 017109 (2014); doi: 10.1063/1.4861067, January 2014.
- Rahmati, A.R., Ashrafizaadeh, M. and Shirani, E., "Multi-Relaxation-Time Lattice Boltzmann Method on Non-Uniform Grids for Large Eddy Simulation of Rayleigh-Bénard Convection Using Two Sub-Grid Scale Models," Journal of Applied Fluid Mechanics, V. 7, N. 1, pp. 89-102, 2014
- Mohammadzadeh, K., Kolahdooz, E. and Shirani, E., “Numerical Study on the Performance of Tesla Type Microvalve in a Valveless Micropump in the Range of Low Frequencies,” Journal of Micro-Bio Robotics, V. 8, Issue 3-4, pp. 145-159, 2013.
- Rahmati, A.R., Ashrafizaadeh, M. and Shirani, E., "An Incompressible Multi-Relaxation-Time Lattice Boltzmann Method for Large Eddy Simulation of Two-Dimensional Turbulent Flows,” International Journal of Fluid Mechanics Research,” DOI: 10.1615/InterJFluid MechRes.v40.i2.30, 40(2): 115-132, 2013.
- Sayed-Razavi, M. and Shirani, E., “Development of a general method for designing microvascular networks using distribution of wall shear stress,” Journal of Biomechanics, V. 46, pp. 2303-2309, 2013.
- Mohammadzadeh, K., Kolahdouz, M.E., Shirani, E. and Shafii, M.B., “Numerical study on the effect of the number of stages on the performance of Tesla microvalve and comparison with nozzle/diffuser microvalve,” Modares Journal of Mechanics, V. 12, N. 6, pp. 124-135, 2013.
- Mohammadzadeh, K., Kolahdouz, M.E., Shirani, E. and Shafii, M.B., “Numerical Investigation on the effect of the size and number of stages on the Tesla microvalve efficiency,” Journal of Mechanics, V. 29, No. 3, pp. 527-534, https://doi.org/10.1017/jmech.2013.29, 2013.
- Karimipour A., Nezhad A.H., D'Orazio A., Shirani E., “The Effects of Inclination Angle and Prandtl Number on the Mixed Convection in the Inclined Lid Driven Cavity Using Lattice Boltzmann Method,” Journal of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, V. 51, No. 2, pp. 447-462, 2013.
- Salimpour, M.R., Sharifhassan, M. and Shirani, E., “Constructal Optimization of Microchannel Heat sinks with Non-Singular Cross Sections,” Heat Transfer Engineering, V. 34, Issue 10, pp. 863-874, 2013.
- Karami. M., Shirani, E. and Avara, A., "Analysis of Entropy Generation, Pumping Power and Tube Wall Temperature in Aqueous Suspensions of Alumina Particles", Heat Transfer Research, V. 43, N. 4, pp.327-342, 2012.
- Hajmohammadi, M.R., Shirani, E. and Salimpour, M.R.,, "Constructal Placement of Unequal Heat Sources on a Plate Cooled by Laminar Forced Convection,“ International Journal of Thermal Sciences, V. 60, pp. 13-22, 2012.
- Nematollahi, A. Shirani, E. Mirzaee I. and Sadeghi, M. R., "Numerical Simulation of LDL Particles Mass Transport in Human Carotid Artery under Steady State Conditions," Scientia Iranica B, V. 19, No. 3, pp. 519-524, 2012.
- Nabi,S. and Shirani, E., “Simultaneous effects of Brownian Motion and Clustering of Nanoparticles on Heat Conductivity of Nanofluids,” Iranian Journal of Science and Technology, V. 36, N. M1, pp. 53-68, 2012
- Darvishzadeh, M, Semnani, D, Shirani, E and Sheikhzadeh, M, “Improvement Modelling of Heat Transfer by Using Complex Neural Net in Fibrous Structures,” Fibers and Polymers, V. 13, Issue 4, pp. 542-548, 2012
- Shamshiri, M., Ashrafizaadeh, M. and Shirani, E., “Rarefaction and dissipation effects on transport phenomena associated with an immiscible two-phase flow within a shaft-housing micro configuration,” International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, V. 55, issue 19-20, pp. 4996 – 5006, 2012.
- Karimipour A., Hossein Nezhad, A. and Shirani, E., “Investigation of the Gravity Effects on the Mixed Convection Heat Transfer in a Microchannel Using Lattice Boltzmann Method" International Journal of Thermal Sciences, V. 54, pp. 262-275, 2012.
