Journal Papers:

Journal Papers:

Elham Tavakkol, S Borhani, Abolghasem Zeidaabadi Nezhad, Mohsen shanbe, Mohammad Ali AlsharifFabrication and Characterization of Polypropylene/Aluminum Fibers for Wearable Applications in the Infrared Region, Fibers and Polymers, 37(9), 2023

Elham Tavakkol, S Borhani, Abolghasem Zeidaabadi Nezhad, Mohsen shanbe, Mohammad Ali Alsharif. Passive Radiative Personal Heating by Woven Fabrics Containing Aluminum Particles, Materials Today Energy, December, 2022.

S A Mirmohammad Sadeghi, S Borhani, A Zadhoush, M Dinari, Self-healing performance of hybrid core-shell nanofibers mat containing epoxy-mercaptan at subroom temperature, Polymer Composite, 2021.

F Mohtaram, S Borhani, M Ahmadpour, P Fojan, A Behjat, H-G Rubahn, M Madsen, Electrospun ZnO nanofiber interlayers for enhanced performance of organic photovoltaic devices, Solar Energy 197(6407):311-316, 2020.

S Borhani, A Asadi and H A. Dabbagh, Preparation and characterization of PAN nanofibers containing boehmite nanoparticles for the removal of microbial contaminants and cadmium ions from water, Journal of Water and Health,| 18.2,  106-117, 2020.

S Borhani, A Zadhoush,| M Fathi, Mechanical properties of transparent poly(methyl methacrylate) nanocomposites reinforced with core–shell polyacrylonitrile/poly(methyl methacrylate) nanofibers, J Appl Polym Sci. 2020.

S A Mirmohammad Sadeghi, S Borhani, A Zadhoush, M Dinari, Single nozzle electrospinning of encapsulated epoxy and mercaptan in PAN for se self-healing application, Polymer, Vol 186, 9 January 2020, 

Z Hasani, M Youssefi, S Borhani, Sh Mallakpour, Structure and properties of nylon-6/amino acid modified nanoclay composite fibers,  The Journal of the Textile Institute, Vol. 110, No. 9, 1336–1342, 2019.

M Mirzaei, M Zarrebini, A Shirani, M Shanbeh, S Borhani, X-ray shielding behavior of garment woven with melt-spun polypropylene monofilament, Powder Technology 345, 15–25, 2019.

R  Ardekani, S Borhani , Behzad Rezaei, Simple preparation and characterization of molecularly imprinted nylon 6 nanofibers for the extraction of bisphenol A from wastewater, J. APPL. POLYM. SCI. 2018,

A Sharifi, S Nouri Khorasani, S Borhani, R Esmaeely Neisiany, Alumina reinforced nanofibers used for exceeding improvement in mechanical properties of the laminated carbon/epoxy composite, Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics 96, 193–201, 2018.

M Mirzaei Sheshkol, S Borhani, and M Youssefi, Light Transmission and the Fine Structure of Poly(methyl methacrylate) Nanofibers and Films, Fibers and Polymers , Vol.18, No.12, 2361-2367, 2017.

M Mirzaei, M Zarrebini, A Shirani, M Shanbeh and S Borhani, X-ray shielding by a novel garment woven with melt-spun monofilament weft yarn containing lead and tin particles,  Textile Research Journal, Vol. 89(1) 63–75,  2017.

A Lolaki, M Shanbeh and S Borhani,Effect of structural parameters of porous yarns and fabric on air permeability and moisture transfer of double-face woven fabrics, The Journal of The Textile Institute, Published online: 12 Jul 2016.

A R Jahanbaani, T Behzad, S Borhani, M H Karimi Darvanjooghi, Electrospinning of cellulose nanofibers mat for laminated epoxy composite production, Fibers and Polymers,  Volume 17, Issue 9, pp 1438–1448,September 2016.  

