C/C++ Programming (17-30-117-01)
Slides and Handouts
Useful Links
Class Examples
Course Info
3 credits, Spring Semester 2008
Course web page: http://ece.iut.ac.ir/faculty/kia/Courses/CProg
Class mailing list http://groups.google.com/group/iut_c?lnk=srg, and click on Apply for group membership (If you choose to receive the daily digest, then you will not receive individual messages as they are posted: instead they will be aggregated into a single message and sent to you at the end of the day).
Course Description:
Basic C/C++ programming. C/C++ - style input / output, arithmatic, loops, functions, strings, records, pointers, file I/O, and a bit of graphics, programming in the unix environment. Simple algorithms such as search and sort.
[Deitel] |
برنامه نویسی به زبان C++، نویسندگان دایتل و دایتل، ترجمه دکتر مرتضی صاحب زمانی، نشر شیخ بهایی |
[Jafar] |
مهندس جعفر نژاد قمی ، "برنامه نويسی به زبان C (مرجع کامل)"، ويراست سوم يا بالاتر، انتشارات علوم رايانه, بهار1382. |
[Davar] |
مبانی کامپیوتر و برنامه نویسی به زبان C، تالیف دکتر محمد داورپناه جزی، انتشارات دانشگاه صنعتی اصفهان. |
Please check the "Announcements" link regularly.
- 40% Homework
- 10% quizzes
- 20% Midterm - open book
- 30% Final exam - open book
Instructor |
Kiarash Bazargan
TA |
Course Outline / Approximate Schedule
Week # |
Lecture topics |
Book Chapters |
1 |
Introduction |
[] |
2-4 (2 weeks) |
Aaa |
[] |
4-6 (2 weeks) |
7-9 (2 weeks) + Midterm |
10-11 (1 weeks) |
11-13 |
14-15 |
Attachment | Size |
ibm_sram_isscc07.pdf | 7.01 MB |