- Shamshiri, M., Ashrafizaadeh, M. and Shirani, E., "Advantages and Disadvantages Asociated with Introducing an Extra Rarefied Gas Layer into a Rotating Microsystem Filled with a Liquid Lubricant: First and Second Law Analyses,” Energy, V. 45, Issue 1, pp. 716-728, 2012.
- Shamshiri, M., Ashrafizaadeh, M. and Shirani, E., " Effect of Rarefaction, Viscous Dissipation and Rotation Mode on the First and Second-Law Analysis of Rarefied Gaseous Slip Flows Confined between a Rotating Shaft and Its Concentric Housing," Energy, 37, pp. 359-370, 2012.
- Shamshiri, M., Ashrafizaadeh, M. and Shirani, E., "Investigation of Flow and Heat Transfer Characteristics of Rarefied Gaseous Slip Flow in Nonplanar Micro-Couette Configuration," International Journal of Thermal Sciences, 54, pp. 262-275, 2012.
- Rashidi, V., Mirdamadi, H.R. and Shirani, E., "A Novel Model for Vibrations of Nanotubes Conveying Nanoflow," Computational Materials Science, 51 (1), pp. 347-352, 2012.
- Sohrabpour, S., Yaghobi, M., Ghafari, M.M., Shakeri, M., Eslami, M.R., Shirani, E. and Pakpour, M., “Analysis of the Position of Think Tanks on Policy Making in Iran and Several Other Countries,” Sharif Journal, Industrial Engineering and Management, V. 28-1, No. 1, 2012.
- Karimipour, A., Nezhad, A.H. , Shirani, E. and Safaei, A., "Simulation of fluid flow and heat transfer in inclined cavity using Lattice Boltzmann method," Proceedings of World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, 76, pp. 649-656, 2011.
- Sadeghi, M.R., Shirani, E., M. Tafazzoli-Shadpour and M. Samaee "The Effects of Stenosis Growth on the Hemodynamic Forces and Stress Phase Angle and Vice Versa," Journal of Biomechanics 44, 2614–2626, 2011.
- Homayoon, A. Meghdadi Isfahani, A.H., Shirani, E. and Ashrafizadeh, M., "A novel modified lattice Boltzmann method for simulation of gas flows in wide range of Knudsen number,” International Communication in Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol. 38, pp. 827–832, 2011.
- Razavi, R., Shirani, E. and Sadeghi, M.R., "Numerical Simulation of Blood Pulsatile Flow in a Stenosed Carotid Artery Using Different Rheological Models," Journal of Biomechanics, Volume 44, No. 11, pp. 2021–2030, 2011.
- Shirani,E., Ghadiri, F. and Ahmadi, A., "Modeling and Simulation of Interfacial Turbulent Flows", Journal of Applied Fluid Mechanics, Special Issue, V. 4 N. 3, pp. 43-49, July, 2011.
- Ghadiri, F., Ahmed, D.H., Sung, H.J. And Shirani, E., 'Non-Newtonian Ink Transfer in Gravure-Offset Printing,' International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow, Vol. 32, No. 1, pp. 308-317, Feb. 2011.
- Fazli, S., Shirani, E. and Sadeghi, M.R., “Numerical Simulation of LDL Mass Transfer in a Common Carotid Artery under Pulsatile Flows,” Journal of Biomechanics, Volume 44, No. 1, pp. 68–76, 2011.
- Salimpour, M.R., Sharifhassan, M. and Shirani, E., “Constructal Optimization of the Geometry of an Array in Microchannels,” International Communication in Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol. 38, No. 1, pp. 93-99, 2011.
- Nabavitabatabayi, M.R., Shirani, E., Rahimian, M.H., “Investigation Heat Transfer Enhancement Investigation in an Enclosure Filled with Nanofluids Using Multiple Relaxation Time Lattice Boltzmann Modeling,” (Science Direct 12th Hottest Article of ICHMT, Jan-March, 2011) International Communication in Heat and Mass Transfer, V. 38, No. 1, pp. 128-138, January 2011.
- Alaei, A. R., Edris, H. and Shirani, E., “Upward Molten Flow for Optimization of Fluid flow in Continuous Casting Tundish,” Iron and Steel Research, Vol. 17, No. 11, pp. 29-33, 2010.
Shokouhmand, H., Meghdadi Isfahani, A.H., Raisi Dehkordi, M. and Shirani, E., “Friction and heat transfer coefficient in micro channel filled with porous media for wide range of Knudsen number,” Int. Comm. in Heat and Mass Transfer, Volume 37, Issue 7, pp. 890-894, August 2010.
