
a) International Journal Papers

- BOROOMAND, B. and ZIENKIEWICZ, O.C. (1997), "Recovery by Equilibrium in Patches (REP)", International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, Vol. 40, pp. 137-164.

- BOROOMAND, B. and ZIENKIEWICZ, O.C. (1997), "An Improved REP Recovery and the Effectivity Robustness Test", International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, Vol. 40, pp. 3247-3277.

- ZIENKIEWICZ, O.C., BOROOMAND, B. and ZHU, J.Z. (1999), "Recovery Procedures in Error Estimation and Adaptivity; Part I: Adaptivity in Linear Problems ", Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, Vol. 176, pp. 111-125.

- BOROOMAND, B. and ZIENKIEWICZ, O.C. (1999), "Recovery Procedures in Error Estimation and Adaptivity; Part II: Adaptivity in Nonlinear Problems of Elasto-plasticity Behavior", Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, Vol. 176, pp. 127-146.

- BOROOMAND, B., PARVIZIAN, J., PISHEVAR, A.R. (2002), "Contact Modeling in Forging Simulation", Journal of Materials Processing Technology, Vol. 125-126, pp. 583-587.

- BOROOMAND, B., GHAFFARIAN, M., ZIENKIEWICZ, O.C. (2004), "On Application of Two Superconvergent Recovery Procedures to Plate Problems", International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, Vol. 61, pp. 1644-1673.

- BOROOMAND, B., KHALILIAN, B. (2004), "On Using Linear Elements in Incompressible Plane Strain Problems: A Simple Edge Based Approach for Triangles", International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, Vol. 61, pp. 1710-1740.

- BOROOMAND, B., TABATABAEI, A.A., OÑATE, E. (2005), "Simple Modifications for Stabilization of the Finite Point Method", International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, Vol. 63, pp. 351-379.

- BOROOMAND, B., MOSSAIBY, F. (2005), "Generalization of Robustness Test Procedure for Error Estimators. Part I: Formulation for Patches Near Kinked Boundaries ", International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, Vol. 64, pp. 427-460.

- BOROOMAND, B., MOSSAIBY, F. (2005), "Generalization of Robustness Test Procedure for Error Estimators. Part II: Test Results for Error Estimators Using SPR and REP ", International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, Vol. 64, pp. 461-502.

- BOROOMAND, B., MOSSAIBY, F. (2006), "Dynamic Solution of Unbounded Domains Using Finite Element Method: Discrete Green’s Functions in Frequency Domain", International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, Vol. 67, pp. 1491-1530.

- BOROOMAND, B., BAREKATEIN, A. (2009), "On Topology Optimization of Linear and Nonlinear Plate Problems” Journal of Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, Vol. 39, pp. 17-27.

- BOROOMAND, B., NAJJAR, M., OÑATE, E. (2009), “The Generalized Finite Point   Method” Computational Mechanics, Vol. 44, 173-190.

- BOROOMAND, B., SOGHRATI, S., MOVAHEDIAN, B. (2010), “Exponential Basis Functions in Solution of Static and Time Harmonic Elastic Problems in a Meshless Style” International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, Vol. 81, 971-1018.

- SHAMSAEI, B., BOROOMAND, B., (2011), “Exponential Basis Functions in Solution of Laminated Structures” Composite Structures, Vol. 93, 2010-2019.

- SHAHBAZI, M., BOROOMAND, B., SOGHRATI, S. (2011), “A Mesh-free Method Using Exponential Basis Functions for Laminates Modeled by CLPT, FSDT and TSDT; Part I: Formulation” Composite Structures, Vol. 93, 3112-3119.

- SHAHBAZI, M., BOROOMAND, B., SOGHRATI, S. (2011), “A Mesh-free Method Using

      Exponential Basis Functions for Laminates Modeled by CLPT, FSDT and TSDT; Part II:

      Implementation and Results” Composite Structures, Vol. 94, 84–91.

- ZANDI, S.M., BOROOMAND, B., SOGHRATI, S. (2012), Exponential Basis Functions in

      Solution of Incompressible Fluid Problems with Moving Free Surfaces” Journal of

      Computational Physics, Vol. 231, 505-527.

