
  1.  Nano scale surface and reaction mechanism study of (R)- and (S)-2-butanol over 100 surface alumina: Experimental vs. DFT, 19th International symposium on meta stable amorphous and nanostructure material , 2012, Moscow, Russia.
  2.  The Origin of Stereochemistry: Experimental vs Computational, BIT’s 2nd Annual World Congress of Catalytic Asymmetric Synthesis (WCCAS-2011), Low Carbon Green Chemistry, WCCAS-2011, 2011. Beijing, China.
  3.  A novel one pot catalyzed synthesis of potential anti-tumour Methy-2,4-dimethyldalicilate and other derivatives, Hossein A. Dabbagh, The 16th International Symposium on Homogeneous Catalysis, July 2008, Florence, Italy.
  4.   Experimental and Density Functional Theory Investigation of the Role of Oxygen sites of g-Alumina on Selective Dehydrogenation and/or Dehydration of 2-Butanol, Hossein A. Dabbagh, Activation of Dioxygen and Homogeneous Catalytic Oxidation (ADHOC 2008),  July, 2008, Venice, Italy .
  5.  Experimental and Computational Search for the Origin of Stereochemistry in Heterogeneous, Semi-Heterogeneous and Homogeneous Systems, Hossein A. Dabbagh, International Catalysis Conference (ICC 2008), Shahid Beheshti University, 2008, Tehran, Iran.
  6. Morphology Characterization of Alumina/Zirconia Single and  Mixed Oxide: Experimental and Theoretical Study, Hossein A. Dabbagh, Mehdi Zamani, International Catalysis Conference (ICC 2008),  Shahid Beheshti University, 2008, Tehran, Iran.
  7.  Stereoselective Asymmetric Synthesis, Dynamic 1H NMR and Quantum Mechanical  Conformational-Configurational Analysis of E-Emidoyl-Aziridine-exo-Norbornene Systems, 7th Tetrahedron Symposium, Challenges in Organic Chemistry, 2007, Berlin, Germany.
  8. A Novel One pot Synthesis, dynamic NMR, X-ray crystallographic and Computational analysis of Methyl-2,4-dimethoxysalicilate: A potential Anti Tumor, Sixth Tetrahedron Symposium, Challenges in Organic Chemistry, 2005, Bordeaux France.
  9.  Computational and Experimental Search for the Origin of Stereochemistry of Heterogeneous, Semi Heterogeneous and Homogeneous Systems, Dabbagh A.H., Complex Systems, Intelligence and Modern Technology Application, CHERBOURG, France, 2004.
  10.  Experimental and Computational Search for the Origin of Stereochemistry in Heterogeneous, Semi-Heterogeneous and Homogeneous Systems: Department of Chemistry, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada, 2003.
  11. Nitrenes with axial chirality Prepration of chiral aziridine from norbornene , Abdol Hossein Dabbagh, Alireza Najafi-Chermahini, Ali Bagheri, Abbas Teimoory, 11th Iranian Seminal in Organic Chemistry, Isfahan University of Technology, Isfahan, Iran, 2005.
  12.  Partial resolution of racemic 5-[2'methoxy-1,1'-binaphthalen-2-yl]oxy]-1H-tetrazole, Abdol Hossein Dabbagh, Alireza Najafi-Chermahini, Ali Bagheri, Abbas Teimoory, 11th Iranian Seminal in Organic Chemistry, Isfahan University of Technology, Isfahan, Iran, 2005.
  13.  Rotation Barrier of 2'- Methoxy- 1,1'- binaphthalene- 2- ol, Abdol Hossein Dabbagh*, Alireza Najafi-Chermahini, Ali Bagheri, Abbas Teimoory, 11th Iranian Seminal in Organic Chemistry, Isfahan University of Technology, Isfahan, Iran, 2005.
  14.  Rotation Barrier of 5-[(2'-Methoxy 1,1'-binaphthalene 2 yl)oxy]-1H-Tetrazole, Abdol Hossein Dabbagh, Alireza Najafi-Chermahini, Ali Bagheri, Abbas Teimoory, 11th Iranian Seminal in Organic Chemistry, Isfahan University of Technology, Isfahan, Iran, 2005.
  15.  Friedel-Crafts acylation of 1,3,5-trimethoxy benzene, Abdol Hossein Dabbagh, Ali Bagheri, Alireza Najafi-Chermahini, Abbas Teimoori, 11th Iranian Seminal in Organic Chemistry, Isfahan University of Technology, Isfahan, Iran, 2005.
  16.  Ipso reaction of aryloxy tetrazoles, Abdol Hossein Dabbagh, Ali Bagheri, Alireza Najafi-Chermahini, Abbas Teimoory, 11th Iranian Seminal in Organic Chemistry, Isfahan University of Technology, Isfahan, Iran, 2005.
  17.  Modified Swern oxidation of tetrazole derivatives, Abdol Hossein Dabbagh, Ali Bagheri, Alireza Najafi-Chermahini, Abbas Teimoory, 11th Iranian Seminal in Organic Chemistry, Isfahan University of Technology, Isfahan, Iran, 2005.
  18.  Reaction of sulfonyl azide dyes with synthetic-polymer fibres, Abdol Hossein Dabbagh, Abbas Teimoory, Alireza Najafi-Chermahini, Ali Bagheri, 11th Iranian Seminal in Organic Chemistry, Isfahan University of Technology, Isfahan, Iran, 2005.
  19.  Synthesis and application reactive dyes containing the azide group, Abdol Hossein Dabbagh, Abbas Teimoory, Alireza Najafi-Chermahini, Ali Bagheri, 11th Iranian Seminal in Organic Chemistry, Isfahan University of Technology, Isfahan, Iran, 2005.