II. Conference Papers (resent papers)- Charmiyan, M. and Shirani, E., “A new model for numerical simulation of turbulent flows at interfacial flows,“ submitted for presentation in 31st Annual International Conference of ISME and the 9th Conference on Thermal Power Plants, Shahid Beheshti University, May, 2023.
- Abedi, A., Mohammadi, A., Shirani, E., “Numerical Simulation and experimental studies of Flow Velocity in a Transparent Cylinder Head of EF7 Engine Using PIV,” Proceedings of the Third National Conference on Internal Combustion Engines, Tarbiat Dabir Shahid Rajaee University, Feb, 2021.
- Charmiyan, M., Shirani, E. and Aloui, F., “Different turbulence scales in impinging jet flows using laser doppler anemometry, “ Accepted for presentation in 29th Annual International Conference of ISME and the 8th Conference on Thermal Power Plants, K. N. Toosi University of Technology, May, 2021.
- Aloui, F., Mahmoodirad, S., Shirani, E., “Structural Analysis of Couette-Taylor Flow with Periodic Oscillation of the Inner Cylinder in Different Flow Regimes,” Submitted for presentation in ASME-FEDSM 2021, USA, August 10-12, 2021.
- Aloui, F., Shirani, E., Nasirzade, S., “Elementary Numerical Analysis of Wet Foam Formation and Study of Its Flow Structures and Physical Behavior,” Accepted for presentation in ASME-FEDSM 2021, USA, August 10-12, 2021.
- Jafari, S., Soltani, M., Salimpour, M.R., Shirani, E., “Multiscale simulation of tumor tumor growth and tracking of cellular behavior during cancer progression in the presence of normal tissue,” Proceedings of 28th ISME2020, May 2020, Tehran, Iran, 2020
- Jafari, S., Soltani, M., Salimpour, M.R., Shirani, E., “Identification of targeted drugs in cancer signal pathways using the Boolean stochastic logic model,” Proceedings of 28th ISME2020, May 2020, Tehran, Iran, 2020
- Fardi, H., Shirani, E., “Effect of Fluid Pressure on Multi-stage Ejector Vacuum Pressure of Degasified Unit in Foolad-Mobareke Complex,” Foolad Symposium 98, Kish, Iran, 2020.
- Charmiyan, M., Shirani, E., Azimian, AR. ,Near-wall structure of flow of impinging turbulent jet using PVI Tomography experimental results, To be presented in 18th Fluid Dynamics Conference, Ferdowsi Mashhad, Selected best papers of the conference, Sept. 2019.
- Nafar Sefiddashti, M., Nili-Ahmadabadi, M., Shirani, “Development of a new method for designing the blade profile of an axial flow turbine in subsonic and transonic regimes with incorporating genetic algorithm into a viscous flow solver,” Submitted for possible presentation in GPPS Technical Conference, Zurich, Switzerland, 2019.
- Mohammadzadeh, K., Jazmi, R., Khaleghi, H., Maddahian, R, Shirani, E., “Simulations of droplet relaxation using volume of fluid method (VOF) ,” Proceedings of the 26th ISME2018, April 2018, Semnan, Iran, 2018.
- Mokhtari Karchegani, H., Shirani, E., “Nanofluid heat transfer inside spiral pipe with Newtonian and non-Newtonian fluids,” َAccepted for presentation in the 26th ISME2018, April 2018, Semnan, Iran, 2018.
- Mohammadzadeh, K., Jazmi, R., Khaleghi, H., Maddahian, R, Shirani, E., “Numerical simulation of a rising bubble using volume of fluid method (VOF),” Proceedings of the 26th ISME2018, April 2018, Semnan, Iran, 2018.
- Charmiyan, M., Azimian, AR., Shirani, E., F. Aloui, “Experimental investigation of 3-D turbulent structures in impinging jet region,” submitted for presentation in FEDSM2018, 5th Joint US-European Fluids Engineering Summer Conference, Quebec, Canada, 2018
- Hosseinian, A., Meghdadi Isfahani, AH. and Shirani, E., “A novel method for increasing heat transfer in coaxial heat exchangers,” Proceedings of 17th Fluid Dynamics Conference, Shahrood University of Technology, 2017
- Hosseinian, A., Meghdadi Isfahani, AH. and Shirani, E., “Experimental analysis of the effect of adding multi-layer NCT on the physical properties of de-ionized fluid,” Proceedings of 17th Fluid Dynamics Conference, Shahrood University of Technology, 2017
- Khalili, MS., Saghafian, M., Sedaghat, A., Shirani, E., “Numerical Simulation of Micro Cavity Flow Using Perturbation Theory,” Proceedings of 25th ISME2017, May 2017, Tehran, Iran, 2017.
