Professional Association Memberships, Services And Activities:
- Fellow of Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining (FIMMM), UK (2015-2022).
- Registrated Charted Engineer, Engineering Council, UK (2002-2022).
- Professional Member of Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining (MIMMM), UK (2002-2015).
- Member of Iranian Nanotechnology Society (2002-present).
- Member of Iranian Society of Surface Science & Technology (2001-present).
- Founding Director of Nanostructured Materials Research Group, Isfahan University of Technology, Iran (2007 -2009). This group was upgraded to “Nanotechnology and Advanced Materials Institute” in 2009.
- Founding member of Naghshejahan Higher Education Institute (NHEI), Isfahan, Iran. NHEI is a private higher education university which is governed under Ministry of Science, Research and Technology of Iran regulations. Students for both bachelor and master of engineering are admitted based on National Entrance Exam (2004-present).
- Founding member and former president of Poudr Afshan Company (PACO). PACO is a university spin-off company located in Isfahan Science & Technology town working in APS and HVOF thermal spray coatings (2001-2014).
- Member of Center of Excellence for Applied Nanotechnology, Ministry of Science, Research and Technology, (2010-present).
- Member of Council on Nanotechnology Educational Policy, Ministry of Science, Research and Technology, 2009-2010.
- Member of editorial board of Journal of Nanostructures, University of Kashan, Iran (2011-2014).
- Member of editorial board of Journal of Advanced Materials in Engineering, Isfahan University of Technology, 2009-2013.
- Organizer and course leader of 1st and 2nd XRD Workshops, Isfahan, Iran, 25&26 February 2004, and 23&24 February 2005.
- Member of editorial board of Journal of Ultrafine Grained and Nanostructured Materials (JUFGNSM), University of Tehran, Iran (2020- present).
- Member of scientific committee of conferences and symposiums:
- Annual Steel Symposium (from 2002), Bi-Annual International conference on Ultrafine Grained Nanostructured Materials (2011 & 2013), Annual Congress of Iranian Society of Metallurgists (occasionally), Annual conference of Iranian Society of Surface Science & Technology.
- Reviewer (Journals): Scripta Materialia, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, Materials Science & Engineering A, Materials Characterization, Materials Science and Engineering B, Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, Journal of Nanoparticle Research, Journal of Materials Processing Technology, Journal of Advanced Materials and Processing, Composites Part B, Materials Chemistry and Physics, Materials and Design, Composites Science and Technology, Advanced Powder Technology, Surface and Coatings Technology, Powder Technology, Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, Journal of Solid State Chemistry, Applied Surface Science, Indian Journal of Engineering & Materials Sciences.
- Reviewer (Books)
"Materials Crystallography", Ferdowsi University of Mashhad Press, 2009
"Nanotechnology, principles and applications", Shiraz University Press, 2012
- Editor (Book):
"Nanomaterials; Properties, Synthesis and Applications", Acecr Publication, 2005
- Reviewer (Funding agencies):
Iran National Science Foundation (INSF), Isfahan Science & Technology Town, Shiraz University