1999, Hossein Graduated Rajaee

Analysis of hydraulic jump in stilling basin of ogee spillways with negative slopes downstream

Student Name

Seyyed Hossein Rajaei



Mohammad Karim Beirami
(Assist. Prof._Civil Engineering Department_Isfahan University of Technology)

Mohammad Reza Chamani
(Assist. Prof._Civil Engineering Department_Isfahan University of Technology)









In this study, the hydraulic jump in the stilling basin of an ogee weir with adverse slopes has been analyzed. A new type of jump (B-F) is also introduced. The toe of the so-called B-F jump is located on the positive slope and the end of the jump is on the adverse slope. Accordingly, the characteristics of F and B-F jumps have been analyzed.

The experimental results show that the sequent depth ratio and the length of roller decrease, as the value of the adverse slope increases. It has been shown that the characteristics of jumps which formed on the weir curve part are similar. Similar trend exists between jumps, formed on the straight part of the weir. It has been shown that the relative energy loss of the F and B-F jumps are less than those of the A jumps. Based on the experimental data, empirical equations have been developed to predict the sequent depth ratio and the length of roller.