- Fallahi, A., Shirani, E. and Salimpour, MR., “Temperature distribution in a human finger in sever cold weather conditionusing numerical simulations and MRI output,” Proceedings of 17th Fluid Dynamics Conference, Shahrood University of Technology, 2017
- Mohammadzadeh , K., Khaleghi, H., Maddahian, R., Shirani, E., “ Numerical Simulation of Interfacial Flows Using VOF-PLIC,” Proceedings of 4th National Conference on Application of Novel Technologies in Engineering Science, Torbat-e- Heydarieh, 2017
- Heydarinehjad, G., Rabbaini, R., and Shirani, E., ”Combined effects of wall force and rarefied gas on heat transfer effects in flows inside nanchannels “, Proceedings of 25th ISME2017, May 2017, Tehran, Iran, 2017.
- Fooladi, F, and Shirani, E., “Numerical Simulation of Deformation and Migration of RBC’s in Microvessels Using LBM-SB,” Proceedings of First International conference in new research achievement in Mechanics, Mechatronics and Biomechanics, 2015
- Fooladi, F, and Shirani, E., Numerical Simulation of RBC’s in Microvessels Using LBM-SB, Proceedings of First International conference in new research achievement in Mechanics, Mechatronics and Biomechanics, 2015
- Charmiyan, M., Azimian, AR., Shirani, E., “Experimental measurements of mean and fluctuating properties of turbulent impinging rectangular jet using LDV,” Proceedings of Third International Conference, Recent Innovations in Industrial and Mechanical Engineering, Tehran, Iran 2016.
- Monfared, M., Shirani, E., Salimpour, MR., Fethi, A., “Experimental Study on the Effects of Surface Roughness on the Hydrodynamic instabilities,” Behaviors of Couette-Taylor Flow,” Proceedings of ASME, FEDSM2017, USA, 2017.
- Charmiyan, M., Azimian, AR., Shirani, E. and Aloui, F., “Capability assessment of five different RANS-based turbulence models to simulate the various regions of slot turbulent impingement jet flow,” Proceedings of ASME, FEDSM2017, Hawaii, USA, 2017.
- Noorsalehi , M.H., Nili-Ahmadabadi, M., Shirani, E. and Safari, M., “INVERSE DESIGN OF AXIAL-FLOW COMPRESSOR BLADES USING ELASTIC SURFACE ALGORITHM IN SUBSONIC AND TRANSONIC FLOW REGIMES WITH SEPARATION ,” Proceedings of ASME Turbo Expo 2016: Turbomachinery Technical Conference and Exposition, GT2016, Seoul, South Korea June 13 – 17, 2016.
- Noorsalehi, M.H., Nili-Ahmadabadi, M., Shirani, E. and Safari, M., “QUASI-3D INVERSE DESIGN OF A VANED 90-DEGREE BENT DIFFUSER IN ITS MERIDIONAL PLANE FOR ELIMINATION OF VANED RADIAL DIFFUSER OF A CENTRIFUGAL COMPRESSOR,” Proceedings of ASME Turbo Expo 2016: Turbomachinery Technical Conference and Exposition, GT2016, Seoul, South Korea June 13 – 17, 2016.
- Habibi, Z., Karami, M., Shirani, E., Jarrahi, M. and Peerhossaini, H., “Heat Transfer Enhancement due to Chaotic Advection of Pulsating Flow in Twisted Duct,” Proceedings of Physical and Chemical Phenomena in Heat Exchangers and Multifunctional Reactors for Sustainable Technology Conference in Paris, 10-11 Oct. 2016.
- Torabi, a., Shirani, E. and Nili-Ahmadabadi,M., “Mass transfer of LDL a rectangular stenosis artery using combined LBM and control volume approach,” Proceedings of 24th ISME2016, May 2016, Yazd, Iran, 2016.
- Hadad, S. and Shirani, E., “Unsteady electroosmotic with variable electric field in a rectangular microchannel,” Proceedings of 24th ISME2016, May 2016, Yazd, Iran, 2016
- Kahlili, M.S., Saghafian, M., Sedaghat, A., Shirani, E.,”A review on slip models for gas microflows using perturbation method,’ Proceedings of ASME Turbo Expo 2016: Turbomachinery Technical Conference and Exposition, GT2016, Seoul, South Korea June 13 – 17, 2016.