- SHAHBAZI, M., BOROOMAND, B., SOGHRATI, S. (2012), “On Using Exponential Basis

      Functions for Laminates Modeled by CLPT, FSDT and TSDT; Further Tests and Results”

      Composite Structures, Vol. 94, 22632268.

- ZANDI, S.M. BOROOMAND, B., SOGHRATI, S. (2012) “Exponential Basis Functions in

      Solution of Problems with Fully Incompressible Materials: A Mesh-free Method” Journal of

      Computational Physics, Vol. 231, 7255-7273.

- ALLAHDADIAN, S., BOROOMAND, B., BAREKATEIN, A.R. (2012) “Towards Optimal

      Design of Bracing System of Multi-story Structures under Harmonic Base Excitation through a

      Topology Optimization SchemeFinite Elements in Analysis and Design, Vol. 61, 60-74.

- BOROOMAND, B., AZHARI, F. SHAHBAZI, M. (2013) “On Definition of Clamped

      Conditions in TSDT and FSDT; The Use of Exponential Basis Functions in Solution of

      Laminated Composites” Composite Structures, Vol. 97, 129–135.

- HASHEMI, S.H., BOROOMAND, B., MOVAHEDIAN, B. (2013) “Exponential Basis

      Functions in Space and Time; A Meshless Method for 2D Time Dependent Problems” Journal

      of  Computational Physics, Vol. 241, 526–545.

- MOVAHEDIAN, B.,  BOROOMAND, B., SOGHRATI, S. (2013) “A Trefftz Method in Space

      and Time Using Exponential Basis Functions; Application to Direct and Inverse Heat

      Conduction Problems” Engineeing Analysis with Boundary Elements, In Press.

- JABERZAHDEH, E., AZHARI, M., BOROOMAND, B. (2013) “Inelastic Buckling of Skew

      and Rhombic Thin Thickness-Tapered Plates with and without Intermediate Supports Using the

      Element Free Galerkin Method” Applied Mathematical Modelling,  In Press.

- ABDOLLAHI, R., BOROOMAND, B. (2013) “Benchmarks in nonlocal elasticity defined by

       Eringen's integral model” International Journal of Solids and Structures, Accepted.

b) Articles in books

 - ZIENKIEWICZ, O.C., BOROOMAND, B. (1995), "Adaptive Mesh Updating in Plasticity Problems and an Improved Solution Process Using SPR. A Preliminary Study", In: Advances in Finite Element Technology, N-E Wiberg (Ed.), CIMNE, Barcelona, Spain, pp. 1-21.

c) International Conference Papers

- BOROOMAND, B., KAYNIA, A.M. (1991), "Stiffness and Damping of Closely Spaced Pile Groups", Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, Elsevier Applied Science, Karlsruhe, Germany, pp 491-501.

- BOROOMAND, B., KAYNIA, A.M. (1991), "Vibration Isolation by an Array of Piles", Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, Elsevier Applied Science, Karlsruhe, Germany, pp 683-691.

- BOROOMAND, B., ZIENKIEWICZ, O.C. (1996), "An Improvement in Solution of Plasticity Problems Using SPR", Proceedings of the 4th ACME Annual Conference, Glasgow, Great Britain, pp 151-154.

-  BAREKATEIN, A., BOROOMAND, B.  (2003), "Topology Optimization of Laterally Loaded 2D Systems Under Static Loads Considering Out of Plane Deformations", Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Civil Engineering, ICCE2003, May 5-7, Isfahan University of Technology, pp. 357-363.

- MOSSAIBY, F., BOROOMAND, B.  (2003), "An Investigation on the Performance of Recovery Procedures for Error Estimation in Finite Element Solution of Three Dimensional Problems", Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Civil Engineering, ICCE2003, May 5-7, Isfahan University of Technology, pp. 405-412.

- NAJAFI, M., BOROOMAND, B.  (2003), "On the Use of Adaptivity in Topology Optimization of Plates", Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Civil Engineering, ICCE2003, May 5-7, Isfahan University of Technology, pp. 413-420.

- BOROOMAND, B., MOSSAIBY, F. (2006), "Discrete Green’s Functions for Time-harmonic Wave Problems on Unbounded Domains with Periodic Variation of Material Properties ", Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Computational Structures Technology, B.H.V. Topping, G. Montero and R. Montenegro, (Editors), Civil-Comp Press, Stirlingshire, Scotland, paper 164.

