Biography 42

Ph.D. Mechanical Engineering, The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio, March 1994
Dissertation Title: Fluid-Film Lubrication with an Application to Piston Rings

M.Sc. Mechanical Engineering, The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio, Sept. 1988
Thesis Title: Film Shape Measurements in Elastohydrodynamically Lubricated Conjunctions

B.Sc. Mechanical Engineering, The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio, June1985

Courses Thought
1. Machine Element Design I
2. Machine Element Design II
3. Dynamics of Machinery
4. Fundamentals of Vehicle Dynamics
5. Automotive Chassis and Suspension Design
6. Strength of Material I
7. Strength of Material II
8. Strength of Material Laboratory
9. Design of Internal Combustion Engines
10. Mechanisms Synthetic and Design
11. Engineering Design Methods
12. Bearings and Lubrication
13. Measurement and Control Systems
14. Metrology and Its Laboratory
15. Textile Machines Design
16. Instrumentation and Measurement Methods for Textile Engineering
17. Theory of Elasticity
18. Advanced Lubrication and Tribology
19. Advanced Measurement Systems
20. Vehicle Power Train Systems

Ph.D. Dissertations Supervised
1- Dynamic Design of a Lower Limb Orthosis for increasing the Standing Stability in Paraplegic Individuals 2021.
2- Fuel Consumption Optimization of Diesel Hybrid Electric Vehicles based on Look a Head Method, 2016.
3- High Cycle Fatigue Analysis of Open-cell Cellular Materials, 2015.
4- Modeling of Damage Initiation and Propagation in Clay/Nanocomposites Using Extended Finite Element Method, 2013.
5- Modeling, Design and Development of an Active and Semi-Active Magneto-rheological Engine Mount, 2012.

M.Sc. Thesis Supervised
1- Designing the chassis and structure of an urban electric bus to make it lighter, 2023
2- Investigating the quality improvement of Ti6Al4V parts by selective laser melting method by mechanical post-processing and electropolishing methods, 2023
3- Design and static and dynamic analysis of an aluminum structure urban bus, 2022
4- Side Impact Test Simulation of the Iranian Mini Vehicle,2022
5- Design of a brake kinetic energy recovery system using flywheel for a passenger car, 2021
6- Design and analysis of trailer chassis made with composite materials, 2021
7- Analysis and Simulation of Auxiliary Power Unit of the Hybrid Electric Bus or the aim of Reducing Fuel Consumption and Emissions, 2020
8- Design and Analysis of a Sub-Compact Electric Passenger Car, 2020
9- Study on the Effect of Changing Tire Characteristics on Vehicle Dynamic Performance Improvement, 2019
10- Experimental and Numerical Study on the Effect of Surface Texturing on the Tribological Performance of Mechanical Parts in Mixed Lubrication, 2019
11- Concept Design of Mini Hybrid Electric Three-Wheeler with Dynamic Analysis,2019
12- Hybrid Locomotive Modeling Based On Look-Ahead Algorithm Considering Track Conditions, 2018
13- Modeling and analysis of robotic vehicle with actively articulated suspension in negotiating the standard obstacles, 2018
14- Design of molding system used in production line of Cement Plast stone, 2018
15- Investigation of Head-On Crash for Two Passenger Vehicles by FEM Simulation, 2017
16- NVH Simulation and Analysis of Iranian Mini Vehicle, 2016
17- Full Model Dynamic Analysis of Modified KARA 151 Pickup Truck, 2016
18- Crash Test Simulation and Chassis Improvement of the Iranian Mini Vehicle, 2016
19- Design & Analysis of Chassis and Rear Suspension System for Pickup Truck Vehicle to Increase Performance and Facilitation in use, 2015
20- Design and Simulation of a hybrid Fuel Cell Vehicle and its Control System, Jan 2015
21- Design with Dynamic Analysis of Class A Vehicle Chassis and Body with Simulation of Rollover Test, Jan 2015
22- Chassis and Structural Design of Class A Vehicle based on Topology Optimization, Jan 2015
23- Concept Design of Basic Platform for Class A Vehicle along with Design and Analysis of Suspension and Steering Systems, 2014
24- Basic platform design of class A vehicle with its dual power transmission system design and performance analysis, 2013
25- Design of Antilock and Regenerating Braking System for a Hybrid Electric Vehicle, 2013
26- Design, Analysis and Simulation of Auxiliary Power Unit in the Hybrid Bus in Order to Reduce Fuel Consumption and Emissions, 2012
27- Simulation and Modification of Vibrational Model of Corn Harvest Combine Platform Using Operational Modal Analysis (OMA), 2012
28- Modeling and Simulation of Flybrid Hybrid Vehicle, 2011
29- Modeling and Simulation of Hydraulic Hybrid Bus, 2010
30- Investigation of Foil Journal Bearing Performance by GDQ Method, 2010
31- Investigation of Modeling of Disc Brake Squeal and its Influencing Parameters, 2010
32- Investigation of Work Roll Thermal Crown in Rolling Process and its Effect on Strip Shape, 2010
33- Modeling and Simulation of Standard Crash Tests for 2624 Truck, 2009
34- Design and Development of Magneto-Rheological (MR) Fluid Dampers and its Applications in Car Industry, 2009
35- Analysis of Thermal Stresses in Solid Oxide Fuel Cells using FEM, 2008
36- Rollover Standard Simulation on O457 Bus, 2008
37- Simulation and Analysis of NVH in Vehicle, 2008
38- Analysis of Thermal Stresses in High Speed Rollers, 2007
39- Cold Rolling of Foil Metals Under the Mixed Lubrication Regime, 2007
40- Development of a Model for Foil Cold Rolling with Implementation of Lubrication Effects, 2006
41- Design of an AMT Gearbox for Samand with Fuzzy Control Methods,2006
42- Design of a Hydrostatic Drive System for Community Service Vehicles, 2005
43- Elasto-Viscoplastic FE Analysis of Slab Width Reduction by Sizing Press Mill, 2005
44- Fatigue Failure Analysis of Rail-Way Bogies, 2004
45- Design Optimization of Rail-Way Bogies, 2004
46- Parametric Analysis of Forging Process, 2004
47- Analysis and Design Implementation on the Chassis of Mahsan Hybrid Eclectic Minibus, 2003
48- Development of On-Line Model for Finishing Control in Hot Strip Mill, 2003
49- Analysis of Digitizers Used for Reverse Engineering Methods Design of an Armed-Type Digitizer, 2002
50- Fault Detection of Rotary Machines Using Intelligent Algorithms, 2000
51- Sensor Arrangement and Feedback System Design for ROVs, 1999
52- Design of an Automatic Machine for Production of Protective Steel Covers, 1999
53- Optimization of Dynamic Response of a Cantilever Beam Using Genetic Algorithm, 1998