- Kahlili, M.S., Saghafian, M., Sedaghat, A., Shirani, E.,” Numerical simulation of micro cavity flow using perturbation theory,’ Proceedings of ASME Turbo Expo 2016: Turbomachinery Technical Conference and Exposition, GT2016, Seoul, South Korea June 13 – 17, 2016.
- Lotfizade, Shirani, E. and Ghadiri, F., “Numerical simulation of deformation and of droplet of non-Newtonian fluid at Re=20,” Proceedings of 24th ISME2016, May 2016, Yazd, Iran, 2016
- Shumal, M., Nili, M. and Shirani, E., “Inverse Design of Axial-Flow Compressor Blades Using Elastic Surface Algorithm in Subsonic and Transonic Flow Regimes with Separation,” Proceedings of ASME Turbo Expo 2016: Turbomachinery Technical Conference and Exposition,GT2016, June 13 – 17, 2016, Seoul, South Korea..
- Shumal, M., Nili, M. and Shirani, E., “Quazi 3-D Inverse Design of a Vaned 90 Degree Bent Diffuser for the exit of Centrifugal Compressor Impeller,” Proceedings of ASME Turbo Expo 2016: Turbomachinery Technical Conference and Exposition,GT2016, June 13 – 17, 2016, Seoul, South Korea.
- Shahin, H., Shirani, E., “Numerical simulation of steady and pulsate flow in flexible artery using LB,” 8th National Mechanical Engineering Conference, Khomeinishahr, Iran, 2016
- Alafzadeh, M., Shirani, E., Yahaghi, E., “Effect of Red Blood Cells on Mass Transfer in the Brain Capillary”, Proceedings of 22nd of Iranian Conference on Biomedical Engineering, ICBME 2015, 2015.
- Charmiyan, M., Azimian, AR., Shirani, E., Aloui, F., “simulation of Impinging turbulent jet against a wall using three different turbulence Reynolds Average models,” 16th Fluid Dynamics Conference, FD2015, Razi University, Kermanshah, Iran, 2015.
- Monfared, M., Shirani, E., Aloui, F., Salimpour, M.R., “Numerical and Experimental Study on the Effects of Taylor Number on the Wavelength of the Couette-Taylor Flow,” 7th International Exergy, Energy and Environment Symposium, Valenciennes University, France, April 27-29 2015.
- Charmiyan, M., Azimian, A.R., Keirsbulck, L., Shirani, E. and Aloui, F., “Turbulent Plane Impinging Jet-Physical Insight and Turbulence Modeling,” 7th International Exergy, Energy and Environment Symposium, Valenciennes University, France, April 27-29 2015.
- M. Karami, M. Jarrahi, E. Shirani, H. Peerhossaini, “Mixing enhancement in a chaotic micromixer using pulsating flow”, ASME 2014 Fluids Engineering Division Conference (FEDSM & ICNMM), Illinois, USA, 2014.
- M. Karami, M. Jarrahi, Z. Habibi, E. Shirani, H. Peerhossaini, “Heat transfer in a pulsating twisted-curved flow with constant wall temperature”, ASME 2014 Fluids Engineering Division Conference (FEDSM & ICNMM), Illinois, USA, 2014.
- Ghorbani, M., Salimpour, M.R., Shirani, E., “Numerical simulation of laminar flow and forced convection heat transfer in a porous channel,” Second National Conference in Heat and Mass Transfer, Semnan University, Nov. 2014.
- Ghorbani, M., Salimpour, M.R., Shirani, E., “Parametric study on flow and convective heat in porous channel,” Second National Conference in Heat and Mass Transfer, Semnan University, Nov. 2014.
- Safari, M., Nili-Ahmadabadi, M., Gaei, A. and Shirani, E., ”Airfoil Shape Design via Elastic Surface Inverse Design Method,” Proceedings of the 12th Biennial Conference on Engineering Systems Design and Analysis ESDA2014, Copenhagen, Denmark, June 2014
- Safari, M., Nili-Ahmadabadi, M., Gaei, A. and Shirani, E., ”Inverse Design of Airfoil Using a Novel Method Called Elastic Surface”, The 22nd Annual International Conference on Mechanical Engineering, University of Shahid Chamran Ahvaz, April 2014.
- Safari, M., Nili-Ahmadabadi, M., Gaei, A. and Shirani, E., ”Aerodynamic Design of Airfoil Using Linking up RANS Flow Solver and Flexible Membrane Inverse Design Method”, The 22nd Annual International Conference on Mechanical Engineering, University of Shahid Chamran Ahvaz, April 2014.
