Determining resistance coefficient for series 60 vessels using numerical and experimental modelling

 "Determining resistance coefficient for series 60 vessels using numerical and experimental modelling"

Ships and Offshore Structures

Akbarzadeh, P., Molana, P., Badri, M. A.


Abbstract :

In this paper, an experimental and computational approach is presented to determine the residual resistance of a 1.5-m ship-model in the series 60 category. The results are validated with the experimental works which have been confirmed by nine accredited institutes in Japan, including Yokohama and Hiroshima (using a 7-m ship-model established at the 17th International Towing Tank Conference). The 1.5-m model has been designed, manufactured and tested at Isfahan University of Technology (IUT) towing tank. Besides the experimental work, a computational free surface flow modelling is performed by using a finite volume method with the double phase and standard k-εmodel.Comparison of the results indicates an accurate model design, the establishment of suitable similarity, and accurate computation of the residual resistance coefficients with a maximum deviation of 8%. Furthermore, a comparison of the total resistance coefficient obtained from the numerical analysis and from the experimental results of IUT laboratory, indicates a very low deviation of 1.3%. This verification not only shows the capability of the numerical computation method due to the boundary layer simulation around the body but it also indicates the compatibility of the results obtained in the IUT towing tank.

total resistance coefficient; residual resistance coefficient; experimental methods; towing tank; computational fluid dynamics