- MOVAHEDIAN, B., BOROOMAND, B. (2009), "The Use of Exponential Basis Functions in Solution of  Laplace Equation in Three Dimensional Space ", Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Civil Engineering, ICCE2003, May 11-13, Shiraz University, Shiraz, Iran.

- PARI-ABARGHOUEI, H., BOROOMAND, B. (2009), "The Use of Polynomials and Exponential Basis Functions in Recovery Based Error Estimation", Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Civil Engineering, ICCE2003, May 11-13, Shiraz University, Shiraz, Iran.

- ZANDI, S.M., BOROOMAND, B. (2009), "Two Dimensional Analysis of Incompressible Materials by Strictly Satisfying the Incompressibility Condition Using Exponential Basis Functions ", Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Civil Engineering, ICCE2003, May 11-13, Shiraz University, Shiraz, Iran.

-NAJJAR, M., BOROOMAND, B. (2009), "A Simple Sub-domain Collocation Method as the Generalization of the Finite Point Method", Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Civil Engineering, ICCE2003, May 11-13, Shiraz University, Shiraz, Iran.

- NAJJAR, M., BOROOMAND, B. (2010), “The Generalized Finite Point Method in Solution of 2D Heat Conduction Problems”, Proceedings of the 18th Annual International Conference on Mechanical Engineering, ISME2010, May 11-13, Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iran.

- ZANDI, S.M, BOROOMAND, B.  (2010), "Two-Dimensional Incompressible

       Materials Analysis using Standard Formulation in a Meshless Style",  Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Engineering Computational Technology, Civil-Comp Press, Stirlingshire, UK, Paper 117.

 - ALLAHDADIAN, S., BOROOMAND, B. (2010), "Design and Retrofitting of Structures

        under Transient Dynamic Loads by a Topology Optimization Scheme",  Proceedings of the

       3rd International Conference on Seismic Retrofitting, Tabriz, Iran, 20-22 October.

- SHAHBAZI, M., BOROOMAND, B. (2010), "Analysis of Thick Laminated Composite Plates

      on Elastic Foundations by Exponential Basis Functions; A Meshfree Approach",  Proceedings

      of the 2nd International Conference on Composites: Characterization, Fabrication and

      Application (CCFA-2), Kish Island, Iran, 27-30 December.

- TAGHDIRIAN, M.R., BOROOMAND, B. (2011), “Exponential Basis Functions in Solution of

      Quasi-Static Porous Problems Based on Biot's Theory”, Proceedings of the 7th International

      Conference on Computational Heat and Mass Transfer (ICCHMT), Istanbul, Turkey.

-  NOORMOHAMMADI, N., BOROOMAND, B. (2012), “The Solution of Helmholtz

       Equation Using Generalized Basis Functions” Proceedings of the 9th International

       Conference on Civil Engineering, ICCE2009, May 8-11, Isfahan University of Technology.

- SOLEIMANIFAR, A., MOSSAIBY, F., BOROOMAND, B. (2012), “The Solution of 2D

      Helmholtz and Elasticity Equations through a Local Meshless Method Using Exponential

      Basis Functions” Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Civil Engineering,

      ICCE2009, May 8-11, Isfahan University of Technology.

- NIKNEJADI, N., BOROOMAND, B. (2012), “Topology Optimization of Structures Using the

       Generalized Finite Point Method” Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Civil

       Engineering, ICCE2009, May 8-11, Isfahan University of Technology.

d) National Conference Papers

- PARVIZIAN, J., BOROOMAND, B., PISHEVAR, A.R. (2002), "Simulation of Two-Dimensional Forging Processes", Proceeding of the First Conference on Forming of Metals and Materials, May, Tehran, Iran, pp. 105-114.

- JALALPOUR, M., BOROOMAND, B. (2004), "Adaptivity in Finite Point Method", Proceedings of the 1st National Conference on Civil Engineering, NCCE2004, May, Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iran.

- ALIZADEH, A., BOROOMAND, B. (2004), "On the Use of Spline Functions in Finite Point Method", Proceedings of the 1st National Conference on Civil Engineering, NCCE2004, May, Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iran.