- Meghdaddi Esfahani, A.H., Tasdighi, I., Shirani, E., “Flow Characteristics Inside Nano Size Porous Channels Using Molecular Dynamics and LBM,” Proceeding of the First National Conference on Mechanical Engineering of Iran, Shiraz, 2014.
- Mohammadzadeh, K. and Shirani, E., “Numerical Investigation of the Tesla-Type Valve Performance in a Valveless Micropump in the Range of Low Frequencies,” Proceedings of 21st Annual Conference on Mechanical Engineering, ISME2013, K. N. Toosi University, May 2013.
- Kolahdouz, E. M., Mohammadzadeh, K. and Shirani, E., “Design, Simulation and Experimental Validation of a Piezoelectric Micropump with Modified Tesla-type Valves,” Proceedings of 21st Annual Conference on Mechanical Engineering, ISME2013, K. N. Toosi University, May 2013.
- Hashemi , A.R., Lahooti , M. and Shirani, E.,“Equal bi-Vectorized method (EbV) to high performance on GPU ,“ Proceedings of 20th Annual Conference on Mechanical Engineering, ISME2012, Shiraz, May 2012.
- Daneshi, M. and Shirani, E., “Design and Optimization of Conductive Heat Trees at Micro and Nanoscales for Cooling Electronics,” Proceedings of ASME 2012 Heat Transfer Summer Conference, pp. 775-784, doi:10.1115/HT2012-58512, 2012
- Zare, M., Daneshi, M., Shirani, E. and Salimpour, M.R., ”Temperature Variation in 3-D Skin Structure with Embedded Branched Vasculature under Radiation Heating,” Proceedings of 20th Annual Conference on Mechanical Engineering, ISME2012, Shiraz, May 2012.
- Daneshi, M., Shirani, E. and Salimpour, M.R., ” Design and Optimization of Conductive Heat Trees at Micro and Nanoscales for Cooling Electronics,” Proceedings of20th Annual Conference on Mechanical Engineering, ISME2012, Shiraz, May 2012.
- Goodazi, V. and Shirani E., “Study of 3-D Convection Heat Transfer Using Nanofluid Between to concentric horizontal Cylinders,” Proceedings of20th Annual Conference on Mechanical Engineering, ISME2012, Shiraz, May 2012.
- Hajmohammadi, M.R. and Shirani, E., "Determination of Optimum Geometry of Adiabatic Regions Between Heat Sources on a Flat Plate under Forced Convection Using Constuctal Thery," Proceedings of 19th Annual Conference on Mechanical Engineering, ISME2011, Birjand, May 2011.
- Hajmohammadi, M.R., Charmiyan, M. and Shirani, E., "Optimal Configurations of Circular-Shaped Heat Sources in a Square-Shaped Fin," Proceedings of 19th Annual Conference on Mechanical Engineering, ISME2011, Birjand, May 2011.
- Alaee, A.R, Edris, H., Shirani, E. and Shafiee, A., "Optimization of Similarity of Froude Number for Elimination of Particles in Tandish of Continuous Molding," Proceedings of Steel Symposium 89, pp. 803-812, Esfahan Steel Company, Esfahan, Iran, 2011.
- Zohravi, E., Shirani, E. and Sadeghi, M.R., " Numerical simulation of pulsatile blood flow in a complete bypass graft with occluded host artery and different anastomosis angles," Proceedings of 2nd INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE BIOINFORMATIC UNDER THE AEGIS OF IFIP, Goa-India, September, 2011.
- Askari, A., Farzin, M. and Shirani, E., "Coupled CFD-FE-Analysis for the Exhaust Manifold of EF7 Engine," Proceedings of the 2nd International and 13th National Fluid Dynamics Conference, FD2010, Shiraz University, Oct. 2010.
- Goraki Fard, E., Shirani, E. and Geller, S., "The Fluid Structure Interaction with Using of Lattice Boltzmann Method," Proceedings of the 2nd International and 13th National Fluid Dynamics Conference, FD2010, Shiraz University, Oct. 2010.
