1- Plaka, T., Ehsani, M.R., Korchinsky, W.L., "Determination of Individual Phase Transfer Units for a 0.6m Dia. Distillation Sieve Plate Column ", Chem.. Eng. Res. Des., v.69, May1989.
2- Ehsani, M.R., Haghighi, M., "Developing of Computer Package for Simulation of Reactive Distillation Columns", Iran. J. Chem. & Chem. Eng., v.17 (2), 1998.
3- Ehsani, M.R., Fadavi, O., "Steps Required for Unit Operations Revamping", Research Journal of Research Institute of Petroleum Industry of National Iranian Oil Company, v.10(37), 2000.
4- Ehsani, M.R., "Simulation of Multicomponent Distillation Columns Using Murphree Tray Efficiency", Iran. J. Chem. & Chem. Eng., v.19 (1 & 2), 2000.
5- Ehsani, M.R., "Desulfurization of Coal Using Aqueous Caustic Solution", Iran. J. Chem. & Chem. Eng., v.20 (1), 2001.
6- Ehsani, M.R., "Prediction of Operating Condition in a Batch Distillation Column Using Shortcut Method", Iran. J. Chem. & Chem. Eng., v.21 (2), 2002.
7- Ehsani, M.R., Behbahani, H., Jamialahmadi, M., "Bed Voidage and Heat Transfer in Non-Newtonian Liquid-Solid Fluidized Bed", Iran. J. Chem. & Chem. Eng., v.23(2), 2004.
8- Ehsani, M.R., Rezvani, Gh., Eghbali, F. "Desulfurization of High Sulfur Iranian Coals Using Caustic Solution, Methanol/Water and Methanol/Caustic", Iran. J. Chem. & Chem. Eng., v.24, 2005.
9- Ehsani, M.R., "Desulfurization of Tabas Coals Using Chemical Reagents", Iran. J. Chem. & Chem. Eng, v.25(2), 2006.
10- Amiri, A.P., Haghighiasl, A., Ehsani, M.R., "Prediction Model for Surface Tension of Methyldiethanilamine (MDEA) Aqueous Solutions", Iranian Chemical Engineering Journal, v.4, No.19, 2006.
11- Ehsani, M.R., Eghbali, F., "Reduction of Sulfur and Ash from Tabas Coal by Froth Flotation", Iran. J. Chem. & Chem. Eng, v.26(3), 2007.
12- Amiri, A.P., Haghighi Asl, A., Ehsani, M.R., "Study on Foaming in Gas Sweetening Process", Farayandno, v. 6, 2007.
13- Amiri, A.P., Haghighi Asl, A., Ehsani, M.R., "Alkanolamines Foaming Tendency: Effect of Amone Mixing, Amine Degradation and Gas Flow Rate", Farayandno, v. 8, 2007.
14- Khosravi Nikou, M.R., Ehsani, M.R., "Turbulence models application on CFD simulation of hydrodynamic, heat and mass transfer in a structured packing", International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer", 35, 2008, 1211-1219.
15- Khosravi Nikou, M.R., Ehsani, M.R., D. Davazdah Emami, "CFD simulation of hydrodynamic, heat and mass transfer simultaneously in structured packing", International Journal of Chemical Reactor Engineering, Vol. 6, Article A91, 2008.
16- Harandi Zadeh, A.H., Rahimi, A., Ehsani, M.R., “Principles, Advantages and Applications of Impinging Streams Reactors (ISRS): A Review”, Iranian Chemical Engineering Journal, Vol. 8, No.44, 2010.
17- Afzal, S., Rahimi , M., , Ehsani, M.R.,Tavakoli, H., “Experimental study of Hydrogen Fluoride adsorption on Sodium Fluoride”, Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry,16, 2010, 147-151.
18- Sistani, S., Ehsani, M.R., Kazemian, H., Didari, M., "Template Free Synthesis and Characterization of ZSM-5 Zeolite Membrane from MFI", Journal of Separation Science and Engineering", Vol.1, No.2, 2010, 79-88.
19- Ehsani, M.R., et.al., “The Effect of Variation of Structural Parameters to Increase the Yield of Vacuum Distillation Tower”, Farayandno, No.24, Feb-Mar. 2010.
20- Rahimi, A., Harandi Zadeh, A.H., Ehsani, M.R., “Numerical Modelling of non-Isotherm Gas Absorption Using Impinging Streams Reactors", Nashrieh Shimi va Mohandesi Shimi Iran (NSMSI), 28(4), 2009.
21- Keramati, N., Moheb, A., Ehsani, M.R., “Effect of Operating Parameters on NaOH Recovery from waste stream of Merox Tower Using Membrane Systems: Electrodialysis and Electrodeionization Processes”, Desalination, 259, 2010.97-102
22- Afzal, S., Rahimi , M., , Ehsani, M.R.,Tavakoli, H., “Modelling Hydrogen Fluoride Adsorption by Sodium Fluoride”, Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry,16, 2010, 978-985.
23- Mahmoddi, S., Ehsani, M.R., Ghoreishi, S.M., “Effect of promoter in the oxidative coupling of methane over synthesized Mn/SiO2 nanocatalysts via incipient wetness impregnation, Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry,16, 2010, 923-928.
24- Esmaeili, J., Ehsani, M.R. “ Comparative study of mercapthans separation from natural gas using adsorotion by molecular sieves and caustic absorption“, Farayandno, No.27, Aug.-Sep. 2010, 48-55.
25- Keramati, N., Moheb, A., Ehsani, M.R., “NaOH Recovery from MEROX Tower Waste Stream Using the Electrodialysis Process”, Separation Science and Technology, 46, 2011, 27-32.