  20.   11th Iranian Seminal in Organic Chemistry, Isfahan University of Technology, Isfahan, Iran, 2005.
  21.  Tetrazole and Nitrene Chemistry, Second Gathering of Organic Chemistry Facuties, Isfahan University of technology, Isfahan, Iran, 2004.
  22.  Kinetics and Mechanism of the Equilibria of the N-Alkylcarboxylate-5-aryloxy Tetrazoles, Hossein A. Dabbagh and Yagoub Mansoori. Kisch Island University, 2000.
  23.  The Origin of Stereoselectivity and Regeoselectivity. Abduol Hossein Dabbagh, First Gathering of Organic Chemistry Facuties, Department of Chemistry, Isfahan University, Isfahan, Iran, 2000.
  24.  New Transition State Models and Kinetics of Elimination Reactions of Tertiary Alcohols over Aluminum Oxide, Dabbagh, H.A.: Mohamedsalehi, J. 13th Iranian Chemical and Chemical Engineering, Terabit Modares University Tehran Iran, 1999.
  25.  Elimination Reactions of Secondary and Tertiary Alcohols with Polystyryl Diphenyl Phosphine Tetrachloromethane. Dabbagh, H.A.: Mallakpour, S.E.; Faghihi,KH., 13th Iranian Chemical and Chemical Engineering, Tramat Modares University Tehran Iran, 1999.
  26.  Isotope Effect and Kinetic Studies of Elimination Reactions of Teriary Alcohols with Triphenylphosphine Tetrachloromethane, Ion Pair or Concerted?, Dabbagh, H.A. and Faghihi, KH. 12th Iranian Chemical and Chemical Engineering, Shahid Bahonar University Kerman, Iran, 1998.
  27.   Functionalization of Phenyl Ring by Imidoylnitrenes. 3. The Effect of resonace, Steric, and Inductive on reactivity or Selectivityof Nitrenes, and Stability of their Precursor, 5th Iranian seminai of organic Chemistry, Isfahan University of Technology, Isfahan, Iran, 1997.
  28.   Functionalization of Phenyl Ring by Imidoylnitrenes. 3. The Effect of resonance, Steric, and Inductive on reactivity or Selectivity of Nitrenes, and Stability of their Precursor, Dabbagh, H.A., Ghalee, S., and Karimzadeh, R. Fift Iranian Siminar in Organic Chemistry, Isfahan University of Technology Isfahan, Iran, 1995.
  29.  Functionalization of Phenyl Ring by Imidoyl Nitrenes 2. Cycloaddition or Electrophilic Aromatic Substitution? Dabbagh, H.A. and Ghalee, S., Third Iranian of Organic Chemistry, Teacher’s Training University of arak, Arak, Iran, 1993.
  30.  Isotope Tracer Studies of the Role of Hydrogen During Liquifaction Using Donor and Nonm-Donor Solvents.Dabbagh, H.A. First International Chemistry & Chemical engineering Meeting, Tehran, Iran, 1993.
  31.  Deuterium Isotope Effect Studies of the Elimination Reaction of the Alcohol-Tetrachloromethane-Triphenylphosphine Reaction, Dabbagh, H.A., Franzus, B., Huang, T. T-S., and Davis, B.H., ACS National Meeting, Miami, FL, 1989.
  32.  Fischer-Tropsch Synthesis: Comparison of Product Selectivity and 14C-Labeled Ethanol Incorporation at One and Seven Atmosphere Conditions, Dabbagh, H.A., Tau, L.M., Bao, J., Halasz, J. and Davis, Proceeding of the North American Catalysis Society,1987.
  33.  Isotope Effect and Kinetic Studies of  Elimination Reactions of Teriary Alcohols with Aluminum Oxide and Thorium Oxide, Dabbagh, H.A. and Mohamadsalehi, 8th Seminar in Natural Oil & Petrochemical, Agust, 1997, Teheran, Iran.
  34.  Pyrolysis of sec-Butylacetate: Is the Stereospecific Syn Elimination a Homogeneous Reaction? Dabbagh, H.A. and Davis B.H., ACS National Meeting, Boston, MA, April, 1990.
  35.  Isotope Tracer Studies of the Role of Hydrogen During Liquefaction Using Donor and Non-Donor Solvents. Dabbagh, H.A. Presented at the Third Annual Technical Meeting of the Consortium for the Fossil Fuel Liquefaction Science, 1989.
  36.  Isotope Tracer Studies of Alcohol Conversion Over Metal Oxides, Dabbagh, H.A. and Davis, B.H., Kentucky Academy of Science, 1987.
  37.  Isotope Tracer Studies of Alcohol Conversion Over Metal Oxides, Dabbagh, H.A. and Davis, B.H., Department of Chemistry, University of Kentucky, 1987.
  38.  Isotope Tracer Studies of Alcohol Conversion Over Metal Oxides, Dabbagh, H. A. First Meeting in Applied Catalysis, Isfahan, Iran, May 1992.
  39.  Kinetic Isotope Effect in the elimination reaction of the alcohol-Tetrachloromethane-triphnylphosphine Reaction, Dabbagh, H.A. Farnzus, B. and Huang, T.T-S. 33 rd Southeastern Regional Meeting of the American Chemical Society, November 4, 1981.
  40.  Mechanism of the Reaction of the alcohol-Tetrachloromethane-triphnylphosphine Reaction, Dabbagh, H.A., Department of Chemistry, Isfahan University of Technology, Isfahan, Iran, 1991.
  41.  My students presented more than 40 papers at conferences 1991-2000.