- Sadeghi, M.R., Shirani, E. and Etemad, G.R., “Numerical Investigation of Steady non-Newtonain Blood Flow in Arteries with Complex Stenosis,” Proceedings of the 18th. Annual (International) Conference on Mechanical Engineering-ISME2009, Sharif University of Technology, May, 2010
- Khalili, M.S., Saghafian, M., Sedaghat, A. and Shirani, E., “Micro Flow Modeling Using Perturbation Theory,” Proceedings of the 18th. Annual (International) Conference on Mechanical Engineering-ISME2009, Sharif University of Technology, May, 2010
- Shirani, E., Ahmadi, A., and Ghadiri, F., “Modeling and Simulation of Interfacial Turbulent Flows,” Plenary Speaker, Proceeding of the Second International Conference on Energy Coversion and Conservation, (CICME10), Hammamet, Tunisia, 22-25 April, 2010
- Ghadiri, F. and Shirani, E., “Numerical Investigation of Drop Deformation and Drag Variation,” Proceeding of the Second International Conference on Energy Conversion and Conservation, (CICME10), Hammamet, Tunisia, 22-25 April, 2010
- Nabavitabatabayi, M.R., Shirani, E., Rahimian, M.H. and Bolouri, K., “Heat Transfer Enhancement with the Use of Nanofluids in an Enclosure Using Multiple Relaxation Time Lattice Boltzmann,” Proceeding of the 8th International Conference of Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics, ICNAAM2010, Rhodes, Greece, September 2010
- Shirani, E., Gooraki, M., Gooraki and M., Gooraki, E., “Analysis of a plum using LBM with multi-relaxation model,” Proceeding of the Ninth Aerospace Association Conference, Tehran, Jan. 8-10, 2010.
III. Books
- Shirani, E. and Nasr, A. “An Introduction to Fluid Mechanics”, Volume I, By Fox & Mc Donald, Translated to Frasi, John Wiley & Sons Pub., 2016
- Shirani, E. and Hooshmand, A., “Micro flows and Nano flows, Fundamentals and simulation,” By Karniadakis, G., Beskok, A. and Aluru, N., Translated to Frasi, IUT Pub., 2016.
- Shirani, E. and Amini, S. “Computational Methods in Fluid Mechanics and Heat Transfer”, Volume II, Translated to Frasi, IUT Pub., 2006
- Shirani, E. and Amini, S. “Computational Methods in Fluid Mechanics and Heat Transfer”, Translated to Farsi, IUT, 2005
- Shirani, E., "An Introduction to Fluid Mechanics," New Edition, Volume II, Translated to Farsi, Under Pub., Jihad Daneshgahi Pub. Co., 2005
- Shirani, E., "Turbomachinery, Theory, Design, and Applications," Third Edition, IUT Pub., 2005
- Shirani, E., Pishevar, A.R., (Editors), “Book of Abstracts and CD of Full Papers,” Proceeding of the Ninth Asian Congress of Fluid Mechanics, IUT, Isfahan, Iran, May 2002.
- Shirani, E., "Turbomachinery, Theory, Design, and Applications," Second Edition, IUT Pub., Iran, 2000
- Shirani, E., "An Introduction to Fluid Mechanics," New Edition, Volume I, Translated to Farsi, Jihad Daneshgahi Pub. Co., Iran, 1999
- Shirani, E. and Dibaeenia, B. (Editors), “Proceeding of the Fourth Fluid Mechanics Conference,” Tarbiat Modarres University, Tehran, Iran, 1996
- Shirani, E., “Proceeding of the Third Fluid Mechanics Conference,” English Version, Edited and Translated, Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iran, 1995
- Shirani, E. and Dibaeenia, B. (Editors), “Proceeding of The Third Fluid Mechanics Conference,” Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iran, 1995
- Shirani, E., "Turbomachinery, Theory, Design, and Applications," First Edition, IUT Pub., Iran, 1994
- Shirani, E., and Dibaeenia, B. (Editors), “Proceeding of the Second Fluid Mechanics Conference,” Isfahan University of Technology, Isfahan, Iran, July 1993
- Shirani, E., "An Introduction to Turbomachinery," Volume I, Iran-chap Co., Tehran, Iran, 1987
- Shirani, E. and Nazgooie, M., "An Introduction to Fluid Mechanics," Volume 1, Translated to Farsi, Jihad Daneshgahi Pub., 1989
IV. Reports
- Shirani, E., Sedaghat, A.,, Ziaee, S. and Mehranfar, Y., “Design and Manufacturing of a Sinusoidal 7.5 kW Wind Turbine,” Esfahan Regional Electricity Co., 1391.
- Shirani, E., Consultant of project: “Aerothermal Modeling of the National Telescope and its Enclosure in Iran, Nojoom Research Center, Iran, 2012.
- Shirani, E. and Lahooti, M., “Criteria for Engineering Scientific Journals Evaluation in Iran,“ Iranian Academy of Science, Iran, 2011.
- Shirani, E. and Kolahdouz, E., “Analysis of Biotechnology Stands in Iran,“ Iranian Academy of Science, Iran, 2010.