26- Harandi Zadeh, A.H., Rahimi, A., Ehsani, M.R., “Comparison of different modeling strategies for simulation of carbon dioxide absorption in a coaxial impinging streams absorber”, Separation Science and Technology, 46, 2011, 105-118.
27- Harandi Zadeh, A.H., Rahimi, A., Ehsani, M.R.,”Application of Markov-Chain analysis and tanks in series model in mathematical modeling of non-Isothermal gas absorption of CO2 in a coaxial impinging streams absorber”, Journal of Separation Science and Engineering", Vol.2, No.2, 2011, 77-90.
28- Eghbali, F., Ehsani, M.R., “Biodesulfurization of Tabas coal in pilot plant scale”, Iran. J. Chem. Chem. Eng., Vol. 29, No.4, 2010, 75-78.
29- Sistani, S., Ehsani, M.R., Kazemian, H., “Microwave Assisted Synthesis of Nano Zeolite Seed for Synthesis Membrane and Investigation of its Permeation Properties for H2 Separation”, Iran. J. Chem. Chem. Eng., Vol. 29, No.4, 2010, 99-104.
30- Mahmoddi, S., Ehsani, M.R., Hamidzadeh, M., “Effect of Additives on Mn/SiO2 Based Catalystsa on Oxidative Coupling of Methane”, Iran. J. Chem. Chem. Eng., Vol. 29, No.4, 2011, 29-36.
31- Ehsani, M.R., Noori, M., Shahmoradi, Z., Gandomkar, E., “Investigation of the methods of benzene reduction from gasoline”, Farayandno, Vol.33, July-Aug. 2011, 29-38.
32- Mozaffari, S., Ehsani, M.R., Nikookar, M., Sahranavard, L., “Heat and Mass transfer modeling in wellbore during Steam Injection Process”, Canadian Journal on Chemical Engineering & Technology Vol. 2, No. 1, January 2011.
33- Salehi Shahrabi, S., Mortaheb, H.R., Barzin, J. Ehsani, M.R., “Pervaporative performance of a PDMS/blended PES composite membrane for removal of toluene from water”, Desalination, Vol.287, 2012, 281-289.
34- Mardanpour, M.M., Sadeghi, Ehsani , M.R., Nasr Esfahany, M., “Enhancement of dimethyl ether production with application of hydrogenpermselective Pd-based membrane in fluidized bed reactor”, Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, Vol.18, 2012, 1157-1165.
35- Ehsani, M.R., Bateni, H., Razi Parchikolaei, G., “Modeling the oxidative coupling of methane using artificial neural network and optimizing of its operational conditions using genetic algorithm”, Korean J.Chem.Eng., Vol.29(7), 2012, 855-861.
36- Dabbagh, H.A., Ghobadi, F., Ehsani, M.R., Moradmand, M., “The influence of ester additives on the properties of gasoline”, Fuel, Vol.104, 2013, 216-223.
37- Asadi, T., Ehsani, M.R., Ribeiro, A.M., Loureiro, J.M., Rodrigues, A.E., “CO2/CH4 separation by adsorption using nanoporous metal organic framework copper-benzene-1,3,5-tricarboxylate tablet”, Chemical Engineering Technology, vol. 36(7), 2013, 1231-1239.
38- Mozaffari, S., Nikookar, M., Ehsani, M.R., Sahranavard, L., Roayaie, E., Mohammadi, A.H., “Numerical modeling of steam injection in heavy oil reservoirs”, Fuel, Vol.112, 2013, 185-192.
39- Moradi, F. , Amiri, H., Soleimanian-Zad, S Ehsani, M.R., Karimi, K., “Improvement of acetone, butanol and ethanol production from rice straw by acid and alkaline pretreatments”, Fuel, Vol.112, 2013, 8-13.
40- Ehsani, M.R., Mirjani, P., Safadoost, A., “Kinetic study of light mercaptans in the presence of Merox catalyst and caustic soda”, Intenational Journal of Chemical Engineering, 11(1), 2013, 1-12.
41- Adloo, H., Nasr Esfahani, M., Ehsani, M.R., “Pore network simulation for diffusion through a porous membrane: A comparison between Knudsen and Oscillator models”, The Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering, V9999, 2013, 1-11.
42- Ehsani, M.R., Bateni, H., Razi Parchikolaei, G., “Modeling of oxidative coupling of methane over Mn/Na2WO4/SiO2 catalyst using Artificial Neural Network”, Iran. J. Chem. Chem. Eng., Vol. 32(3), 2013, 107-114.
43- Ehsani, M.R., Safadoost, A., Avazzadeh, R,, Barkhordari, A., “Kinetic Study of Ethyl Mercaptan Oxidation in Presence of Merox Catalyst”, Iran. J. Chem. Chem. Eng., Vol. 32(2), 2013, 71-80.
44- Esmaili, J., Ehsani, M.R., “Modeling and Simulation of Six-Bed Cyclic Adsorption Process
Using in Mercaptan Removal from Natural Gas:Non-Isothermal and Non-Adiabatic Conditions”, Iranian Journal of Chemical Engineering, Vol. 10(1), 2013, 67-78.
45- Asadi, T., Ehsani, M.R., “An Experimental Study of Adsorption Breakthrough Curves for CO2/CH4 Separation in a Fixed Bed of Nanoporous Shaped Copper Trimesate Metal
Organic Framework”, Iranian Journal of Oil & Gas Science and Technology, Vol. 2(4), 2013, 54-66.
46- Alizadeh Nourani, E., Mortaheb, H.R., Ehsani,M.R., “ Pervaporative performances of mixed matrix membranes filled with silica / silicalite-1 particles for purification of toluene from dilute aqueous solution”, Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, Vol. 2, 2014, 888-898.