- SOGHRATI, S., BOROOMAND, B. (2007), “A New Method for Solution of Wave Problems in Continua by the Use of Smooth Fundamental Solutions”, Proceedings of the 3rd National Conference on Civil Engineering, NCCE2007, University of Tabriz, Tabriz, Iran.

- SHAMSAIE, B., BOROOMAND, B. (2008), “Semi-analytical Solution of Layered Beams with Various Boundary Conditions by the Use of Smooth Fundamental Solutions”, Proceedings of the 4th National Conference on Civil Engineering, NCCE2008, May, Tehran University, Tehran, Iran.

- SABOURI, H., BOROOMAND, B. (2010), “Semi-Analytical Solution of 3D PDEs of Thick Plates under Time-Harmonic Vibrations” Proceedings of the 5th National Conference on Civil Engineering, NCCE2010, May, Ferdousi University, Mashhad, Iran.

-  ALLAHDADIAN, S., BOROOMAND, B. (2010), "Topology Optimization of Structures under

      Transient Dynamic Loads",  Proceedings of the 1st National Conference on Structure-

      Earthquake-Geotechnique, Babolsar, Iran, December 2nd.

-  SHAHBAZI, M., BOROOMAND, B. (2011), "An Investigation on Flexural behavior of Thick

     Composite Plates by the Use of Exponential Basis Functions",  Proceedings of the 6th National

     Conference on Civil Engineering, April, Semnan University, Semnan, Iran.

-  TAGHDIRIAN, M.R., BOROOMAND, B. (2011), "The Use of Exponential Basis Functions in

     The Solution of Differential Equation of 2D Saturated Porous Media",  Proceedings of the 6th

      National Conference on Civil Engineering, April, Semnan University, Semnan, Iran.

- CHERAGHI, N., KABIRI, A.R., BOROOMAND, B. (2012), “Numerical Investigation on

      the Behavior of Flexible Shells Considering Static Fluid-Structure Interaction”, Proceedings of

      the 11th National Conference on Hydraulics, November, University of Oroumieh, Oroumieh,


e) Articles for general audiences

 - An Interview with B. Boroomand, Bulletin for the International Association for Computational Mechanics (IACM), Expressions, No.12, September (2002).

 - Culture Converse Using the Numerical Methods Language, Bulletin for the International Association for Computational Mechanics (IACM), Expressions, No.21, (2007).

f) Research Reports

 - BOROOMAND, B., TABATABAEI, A.A., OÑATE, E. (2004), "On Application of the Finite Point Method to Heat and Elasticity Problems", Report N-249, International Center for Numerical Methods in Engineering (CIMNE), Barcelona, Spain.

 - BOROOMAND, B., KHALILIAN, B. (2004), "On Using Linear Elements in Incompressible Plane Strain Problems: A Simple Edge Based Approach for Triangles Report N-248, International Center for Numerical Methods in Engineering (CIMNE), Barcelona, Spain.

- BOROOMAND, B., MOSSAIBY, F. (2005), "Discrete Green’s Functions for Unbounded Domains Using Finite Element Method", Report N-267, International Center for Numerical Methods in Engineering (CIMNE), Barcelona, Spain.

 - BOROOMAND, B., BAREKATEIN, A. (2006), "Topology Optimization of Plates", Report N-298, International Center for Numerical Methods in Engineering (CIMNE), Barcelona, Spain.

 - SHAHBAZI, M., BOROOMAND, B., SOGHRATI, S. (2011), "On the Use of Exponential Basis Functions in the Analysis of Shear Deformable Laminated Plates", Report N-353, International Center for Numerical Methods in Engineering (CIMNE), Barcelona, Spain.

 – ZANDI, S.M. , BOROOMAND, B., SOGHRATI, S. (2011), " Exponential Basis Functions in Solution of Incompressible Fluid Problems with Moving Boundaries", Report N-363, International Center for Numerical Methods in Engineering (CIMNE), Barcelona, Spain.

 – MOVAHEDIAN, B., BOROOMAND, B. (2011), "Analysis of Time Dependent Problems Using Exponential Basis Functions", Report N-364, International Center for Numerical Methods in Engineering (CIMNE), Barcelona, Spain.