M Khirandish, S Borhani, Sh Mallakpour & M Youssefi, Properties of PS/TiO2 electrospun fibres using limonene as a solvent, Indian Journal of Fibre & Textile Research, Vol. 41, pp. 373-379, December 2016.

F Foroozmehr, S Borhani, and S A Hosseini, Removal of Reactive Dyes from Wastewater usingCyclodextrin Functionalized Polyacrylonitrile Nanofibrous Membranes, Journal of Textiles and Polymers, VOL. 4, NO. 1, 45-52,  January 2016.

S. Borhani, H. Khalili, N. Sohankar, F. Foroozmehr, Dye Removal From Reactive Dye Wastewater Using β–cyclodextrin Functionalized Polyacrylonitrile Nanofibers, Journal of Color Science and Technology, 8, 193-201, 2014.

Z. Karami, M. Youssefi, S. BorhaniThe Effects of UV irradiation on the structure and properties of polypropylene/ZnO nanocomposite fibers, Fibers and PolymersVol.14, No. 10, 1627-1634, 2013.

R. Hashemi Sanatgar, S. Borhani, S. A. Hosseini Ravandi, A.A. Gharehaghaji ,“The influence of solvent type and polymer concentration on the physical properties of solid state polymerized PA66 nanofiber yarn” , Journal of Applied Polymer Science, Vol. 126, pp. 1112-1120, 2012.

S. Borhani, S. Gh. Etemad, S. A. Hosseini Ravandi, “Dynamic heat and moisture transfer in bulky PAN nanofiber mats”, Heat Mass Transfer, Vol. 47,pp 807-811, 2011.

M. Ziaee,  S. Borhani, M. Shanbe,“Evaluation of physical and mechanical properties of cotton covered polypropylene- core yarns and fabrics”, Industria Textila, Vol.62, No. 1, pp 9, 2011.

S. Borhani, S.Seirafianpour, S.A. Hosseini , M. Sheikhzadeh  and R.Mokhtari  “Computational and Experimental Investigation of Moisture Transport of Spacer Fabrics”, Journal of Engineered Fibers and Fabrics”, Vol. 5, Issue 3, pp 43, 2010.

S. Borhani, S. A. Hosseini Ravandi and S. G. Etemad, “Evaluation of Surface Roughness of Polyacrylonitrile Nanowebs”,  Iranian J. of Polymer Sci.& Tech., Vol.21, No.1, pp 61,2008.

S. Borhani, S. A. Hosseini, S. G. Etemad, and J. Militký, “Structural Characteristics and Selected Properties of PAN Nanofiber Mats”, Journal of Applied Polymer, Vol. 108, p. 2994, 2008.

E. Masaeli, S. Borhani, “Study of Low pressure Cold Plasma on Moisture Properties of Polyester Fabric”,  Iranian J. of Polymer Sci.& Tech., Vol.20, No.2, pp 155,2007.

M. Youssefi, S. Borhani, “Investigation on crystalline changes of amine – treated polyester fibers using XRD and FTIR”, Iranian Journal of Polymer Science and Technology, Vol. 18, no 1, pp 45, 2005.

S.Borhani, M. Youssefi, M. Morshed, J. Borhani, ”Effect of Microwave Heating on the Fine Structure of Polyester Filaments”, Iranian J. of Polymer Sci.& Tech., Vol.15, No.4, pp 267,2002.

S.Borhani, M. Morshed, ”Alkaline Hydrolysis of Polyester Fabrics in Alcoholic Sodium Hydroxide Solution”, Iranian J. of Polymer Sci.& Tech., Vol.13, No.3, pp 157, 2000.

M. Haghighatkish, S. Borhani,”Degradation Cracking of Poly (ethylene therephthalate) Filaments by Methylamine and N-Propylamine, J. of Applied Polymer Sci., Vol. 78, pp1923, 2000.

 S.Borhani, M. Haghighatkish, ” A Review on the Fine Structure of Polyester Fibers”, Iranian J. of  Polymer Sci.& Tech., Vol.9, No.4, pp 269, 1997.