Professional Experience
Associate Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Isfahan University of Technology, Jan 1994- Now
Director of Design and Solid Mechanics Group, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Isfahan University of Technology, April 2016- 2020.
Director of Vehicle Department, Vehicle, Fuel and Environment Research Center, March 2005- 2012.
Director of Strength of Material Laboratory, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Isfahan University of Technology, 2002- now.
Supervisor of Automotive Group, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Isfahan University of Technology, 2000- 2010.
Deputy of Educational Affairs, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Isfahan University of Technology, Oct.2003- July 2008
Industrial Coordinate Lesion, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Isfahan University of Technology, Sept. 1996- June 2000
Development of Metrology Laboratory, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Isfahan University of Technology, Sept. 1991- June 1994
Lecturer, Department of Mechanical Engineering, The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio, Sept. 1991- June 1994

Coarse Notes:
1. Esfahanian, M. Strength of Material Laboratory Manual, The Ohio State University, 1990.
2. Ishii, K. and Esfahanian, M. Machine Element Design, The Ohio State University, 1993.
3. Esfahanian, M. Measurement Systems, Isfahan University of Technology, 1997.
4. Esfahanian, M. Theory of Elastisity, Isfahan University of Technology, 1999.
5. Esfahanian, M. Metrology, Isfahan University of Technology, 2001.
6. Esfahanian, M. Vehicle Dynamics, Isfahan University of Technology, 2016.

1. Most Improved Team Award, SAE Mini Baja Competition, S. Africa, Sep 2004.
2. Second Place, Electrical Mini Vehicle Competition, Tehran, Iran, May 2006.
3. Third Place in Class 3 Design Competition, SAE Formula Student, UK June 2007.
4. First Place (Best Technology) in the 4th National Technological Forum, Tehran, Iran, June 2008.
5. International Award, SAE Mini Baja Competition, S. Koria, July 2010.
6. Best New Comer Award, SAE Formula Student, Germany, August 2010.
7. 26th International Khwarizmi Award, Feb. 2013.
8. 1st place COMSTAT Award for Major Technical Innovations Having Proven Economic Benefits, Feb. 2013.

1. Iranian Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2016-Now.
1. Iranian Society of Automotive Engineers, 2007.
2. Iranian Society of Traffic Experts, 2001.
3. Hybrid Vehicle Center, 2011