Sensitivity analysis of project efficiency in a multi-project environment based on data envelopment analysis

 "Sensitivity analysis of project efficiency in a multi-project environment based on data envelopment analysis"

 International Journal  of  Engineering Sciences

Azimian, M,  Badri , M.A., , Javadi, H.

Abbstract :

This paper demonstrates the usage of data envelopment analysis (DEA) for sensitivity analysis of efficiency projects in Subsea Science and Technology faculty of Isfahan University of Technology. In this study by considering Earned value management indexes and also management performances, identical input and output parameters for projects were defined and data wave periodically collected. these the perofrmances of each project were calculated be DEA method and projects were onboard with repect to their performances. Finally with sensitivity analysis the importance of each output in performance calculation of projects were determined. Acoording to the main results. it is possible to use this method for comparing projects performances, ordering and then omposing sensitivity analysis on effective actors. In this study an output based model with constant efficiency was used for data analysis furthermore , it is assumed taht all the projects in timr, cost and acceptable quality are homogeneous . However results of  this research are limited to an exact time and are related to special projects for considered organization the innovation of this research is due to well defining of new input and output parameters , which is in relation with the projects nature in considered organization , and due to ordering and sensitivity analysis.