- Shirani, E. “A Computer Code for Simulation of Fluid Flows with Heat Transfer in Micro-Channels”, Report No. 1 and 2, Nano-Committee, Ministry of Science, Research and Technology, Tehran, Iran, 2008
- Shirani, E., “Design of Heat Exchangers with Nano-Particles for Increasing the Efficiency and Size,” Volumes 1 and 2, 2006 and 2007
- Shirani, E. and Ahmadikia, H., “Design of Propeller for Under Water Remote Operating Vehicles(ROV) for Pipe Line Inspections,” Isfahan University of Technology, Isfahan, Iran, 2006
- Shirani, E. and Ranjbar, S., “Optimization of Heat Rate in Isfahan Power Plants at Different Load Demand”, Reports No. 1, 2 and 3 and final report, Isfahan province Planning and Budget Office, Isfahan, Iran, 2004
- Shirani, E., “Turbulence Modeling Near the Interface of a Multiphase Flows”, University of Toronto, Toronto, Ca., 2003
- Shirani, E., “Rotor-Stator Interactions in Turbomachines,” Isfahan University of Technology, Isfahan, Iran, 2002
- Shirani, E. and Ahmadikia, H., “Numerical Solution Non-Equilibrium Gas on a Projectile,” Isfahan University of Technology, Isfahan, Iran, 2002
- Ahmadikia, H., Shirani, E., “Numerical Solution of Two-Dimensional Flow Around a Car,” Isfahan University of Technology, Isfahan, Iran, 2002
- Shirani, E., Ahmadikia, H., Rahmanian, M., Talebi, F., “Design and Construction of a Wind Turbine with Horizontal Axis,” Isfahan University of Technology, Isfahan, Iran, 2001
- Shirani, E. and Ameri, M., “Effects of Directional Subdividing on Adaptive Grid Embedding,” IUT, 2000
- Shirani, E., "Use of Wind Energy for Kordestan Province," Volumes I, II and III, Scientific Research Organization of Iran, Isfahan Branch, 1994, 1995 and 1996
- Ranjbar, G., Shirani, E., Talaee, H., Shafiee, M., “Analysis of Deflection of Operation Parameters and Optimization of its Cost,” Electric Production Company, Isfahan, Iran, 1998
- Fotoohi, D. and Shirani, E., “Determination of Priority of Energy Research Topics,” Isfahan Science and Technology Town, Isfahan, Iran, 1998
- Shirani, E., "Energy Conservation in Producing, Transferring and Using Steam," Isfahan University of Technology, Isfahan, Iran, 1997
- Shirani, E., Saghafian, M., “Use of Multi-Grid Methods in the Solution of Fluid Flow Equations,” IUT, Iran, 1997
- Shirani, E. and Ahmadikia, H., “Numerical Simulation of Two-Dimensional and Axisymmetric Turbulent Boundary Layers and Comparison of Different Models,” IUT, 1996
- Shirani, E., "Use of Wind Energy for Kordestan Province," Volumes I, II and III, Scientific Research Organization of Iran, Isfahan Branch, 1994, 1995 and 1996
- Farshchi, M., Kollmann, W. and Shirani, E., " Supersonic Turbulent Reacting Flow Modeling and Calculation," University of California, Davis, Ca, 1991
- Shirani, E., “A computer Program for Optimization and Development of Isfahan Drinking Water Network,” Isfahan Research Center for Water and Waste water, 1988
- Shirani, E. and Ganji, A. R.," Optimization of Heating Systems in Buildings," Isfahan University of Technology, Isfahan, Iran, 1984
- Ganji, A. R., Shirani, E. and Touran, A., "Transfer of Technology Erection of Thermal Power Plants," Isfahan University of Technology, Isfahan, Iran, 1983
- Khandani, M.H., Shirani, E., Ganji, A.R. and Mansouri, S.H., “Transfer of Technology of Power Plant Boilers, “ Ministry of Power and electricity, Tehran, Iran, 1983
- Shirani, E., "Elementary Design of Thermal Power Plant Boilers," Isfahan University of Technology, Isfahan, Iran, 1983
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- Shirani, E.," Instruction Program for Thermal Power Plant Operators," Isfahan University of Technology, Isfahan, Iran, 1981
- Shirani, E., Ferziger, J. H. and Reynolds W.C.," Mixing of a Passive Scalar in Isotropic and Homogeneous Sheared Turbulent Flow," TF15, Stanford, Ca., 1981
- Shirani, E., Ferziger, J. H., Reynolds, W. C., “Mixing of a passive scalar in isotropic and sheared homogeneous turbulence,” Report Number: NASA-CR-164938, 1981