1. Synthesis of nanostructured Ni-Al aluminides by mechanical alloying, Granted by: Isfahan University of Technology, 1999.
2. Synthesis of Al-TiC and Al-TiC-TiB2 composites by reactive slag processing, Granted by: Isfahan University of Technology, 2002.
3. Fabrication of Al-Ni3Al parts, Granted by: Isfahan University of Technology, 2002.
4. Production of Ni90Al10 powder for thermal spray process, Granted by: Isfahan Science & Technology town, 2002.
5. Synthesis of nanocrystalline Fe powders, Granted by: Industry, Mine and Trade Organization of Isfahan, 2003.
6. Synthesis and characterization of Al-based nanocomposite, Granted by: Industrial Educational and Research Institute, 2005.
7. Synthesis and characterization of WC-Co nanocermet, Jointly granted by: Steering Committee on Novel Technologies & Institute of Standard and Industrial Research of Iran (ISIRI)-Isfahan Branch, 2006.
8. Synthesis of nanostructured Mg-based hydrogen storage alloys, Granted by: Iran National Science Foundation (INSF), 2006.
9. Application of novel Ni-Al nanostructured intermetallic coatings, Granted by: Industrial Educational and Research Institute, 2007.
10. Application of Niflor coating to improve the wear resistance of gearwheels, Granted by: Industry, Mine and Trade Organization of Isfahan, 2014.
11. Deposition of high temperature metastable oxide based on aluminum phosphate composition, Granted by: Iran National Science Foundation (INSF), 2015.
12. Production of Fe-based nanocrystalline/amorphous alloy for magnetic core applications, Granted by: Energy Research Institute, 2018